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Toronto Torah Beit Midrash Zichron Dov

Parshat Vayigash 4 Tevet 5771/December 11, 2010 Vol.2 Num. 15

Truth, Justice and Peace Dovid Zirkind

Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel taught motivation that propels them is selfish. the guilty because they see themselves
(Derech Eretz Zuta: Perek Hashalom), While Dovid Hamelech hides from Shaul as exceptional or justified in their
“The world is supported by three (Shemuel I 21:10), he finds himself in the actions, and deserving of the law‟s
values: justice, truth and peace.” Rav protection of Achimelech the Kohen. Not protections.
Muna added that these are in fact three knowing of Dovid‟s poor relationship with Judaism believes that its legal system is
of the same, because justice leads to the king, Achimelech offers to help not intended to be merely a selfish
peace and truth; this is why Zechariah Dovid, and he provides Dovid with food prevention of chaos; rather, its
lists them all in one verse, “Truth and and weapons. Doeg HaAdomi witnesses judgments reflect a higher authority.
peaceful justice you shall practice in Achimelech‟s kindness and reports this The sanhedrin is not charged with a
your gates” (Zechariah 8:16). seeming act of betrayal to Shaul. responsibility of prevention or
At face value, Rav Muna‟s observation is Achimelech admits to helping Dovid, deterrence; just the opposite, a court
troubling. Justice is often not peaceful, pleading that he had known of no reason must always be open to the possibility of
and there are times when we must bend to decline Dovid‟s request, but his innocence, removing their personal
the truth or withhold it completely in appeals go unheard. Shaul consequently values or fears from interfering with true
order to preserve peace. How, then, orders Doeg to oversee the murder of justice.
asks Rav Moshe Feinstein, do these Achimelech and Nov, the city of Kohanim. Justice and truth can instigate great
three values coexist? Doeg‟s statement was true, but this harm when used for personal gain, and
Similarly, Rav Feinstein noted the remained a terrible act of self-serving the same is true of the third element in
emphasis in the last mishnah of vengeance. Achimelech was in no way Rav Muna‟s triumvirate. Peace can be a
Mesechet Uktzin (3:12) on shalom: “G-d consciously rebellious, and his actions means of self-servingly avoiding what
has found no better vessel of blessing were of a truly generous nature, yet when needs to be done or saying what must
for Israel than peace.” Yet, we find that announced at the wrong time they be said, but from Pinchas we learn that
law may require us to put peace aside constituted a death sentence. An entire the Torah‟s ideal of shalom is an
for the sake of justice. How are we to city was wiped out, all from a pure impartial goal. Pinchas stands firm
balance these complex and critical statement of facts. This is not the “truth” during a terrible period for the Jews of
values? of Rabban Shimon be Gamliel. the desert, while their relationships with
Justice, truth and peace, said Rabbi Justice has two permutations as well. A the women of Midian runs rampant.
Feinstein, are all important moral ideals legal system can be structured based on When Zimri, a leader of the tribe of
when used appropriately, but their the selfish necessities of the citizens or Shimon, flaunts his relationship with a
ethical value is not absolute. Each of the based on a higher moral standard. If the Midianit woman for the entire people to
three can be extremely harmful if the former, the law is not well-received by see, the nation is frozen in shock. Only
Pinchas avenges the anger of G-d and
kills Zimri and Kasbi for their actions.
Parshah Questions R’ Meir Lipschitz His reward from G-d ias a covenant of
Shalom, even though his actions may not
Answers are provided on the back page. have been easily interpreted as
 Which of his brothers did Yosef bring before Pharaoh?
(Rashi and Baal haTurim to Bereishit 47:2 and Rashi to Devarim 33:18) Truth, Justice and Peace are most
 What lessons are learned from the Torah‟s mention of Shaul ben haKena’anit valuable when practiced independent of
among the descendants of Shimon? the personal gain we can derive from
(Rashi, Ibn Ezra, Radak, Mizrachi, Chizkuni, Gur Aryeh, Maskil leDovid and them. The world stands, according to
R‟ S.R. Hirsch to Bereishit 46:10) Rabban Shimon Ben Gamliel, on our
selfless acts of morality: Our ability to
 Why were the Egyptians happy to hear about Yosef‟s family? be truthful, peaceful and law-abiding in
(Ramban, Radak, Seforno, Ohr HaChaim, and Netziv to Bereishit 45:16) a way that ensures G-d‟s values are
 For children: How do we know that Yosef performed the mitzvah of kibud av? brought to fruition in our community.
(Rashi Bereishit 46:29)

