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Analysing literature :

1) Consider the title.

(Think about the title , is it a suitable title?)

2) Who is the protagonist (the maine character,directing the story , thinking , talking … )?
Antagonist (the enemy , or the miserable one –opposite of protagonist)?

3) Describe the setting of the locale?

4) Describe the central conflict/problem of the protagonist.

-Is it psychological? physical? Or both?

5) Describe 3 ways the character’s personality is revealed.

(actions, words ,other’s words ..)

6) List and explain 3 stages of the plot.

(identify 6 main steps in the story)

7) Describe the mood of the story – at least use 3 expressions.

(is it thriller, joy, tragedy … )

8) What is the theme/message of the story?


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