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• Calendar, 2
• Camden Park, 2
• Minutes, 3
• Indiana Caves, 4
• Buddha Cave, 5
• 7 Caves, 7
• MSU Caving, 6
• Wet Tarkiln, 8

Wet, Wetter, Wettest!

ESSO Grotto has received a
2006 Sara Corrie Memorial
Grant from the NSS for explo-
ration activities, specifically for
surveying equipment. The gear
was purchased from IMO with
the $250 grant: A Suunto
Tandem compass and clinome-
ter, a circle compass and a Lost
Creek survey pouch to hold
everything. The gear will compli-
ment the grotto's GPS pur-
chased several years ago thanks
to the same grant. We've got
caves located, now it's time to
survey. Plenty are without maps!

Indi- Moreaphotos,na Cavi n g At Its Fi n est

From Roy Vanhoozer: The
Kentucky Environmental Quality
Commission awarded the
Cave Page 4-5
Field Camp by Jonathon Lewis more. It is near the city of Salem, host site
an Earth Day nce, we considered Tar Kiln a wet of an NSS convention in the 90s. On this
Award. These
awards are
SHORT O cave. But now that we have particular spring weekend we went, April
given annually to C RAWLS crossed borders into Indiana Caving
Country we have discovered that no cave
7-9, we had Kevin Betz coordinating a full
weekend of underground activities. We
commemorate Earth day by in the Carter County area is deemed to be were concerned about the weekend’s
recognizing people, groups, a wet cave from this point forward. activities on the Friday before with a terri-
companies, etc. that have done
It’s true that Indiana caves are indeed ble rash of storm cells sweeping the coun-
something to help the environ-
ment. The award presentation
soaking wet, and bone chilling cold, but try and devastating areas of Tennessee,
was April in Frankfort at Berry do not let this detour you from visiting Kentucky, and Indiana. However, the
Hill Mansion. ESSO has had a them. Recently, several ESSO Starve Hollow area was spared of any
huge showing at camps over Grotto members along with some
the years, and done much to folks from the Mammoth Cave See INDIANA, Page 4
help Mammoth. Way to go Restoration Gang traveled to Starve
guys! Hollow State Recreation Area to set up
–– base for one of those wet caving adventur-
ous weekends. Starve Hollow is a seclud-
Don't forget two of ESSO's ed state park in Southern Indiana that is
favorite caving events are right ideal for rest and relaxation after a long
around the corner - the annual
trip underground. It has nice shower facil-
Tygarts Creek Canoe Trip the
park let's us take, on May 13;
ities and the camping is right on the lake.
and the annual June Picnic on The reason behind the choice of this
the 10th of that month, either camping facility is due not only to its
at the park or echo canyon. quality but also because it is in the heart
Cave trips to be announced. of ideal caving country. Nearby you will
Mark your calendars now for find such well-known caves as Marengo,
some fun! Clicks, Buddha, Cave River Valley and
Page 2
Notes from the Underground