This week‟s Toronto Torah is sponsored n memory of ‫נפתלי בן מענדל‬, whose Yahrtzeit was on Rosh Chodesh Tevet.
Hakarat Hatov to the YU Kollel!
The Human Blind Spot David Teller

Why couldn‟t the brothers recognize brothers return to Egypt and Yosef Denial, says Rabbi Twerski, is one of
Yosef? True, 22 years had elapsed arranges them around a banquet table the str ongest mental defence
since their last infamous encounter. according to their mothers and mechanisms. “To defend a person
The final image in their collective according to their age. All of Leah‟s from distress, denial renders the
memories of Yosef was that of a weak children are told to sit on one side of person essentially blind to what is
boy, pleading for mercy as they the table, all of the children of Zilpah on right before his eyes and he is no more
decided his fate. The brothers never the others side and so on. This shocks capable of seeing it than a blind
could have imagined that this same the brothers, “Vayitmihu ha‟anashim person is capable of seeing a
child would one day ascend to the ish el re‟eyhu,” the brothers were rainbow.” This, explains Rabbi
second-highest position in the astonished, and yet that does not Twerski, can help us explain the
Egyptian empire. decrease their surprise factor when brothers‟ inability to recognize Yosef.
On the other hand, several psukim and Yosef finally reveals himself. The brothers understand their role in
midrashim suggest that Yosef‟s big How could the brothers not recognize Jewish history; they know that they are
secret should have been easier to Yosef? Is it like the Or Chaim‟s being entrusted to move the Jewish
crack. Chazal tell us that Yosef bore a suggestion that they should have been story forward. But then Yosef starts
striking resemblance to his father able to do so, but Yosef‟s exalted dreaming about the family bowing
Yaakov. Why couldn‟t the brothers position blinded them to this down to him. He makes a distinction
recognize him? Rashi averts this conclusion? Or is something deeper in between himself and the rest of Beit
difficulty by citing a midrash that Yosef play here? Yaakov. The story sounds familiar;
had grown a beard during their time In his article, “The Lessons of the Yosef they remember that their great-
apart, but is that really enough to Epic,” Rabbi Dr. Avraham Twerski grandfather, Avraham, had a Yishmael,
conceal one‟s identity? suggests that we see in this story the and that their grandfather Yitzchak,
Additionally, did it not seem strange to ability of the human mind to blind us had an Eisav. Is it not possible, they
the brothers that this Egyptian asked from the reality in front of our eyes. reason, that our father, Yaakov, also
so many personal questions about When one drives a car, despite the rear has a child who is not following in his
their father and family? When Yaakov view and side mirrors there is still a footsteps? They decide that they are
scolds the brothers for revealing to “blind spot” - an area that cannot be meant to become a modern Sarah and
Yosef that they have another brother, seen unless one turns his head. So, too, banish a modern Yishmael from their
they respond, “The man persistently the brain produces “human blind midst.
asked about us and our relatives spots” - certain facts, memories and The brothers build their entire
saying, „Is your father still alive? Have details become invisible to protect our ideology on their certainty that it is
you a brother?‟” (Berishit 43:7) And emotional and psychological needs. Yosef versus them. They justify nearly
nobody questions why this Egyptian is Unless we “turn our heads”, exerting murdering Yosef, and they rationalize
so interested in their family. special effort and attention to observe their father‟s twenty-two years of
And finally, to top it all off, the these areas, we remain blind to them. suffering, as by-products of protecting
Jewish destiny.
Rabbi Twerski concludes that it is not
that the brothers don’t see Yosef; it is
613 Mitzvot: Mitzvah 69-71 that they can’t see Yosef. If this is
Yosef, then everything they have
Cursing Judges and Political Leaders; Blasphemy believed in, all of the sacrifices they
have made, have been for nothing.
Beyond the general prohibitions judge is part of an overall approach They need to deny that this is Yosef,
against attacking others, the Torah which protects our judiciary from and so they produce a blind spot to
prohibits cursing a judge or a fear of the population they serve. protect their fragile ideology from
political leader. In addition, the  The prohibition against cursing a shattering. Despite all of the evidence
Torah prohibits blasphemy against political leader reminds us that we to the contrary, they remain steadfast
Gd. need a central authority who will in their denial that this Egyptian is a
make decisions for the community piece of their past.
 Each of these prohibitions
As individuals and communities, it is
teaches us unique lessons: – even if those decisions are
necessary for us to periodically reflect
 The law forbidding blasphemy wrong. As the Sefer haChinuch
and take stock of the true motives and
reminds us that although Gd is expressed it, “We need to accept a inclinations propelling our actions and
beyond any harm from our words, single opinion, whether good or behavior. In doing so we can hope to
we cheapen our own holiness bad, so that the community will eliminate the causes of our human
when we use the gift of speech to succeed in its affairs.” blind spots, and maintain our mission
attack its Provider. of pursuing and revealing truth in all
 The prohibition against cursing a aspects of life.

