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Chemistry project work

By: Shreya Rajpal

Abhinav Public School, Delhi
Class: 12th Science

This is to certify that Shreya Rajpal of class XII science of Abhinav Public School,
Delhi has completed his demonstration file under the supervision of Mr. Yadvendra
Singh. She has taken proper care and shown utmost sincerity in the completion of
this file.

I certify this file is up to my expectations and as per the guidelines issued by


Mr. Yadvendra Singh


On Report
Oxalate of the
Content in Guava Fruit

I express my deep sense of gratitude to my teacher Mr. Yadvendra Singh
for his valuable guidance, inspiration and help provided in every aspect
if this project.
I am thankful to him for his constant evaluation of the project.
Last but not the least, I extend my sincere thanks to my School,
Assistant, and Friends, who played an important role in proper tunings
of my project.

Shreya Rajpal
12th Science

Guava is mainly a winter fruit. It has medicinal properties and is
cultivated in almost every part of India. Approximate composition of this
fruit is:

Constituents % Amount
 Water 76.10
Protein 1.50
Fats 0.20
Calcium 0.01
Phosphorus 0.04
Vitamin “C” 0.03
Organic matter 14.50

Guava a fruit that contains maximum amount of Vitamin C, after Amala

but amount of Vitamin C decreases with the ripening of Fruits.Vitamin C
gets converted into oxalate with ripening of fruit. Thus amount of
oxalate in the fruit is a reflection on the amount of Vitamin C in the fruit
and its determination. Therefore, makes an important study.

Determination of the oxalate ions in guava fruit at different stages of its

Oxalate content of fruit is made into the solution by boiling its pulp with
distilled water and its amount in the solution in determined by redox
titration using potassium permagnate (KMnO4) solution.

• Transfer the pulp obtained into a 250ml beaker. Wash the pestle
and mortar well with about 100ml of water and transfer the
washing also into the beaker.

• Boil the contents in the beaker for about 10 minutes. Cool and
filter through a funnel. Collect the filtrate in a 250ml measuring
flask. Make the volume up to the mark i.e. 250 ml by adding
Distilled water. Label the flask as "Ripe guava solution".

• Similarly, prepare 250 ml solution of 25g Semi Ripe, Raw Guava.

• Now, Pipette out 10 Ml of Solution from one of the flask into a
conical flask. Add 10 Ml of Dilute H2SO4 to it. Warm the flask
about 60 degree Centigrade and titrate it with 0.05M KMnO4
Solution until the colour of the solution just changes to permanent
Pink. Repeated the experiment with same solution till three
concurrent readings are obtained.

• Similarly, find out the amount of 0.05M KMnO 4 consumed for 10

Ml of three guava solutions. The guava solution which consumes
maximum volumes of per magnate solution obtains maximum
oxalate ions.

• Compare the three titre value i.e. volume of KMnO 4 consumed for
10ml of the three guava solutions. The Guava solution contains
maximum oxalate Ions.
The amount of oxalate ion present in the solution i.e. Fruit can be
calculated quantitavely also. For this first standardizes the KMnO 4
solution by titrating it against standard oxalic acid solution. Then
calculate the amount of oxalate ions by applying N1V1=N2V2 and
Strength = Equivalent Weight X N equation.

Molarity of the KMnO4 Solution=0.05 M
End point = Colourless to pink.
Volume of guava solution Taken each time for titration=10 ML.

Guava Buretting Reading Volume of Concurrent

Solution Initial Final KmNo4 Reading (ML)
Semi Ripped
The amount of oxalate ions increases with the ripening of Guava.

• Do not mix three fruits or their Solutions.
• Boiled the crushed fruit with equal amount of water and for the
same length of time in all cases.
• Wash the pestle and mortar well before after every use.
• Weighing should be done accurately and carefully.

• Chemistry, Lab Manual for Class 12th
• Comprehensive's chemistry

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