ESSO could help bat exhibit

From Lisa Pruitt-Thorner
Caving Calendar
I took it upon myself to contact Camden Park about their bat exhibit. I
May 6-7, Mammoth Cave
spoke for probably a half hour ... with the staff member who is coordinating Restoration Camp. Email rvan-
the bat exhibit.
I asked about the possibility of ESSO's involvement in various ways with May 6-7, Grotto Vertical Workshop,
the exhibit. She told me that she had contacted the state of Kentucky about Plummer’s Farm and Carter Caves,
Carter Caves and she has talked to Coy. Coy told her that he didn't know if email
they had the budget for a cross promotion but he would get back to her. May 13, Annual ESSO canoe trip
I told her what ESSO is all about and that we could help out with all of
on Tygarts Creek. Caving, canoeing
that and possibly provide the public with more information about bats, caves,
caving and even do promoting for Carter Caves too. I mentioned two or three and getting wet, what fun! Check
times about a vertical exhibit one or two weekends during the exhibit's run. the group or email Brian for more
She didn't know if they had anyplace for that but she said she would talk to details.
her general manager. I asked May 15, Grotto Meeting! Flatwoods
if I could meet with her soon At Camden Park library, 7:30. Come early and eat
and she said, yes, very possi- “A new attraction awaits visitors to Camden at Giovanni’s. Vote early for your
bly. So I will call her back ... Park’s 103rd Season. Masters of the Night - favorite cave! (Next day is election
and see what we can cook up. BATS will open in Camden Park’s Discovery
At the very least we can day in Kentucky!) Program:
have a passive table with
Center opening day May 6. Covering 5,000 National Geo. tape and/or NSS
square feet of the Discovery Center, visitors will
information and there is defi- find a gothic castle, cave and rain forest. With Convention promotional DVD!
nate strong possibility for special effects and models, the unique story of Memorial Day Weekend, May 26-
some live cross promotion of bats is told as you visit the center and see their 29, Speleofest, Hart Co., Louisville
ESSO and Carter Caves. As world: sometimes updise down! Visit Grotto,
to vertical, well, I don't” illegrotto
know. We'll see.
She asked for my help in
May through August ... The True Story of •
getting in contact with the
Bats attraction dispels popular misconceptions June 1-4, SERA Summer Cave
about bats, describes their ecological importance Carnival, Scottsboro, Ala. See
right people to find some live and gives visitors a true appreciation for the
bats for the exhibit. I told her wonders of the bat world.
about BCI and that I could Your journey begins in a Gothic portal that June 10, ESSO Grotto annual pic-
contact Crash Kennedy ... opens the way to see the world as bats see it - nic, Carter Caves or Echo Canyon.
If she sets up a meeting, I upside down. A rain forest setting at dawn is Trips to be announced.
would like for a couple of recreated to provide a realistic look at bat¹s habi- June 23-25, 53rd Cave Capers,
members/officers from ESSO
to join me.
tat and appearance. Roosting habits, hibernation Mitchell, Ind.,
and other behaviors are depicted through interac- •
Be thinking about the tive displays in a cave that simulates a daytime
prospects you guys. This is entrance and an exit at dusk.
July 1-2, Sloans Valley trip, 10-15
exciting! people max, with camping, email
July 9, DUG meeting with Roger
Eastern States Speleological Organization (ESSO) Grotto, Inc. Brucker program on Floyd Collins,
July 14-16, Karst-O-Rama, GSP,
Rockcastle County.
July 23-29, MaCa Restoration
Meets third Mondays monthly in Flatwoods, Ky. •
Lisa Pruitt-Thorner, President; Brian Saul, Vice President; August 5, US 60 Yard sale fund-
Cindy Duncan, Secretary; and Shelia Gilliam, Treasurer August 18-20, Wormfest, C Caves,
Shriner’s campground.
HTTP://WWW.CAVES.ORG/GROTTO/ESSO August 25-27, ESSO van trip to
Tennessee caves. Possibly Camps
Page 3
Minutes, News