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Ha’Am V’Ha’Aretz
Maharam Padua Russell Levy Mount Carmel
Mount Carmel is a coastal mountain
Born into an illustrious family in 1482 in range in northern Israel stretching from
There’s a Fly in My Soup! Katzenellenbogen, Germany, R‟ Meir the Mediterranean Sea towards the
southeast. Several towns are located on
Responsa Maharam Padua 79 ben Yitzchak Katzenellenbogen left
the range, including Yokneam on the
Germany early to study under R‟
eastern ridge, Zikhron Ya'aqov on the
Yaakov Pollack, the founder of the
Regarding the ruling of a fly being found in southern slope, the Druze town of
pilpul method of Talmud study. He then
a pot [and withdrawn RL], and the Carmel City on the more central part of
moved to Padua to study in the yeshiva the ridge, and the towns of Nesher,
testimony that you gave regarding my
of R‟ Yehuda Minz, whose Tirat Hakarmel, and the city of Haifa, on
father in law, the gaon, saying that he
granddaughter he subsequently the far northwestern promontory and
permitted the food in the pot based on the
married. its base. There is also a small kibbutz
Rashba quoted by the Tur (Yoreh Deah
104): This ruling of his was never made R‟ Meir‟s later teachers in Padua, R‟ called Beit Oren, which is located on
known to me. Furthermore, I have not seen Yaakov and his son R‟ Avraham Minz, one of the highest points in the range to
others act in this manner. were bitter opponents of his first the southeast of Haifa.
mentor, R‟ Yaakov Pollack. Both had In Melachim I 18, a challenge was held
It is true that the Rokeach wrote similarly
bitter disputes with R‟ Yaakov on to see which worshippers could light a
[to permit RL], and the Mordechai (Avodah
various issues, with one involving more sacrifice by fire. After the prophets of
Zarah 855) cited him, saying, “I found in
Sefer haRokeach regarding a fly that fell
than 100 rabbis. Baal had failed to achieve this, Eliyahu
into a pot [and was withdrawn RL], that R‟ Meir succeeded his father in law, R‟ had water poured on his sacrifice
although we rule that a mouse which falls Avraham Minz, as Chief Rabbi of Padua several times to saturate the altar,
into beer enhances the flavour, after the latter‟s death. prostrated himself in prayer to G-d, fire
fell from the sky, and immediately
nonetheless, a fly does not affect the taste Maharam Padua was the second cousin,
consumed the sacrifice and the water,
of the food.” Certainly, he means that it once removed, of the Rama (R‟ Moshe
prompting the Israelite witnesses to
does not enhance the flavour [rather it Isserles). R‟ Meir corresponded
proclaim, "HaShem is G-d! HaShem is G
degrades the flavour RL]. He does not extensively with him, along with the
-d!". In the account, clouds gather, the
mean that it is only allowed because the fly Siporno (R‟ Ovadiah Siporno, Toronto
sky turns black, and it rains heavily,
is so small, as is clear from his use of the Torah Behar 5770), and R‟ Moshe
