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Have you ever been in a situation where in order to save someone dear to you was to go up and

beyond your way? If you have you are probably an epic hero! Epic heroes originated Greek mythology,
but however some may change though culture and time. Homer’s The Odyssey is considered one of the
most famous epics of all time. Homer created The Odyssey from oral stories passed down through
generations. 800 years later Rordan wrote The Lightning Thief which was a similar story using The
Odyssey as a template. Both of these stories capture the story of an epic hero’s adventure, both
characters even have similar qualities; However, The Odyssey was written to support the belief of Greek
mythology while The Lightning thief was used to entertain readers by it.

Odysseus and Percy Jackson where born with super human qualities, qualities that they use to
help them surmount the most difficult obstacles. Percy inherits Poseidon’s god –like abilities which help
him rescue his mother and save the world. Odysseus is born with loyalty and god-like intelligence which
make him so favorable towards the gods, who help him along his voyage. Odysseus’s personality is an
example of how the Greeks where expected to act. They use Odysseus as a role model believe that
being loyal and smart like Odysseus, then the gods may admire them and protect them though out their
life. However, Rordan created Percy as a character that would seem relatable and auspicious. Just like
Odysseus, Percy is also loyal and has to face many obstacles. But, unlike Odysseus purpose, Percy is just
a heroic protagonist and nothing more.

All epic stories include a character having to face evil in order to save

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