April’s meeting minutes ... Be planning for August’s yard

sale fund-raiser, coming up at the
big giant US 60 yard sale through-
by Cindy Duncan can fix food and feast will work. (HA) out Carter County. Last year, we
The April 17, 2006 meeting of New Business: Burchett's. We real- made enough money to fund the
ESSO Grotto was held at the Greenup ly need some members to take the van trip to Tennessee! Put back
County Library in Flatwoods, Ky. Lands out to dinner and talk with some stuff you’re dying to donate
Those in attendance were: Ernie and them about ESSO's use of Burchett's or for the sale table and wait for
Sheila Gilliam, Jonathon Lewis, Cindy possibly a purchase of an entrance. instructions. We should iron out
Duncan, Brian Saul, Terry Waechter, Susie Duncan and Jonathon Lewis are details soon. If you can’t wait
send word to the editor, mrallen-
Dave Junker, Susie and Steve Duncan, two for certain with this because they, and I’ll make
Lisa, Chole, and Camille Thorner, know members of Land family who sure your info gets to the right
Allen Blair, Brent Ray, Jim Fox, Chris could possibly help us with our quest. person!
Smith, and Tim Mootz. Also mentioned was Coy Ainsley, but ––
The minutes and treasurer's only as a "civilian" or Larry Matiz. Wanna do some caving on
reports were read and accepted. Sheila Jonathon had the idea of getting Memorial Day or that weekend?
mentioned that ESSO's check to the Vanessa on the speaker phone about all Check out the Yahoo Group. There
KSS had never been cashed so she our concerns at our next meeting. That could a trip near you!
added it back into the treasury. sounds like a really great plan., or email
Jonathon Lewis at jonlewis@zoom-
Old Business: MaCa Weekend is Lisa brought up the idea of giving
May 6 and 7. There will also be a verti- gift baskets to five landowners during ––
cal workshop that weekend at the our June picnic, but have them made up Ohio Valley Region of the NSS
Plummer's Farm. Canoe Trip: May 13. for the Fourth of July. It was first - MINUTES - March 26. 2006; 2:30
Allen said he had contacted the motioned my Jonathon and seconded p.m., Hamilton, Ohio … The first
NSS Sarah Corrie Memorial Fund to by Susie. Also voted and accepted was order of business
help ESSO purchase a Suunto tandem to give Lisa $150.00 from the treasury to was the election
for surveying. The grotto received a purchase the baskets and things to fill of officers. All
grant of $250. We need an under- them. Some of land owners are Tarkiln, current officers &
directors agreed
ground radio to be invented by one or
some of our extremely talented mem-
Burchett's ,Wilburn, and I can't read my
writing for the rest. (Editor's note:
to accept their S HORT
current positions
bers. I know we have some! Possibly Fern and Flood, Skyscraper, as follows: John Cole,C RAWLS
Also discussed was Bridge Day etc., which is Dr. Lewis, and others.) Chairman; Brian Leavell, Vice
coming in October. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 Chairman; Kathy Welling,
Maybe we can connect with the I would like to apologize to the Treasurer; Bill Walden, Director;
park and see about a tire cleanup in grotto for our speaker not showing up. Jim Greer, Director; Don Conover,
Tygart's Creek. It was suggested to use I never had any indication he wasn't Director. Others will be asked …
the "ratty" canoes for towing. Reed's going to. The last I had heard from Andy Franklin is running new OVR
on Rt. 209, possibly back a truck down him was the Friday before our Monday listserve:,
Kathy Welling will check with Tom
to the creek for at least one major load meeting and he said he was looking
Rea about the possibility of NSS
of "stuff." forward to telling us about this un- website space. Brian Leavell will
Cave Class: Shawnee University, named cave. Truly it sounds like a take responsibility for all grotto
Brian Saul and helpers April 22, and great place to investigate. I haven't emails & contact persons in OVR,
Tar Kiln April 29. heard from him at all since then. I creating address book and main-
June ESSO picnic. June 10 at the doubt I do that again. It truly would've taining updates.
park or Echo Canyon. The park is main been interesting to hear about. Again I Conservation Projects: It was
idea but you know us, anywhere we apologize for his no show. unanimously agreed upon that the
first new conservation project of
the OVR will be held the weekend
of October 21, 2006, and will be
held in Kentucky at Redmond
Creek. Bill Walden,, will
provide additional details ... 7
Caves in Ohio ... Buckner's Cave in
Indiana is in the process of ongo-
ing restoration and may appreci-
ate assistance from the OVR...
Check Next Meeting: The next meeting of
out Mine the OVR will occur July 16, 2006
at 12:00 noon at the GSP pavilion
at the close of Karst-O-Rama
Branch (immediately following the RKC
PAGE 6 meeting). See http://ovr.tuningor-
Page 4
Indiana Caving!