ending a long drought.
words, “although” and “nonetheless.” He Alshakar.
simply differentiates between the taste of a During World War I, Mount Carmel
mouse in beer and a fly in a pot. The Maharam wrote extensively, played a significant strategic role. The
authoring hundreds of responsa. His (20th century) Battle of Megiddo took
Hagahot Maymoniot (Ma‟achalot Asurot place at the head of a pass through the
commentary on the Rambam was
15:31) clearly rules like the Rokeach, as Carmel Ridge, which overlooks the
included in the first printed edition of
does the Ran (Avodah Zara 32: s.v. Hahu), Valley of Jezreel from the south.
the Rambam. A second printing by a
who wrote: “We see from here that General Allenby led the British in the
different publisher was printed shortly
disgusting things, like mice, do not battle, which was the turning point in
thereafter, sold at a significantly lower
generally prohibit a mixture via the taste the war against the Ottoman Empire.
price, causing a great controversy in
extruded from them. Only in vinegar and
the Jewish world. The Rama, at the During World War II, the German Army
beer, where the flavour is enhanced [do
tender age of 20, ruled (Shut Rama, 10) leaded by Field-Marshal Rommel
they prohibit the mixture RL].”
in a landmark responsum that the first reached to North- Africa. The Jewish
Nonetheless, I have not seen a decisor act printing had exclusive rights to printing settlers in Israel came with a plan to
on this position. Our hands and intellects the Rambam until their inventory was gather all settlers to Mount Carmel and
have diminished, and we do not know what completely sold. This response is fight the Garman when they'll come.
enhances and degrades flavour [in the quoted widely today in discussions of They called this plan "Masada of
eyes of the law RL], as can be seen in the copyright and intellectual property. Carmel."
case of a mouse. Even though it is certainly On December 2nd 2010, the biggest fire
disgusting, which is clear from that chapter In addition to Rabbi of Padua, a position in the history of the state of Israel broke
in Avodah Zarah, Chazal still stated that it he held until his passing, the Maharam out on Mount Carmel. 42 people were
enhances vinegar and beer, and degrades was also nominal Rabbi of Venice until killed and millions of trees were
all other drinks. Therefore, it is possible his death in 1565. burned. Over 17000 people were
that all other insects, and even a mouse, forced to evacuate their homes.
might enhance other liquids which have
the same nature as beer and vinegar. We Yet, Heaven-forbid that I should defame
do not know, for we do not hire non-Jewish a decisor who rules leniently; he has To make a donation to help
cooks [to taste food to see if a forbidden opinions on which to rely, and no
item enhances or degrades the flavour RL] explicit dissenting opinion can be found all those affected by the blazes,
today. in the poskim. visit

