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President Aquino’s first SONA full of hope – Vidal


July 28, 2010, 5:00pm
CEBU CITY – Cebu Archbishop Ricardo Cardinal Vidal, saying that the first State-of the-Nation Address (SoNA) of
President Benigno C. Aquino III offers resurgent new hope for Filipinos, urged the public to help the new President
run a clean and effective Government.

Vidal said Aquino’s delivered SoNA last Monday contained a message full of hope although he expressed some
disappointment that the President failed to mention anything about the controversial Reproductive Health (RH) Bill
and the issue on sex education.

“Let’s give him a chance to do what he said in his SoNA,” said Vidal, who said he watched the President’s delivery of
the Address, hoping for him to discuss the twin issues of sex education and the RH bill.

The Cebu prelate, however, was dismayed about the President’s failure to make a stand in public on the two
controversial issues which are strongly opposed by the Church.

Meanwhile, the Cebu business community and some local government officials also expressed optimism that the new
government was off to a good start, based on the President’s SoNA.

Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) President Samuel Chioson said the content of President Aquino’s
first SoNA features programs and actions that are good for business and the economy. (The initial Aquino SONA is)
“great and good for businesses and (there will) possibly (be) less corruption; good for new investors who want
transparency,” Chioson said.

For his part, Bohol Governor Edgar Chatto, who attended the Regional Peace and Order Council in Bohol last
Tuesday said Aquino’s plans for local governments are laudable. He commended the President for making a stand
against projects that are not beneficial to the public.

Regional Trial Court Executive Judge Meinrado Paredes said while President Aquino could not solve the problems he
mentioned within a year, or maybe even during his entire term, but the administration’s overall efforts “could be a
stepping stone towards progress.”

Meanwhile, the National Food Authority (NFA) in Central Visayas said there are no rotting stocks of rice at NFA 7.

NFA 7 Assistant Regional Director Raul Chiong said it is not true that there is an oversupply of rice, especially in
Cebu and Central Visayas, and that some of the supply are just rotting in warehouses.

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