INDIANA entire valley and is entered by a

rough 4x4 road. Once in the valley
- From page one parking area, however, you are
major damage and the weekend surrounded by several true
was continued as planned. Indiana-style caves. Once suiting
Caution was heightened however up with proper wet gear we
due to the large amount of rain entered first Middle Cave.
that had occurred over the recent This cave is unique in the fact
36-hour period. We relied on that access to the lower lever is
Kevin’s and John Kirk’s past expe- easy; with a walk-in entrance and
rience in the local caves to deter- a small 5-foot water wall climb up
mine the safety in the water levels you will soon discover your next
that we were witnessing. obstacle and the end of the lower
To say the least this was con- level, a 25-foot waterfall. This very
firmed to be the highest water lev- pronounced obstacle helps to not
els witnessed in the caves in recent only keep out unprepared adven-
years. Some passages were nearly turers but also those who would
sumped that were typically walk- be inclined to vandalism. The only
ing passage with a trickle steam way to get to the upper level is
flowing through; others were just right thru the waterfall.
really wet, again to say the least. Kevin Betz developed a few
For those with a desire to see new years ago a one-of-a-kind light-
caves totally different from that of weight ladder that is broken down
typical Carter County Caves do into three major pieces to be able
not let this discourage you, it is to bring it into the cave, then
worth the time, effort and plan- assembled in the waterfall cham-
ning to enter these special caves. ber. It is one of the most valuable
On Friday, the gang went in assets to someone entering this
Cave River Valley, on a unique cave, making access to the upper
tract of land that is full of interest- level easy to even to us cavers
ing caves such as Lamplighter and who are strictly horizontal cavers.
River Cave. The caves on this Typically, the waterfall is pouring
property are so full of long inter- over enough water to get you
esting passages that a group can good and wet but not at the levels
easily spend a three-day weekend found this particular weekend.
on this property alone. River Cave Kevin said it was indeed the most
was indeed named correctly, for he had witnessed in his time at the
the entrance is the home of an age- cave. The water was estimated to
old earthen and concrete dam that be pouring over 150 gallons a sec-
holds back enough water to make ond, making it very difficult to
a nice river deep into the cave. take a breath when climbing
In order to gain access to this through the waterfall up the lad-
cave it is necessary to bring along a der. But it was not something to
trusted flotation device or better yet fear, merely another challenge
a small inflatable boat as some do. worth the effort.
Part of the adventure in touring this Finally upon entering the
cave is in the unique needs to enter upper level, you notice instantly
it and the journey through it. Even that the passage is very different
though the water flows out this from that found almost anywhere
particular entrance, it is not difficult else. It reminds you of the kettles
to travel upstream, and this cave found in the ceiling of caves such
would be classified as a Level 2 as Saltpeter Cave at CCSRP. Here
horizontal cave with a strong rec- however, bells of various sizes litter
ommendation for wet-suit. the floor instead of this upper pas-
Saturday, after a good night¹s sage everywhere! Ranging various
rest, we headed out early follow- sizes from 1 foot in diameter and 1
ing a hearty breakfast to hit some inch deep, to 20 feet in diameter
awesome caves in the Cave River and 10 feet deep! This makes the
Valley area. The CRV area is trip truly worth the effort if only to
owned and managed by the city of witness this first hand. Sadly on
Salem. Its access is granted on a this trip, with the water levels
limited basis daily, by the city where they were, the silt prohibit-
police department downtown. It is ed us seeing them, also making the
a good idea if planning a trip to trip all the more difficult through
contact them in advance to deter- the rest of the passage.
mine if access is going to be possi-
ble. The property encompasses the
Continued on Page 5
Page 5
Indiana Caving!
Slowly moving along, the adventurer light. We soon rigged a cable ladder to
must take full caution in each and every this particular point, which would allow
step, risking harm if not. You never know us to come down approximately 25 feet to