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Parshah Answers Dovid Zirkind

for a prisoner-slave to have wiped out the city of Shechem,

Which of his brothers did Yosef
become the vizier to Pharaoh. Dinah forced her brother Shimon
bring before Pharaoh?
Upon hearing of the family‟s to marry her.
 Rashi (Bereishit) explains that arrival, their fears were allayed by  The Radak and the Chizkuni
Yosef was worried about his
learning of his true, honourable explains that the brothers were all
brothers being drafted into the
pedigree. careful to follow Avraham‟s
army, so Yosef only brought his
 The Radak elaborates that pro h ib it io n fro m t a k in g a
weaker brothers to Pharaoh:
Avraham Avinu‟s family was known, Canaanite wife, but Shimon took a
Reuven, Shimon, Levi, Yissachar
and they were pleased to discover second wife who was a Canaanite.
and Binyamin. Rashi explains that
that Yosef was a scion of that family. Ibn Ezra continues that this is why
when Moshe blessed the people
 The Seforno, on the other hand, the others who took a Canaanite
before his death, he repeated
expounds that the Egyptians were wife, Er and Onan, are mentioned
some of the tribes‟ names, and not
relieved that Yosef‟s family had here as well.
others. Those whose names were
decided to settle in Egypt. They  R’ Hirsch explains that this son
repeated were the stronger
believed that Yosef would now rule was actually the son of Dinah and a
tribes, and the names of the
the country as a fellow countryman, real Canaanite, Shechem. He
we a k e r t ri be s we r e o n ly
and not as an outsider, and would further explained that this
mentioned once.
thus put all his energy into building demonstrates that the Jewishness
 On the other hand, Rashi
the land. of a progeny of a non-Jewish father
elsewhere (Devarim) cites an
 The Ohr haChaim explains that and Jewish mother is a very old
apparently contradictory midrash.
earlier (47:2), the Egyptians had institution. (Based on this, it is
There, he explains that the names
heard Yosef‟s cry. They were possible to understand the midrash
of the weaker tribes were
thrilled to discover that this cry was brought by Rashi above that Dinah
repeated (in order to give them
not of sadness, but of joy, on the did not marry Shimon; instead, she
strength). Therefore, the weaker
arrival of his family. forced him to support her and her
tribes - those brought to Pharaoh -
 The Netziv claimed that the family.)
were Zevulun, Gad, Dan and
Naftali. Egyptians hoped that the wisdom of
Yosef‟s brothers was similar to his, For children: How do we know that
and that they would help run the Yosef performed the mitzvah of
Why were the Egyptians happy to
country. kibud av?
hear about Yosef’s family?
What lessons are learned from the Rashi explains that when Yaakov
 The Ramban explains that the came to Egypt, Yosef harnessed his
Torah’s mention of Shaul ben
Egyptians were happy to learn of
haKena’anit among the own chariot to go and greet his
Yosef‟s family, as they had
descendants of Shimon? father.
doubted that a respectable family
 Rashi explains that Dinah is the We’d love to hear your answers!
actually existed. It would have
Kena’anit, for she was kidnapped You can e-mail them to
been a national embarrassment
by Shechem. After Shimon and Levi

Schedule for the Week of December 11, 4 Tevet

Tuesday, December 14
Shabbat, December 11 1:30PM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Yoel, at Shaarei Shomayim, with Mekorot
Shabbaton at Shaarei Shomayim 7:15PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: Tools for Brisk, BAYT Thornhill
6:30PM Parent/Child Learning, Shaarei Shomayim 7:30PM R” Meir Lipschitz: The Thought of R‟ Shlomo Aviner, 17 Meadowbrook
Sunday, December 12 #2, Women
9:15AM Itamar Zolberg:Parshah&Issues b‟Ivrit, Zichron 8:00PM Dovid Zirkind: Interactive Parshah Discussion, Westmount Learning
8:30PM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Minchat Chinuch at Clanton Park: Religious
7:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon, Masechet Megila: The Blessings
over the Megila Reading, Shaarei Shamayim
8:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: The Bounds of Giving Mussar, BAYT Thornhill
8:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon, Masechet Kiddushin: Shtar
Wednesday, December 15
Kiddushin, Shaarei Shamayim 9:15AM R‟ Mordechai Torczyner: Hosheia, 239 Franklin Women Babysitting
Monday, December 13 provided
8:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon, Rambam: The Mitzvot of Bnei 7:15PM R‟ Azarya Berzon, Week‟s Shiur Highlights, Clanton Park
Noach, Clanton Park 8:30PM R‟‟ Azarya Berzon: Masechet Kiddushin 42a Zachin LeAdam, Shomrei
9:20PM R‟ Azarya Berzon, Ramban: The Personality of Shabbos Chevr Mishnayos
Yosef HaTzaddik, Clanton Park Thursday, December 16
8:45PM R‟ Meir Lipschitz: Gemara Beitzah Chaburah, 8:00PM R‟ Netanel Javasky: Landmark Halachic Responsa, Bnai Torah
Shaarei Shomayim 8:30PM R‟ Azarya Berzon: The Mitzvah of Havdala in Halacha & Hashkafa,
Clanton Park

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