Anticipation Guide - of Mice and Men

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Of Mice and Men

Anticipation/Reaction Guide

Part I Directions: Before reading Of Mice and Men, in the “Before” column, respond to each statement by
putting a plus sign (+) if you agree with it, a minus sign (-) if you disagree, and a question mark (?) if you are
unsure of your belief.
Part II Directions: For one of the statements below, respond in your journal (300+ words, MLA format) as to
why you have the belief you do.
Part III Directions: After reading Of Mice and Men in the “After” column respond again to the statements.
Then, reply in your journal (300+ words, MLA format) to a statement where your belief changed since reading
the book. If not, write about a different statement than you responded to in Part II.

1.___ Statement After
People that are poor should rely on their friends, 1.___
family, or church for help, not the government.
A true friend will tell you the truth, even when 2.___
you don’t want to hear it.
The n-word is more offensive than other racial 3.___
slurs because of the history of hate behind it.
Women today are more often treated by men as 4.___
equals rather than objects.
When people are a victim of a crime, they should 5.___
be able to take the law into their own hands.
States with the death penalty have lower murder 6.___
The best place for justice to be determined is in 7.___
a court of law.
Being rich is more important than having close 8.___
Sometimes a person has to break the law to make 9.___
sure justice is served.
Life today is more difficult than it was in the 1930’s 10.___

11.___ People who are strong know their strength, and 11.___
how much they can hurt other people if they
wanted to

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