if that next drop was only an inch or sev- an ideal landing platform. The water level
eral feet! Soon we came to our final obsta- was still an additional 10 feet down, mak-
cle, the next waterfall, which was a climb- ing this a long and un-nerving drop for
ing risk today that we were not willing to some, in other words me. The drop looks
take. We soon backtracked and headed to as if it is going to be a friction drop also as
a warmer environment. you descend down the cable ladder. The
After taking a break to warm our first 5 feet appeared that way, making a
bodies outside we soon ventured down comfortable climb down. Then suddenly
the valley a ways to take a look at another the walls fall away from you and become
cave that is posing a challenge to venture the ceiling, putting you right into the void
into. Similar to Middle Cave we were just of the lower level. The comforts of the
at, this cave, Waterfall Cave, after a short walls are gone, and now you are fighting
trip through the entrance passage we for that comfort that you had only seconds
come to a rear chamber, which is the con- ago. Now is not the time to rest and clear
nection point for a pit-dome. Down below your thoughts, your energy is quickly
you find a bubbling brew of water and draining, fighting the cable ladder. Soon
debris, churning about in a crazed state, however you find your feet on solid
due to the large amount of water pound- ground, marking another challenge that
ing down from above. Looking up you see has been met.
the water pouring over, leaving only to Sadly however your mind makes note
the imagination what lies above. Kevin that sometime or another you will have to
reports that the upper level has been to venture back up that challenge in order to
some degree surveyed, meaning that oth- see sunlight once again. When getting
ers have been successful in reaching that were ready to get some rest and prepare down to the lower level you soon realize
area. The difficulty lies in making a sound for the next day’s adventures. that the wetsuit was indeed a wise deci-
decision on how to tackle this challenge, On Sunday, we were honored to have sion. One direction leads to a pool at the
something we had to hold off on for the opportunity to enter Buddha Cave, bottom of the waterfall, the other direction
another day. about a 30-minute drive from the base leads to a near sump, with air clearance of
Soon we were back outside and head- camp. Buddha, which was featured on the approximately 4 inches. Boy is this wetsuit
ing to the final cave of the day, Mill Cave. March 2006 NSS News cover, is a cave going to be appreciated or what! John
Once the water flowing out its entrance that is well known to cavers in a large sur- Kirk soon takes the lead and we surge
was used for a hydraulic ram of sorts, rounding area. The cave is littered with thru the near sump challenge coming thru
with remnants of this long forgotten com- many large formations and has several and into the continuance of the walking
mercial venture still remaining. This is a unique challenges to it, which only entice passage. Soon we find the formations that
two level passage cave; entering from the cavers. It is owned by a conservancy, mak- we have heard about and saw past photos
lower, wet level. The lower passage has an ing access easier than that typically found of. The challenges and effort to be here are
active stream flowing thru, but not with with private landowner relations situa- being repaid. We have arrived!
water levels found at the Middle Cave tions. Proper paperwork however is neces- We continue to walk through the
thankfully. The lower level terminated sary to gain proper access. meandering canyon style passage viewing
several thousand feet back in the hill at a Upon arrival to the Buddha Cave the formations throughout the passage,
breakdown point that has a nice waterfall property, I had to make the difficult deci- placed in a way as if strategically. Soon we
coming out from it. This cave has been sion to either wear the stinky, still wet come to a terminal sump and make our
surveyed well and reports no penetration wetsuit or only poly-pro base layer. I had way back to the cable ladder starting
to passage beyond the breakdown. been told that this was a drier cave than point. From here we must climb up to a
Backtracking a little ways you will find the others we had visited in the area. But lip and thru a small crack to gain access to
the connecting point to the upper level. due to the heavy rains I made the deci- the continuing passage that is found
There you will find a different environ- sion to go with a wetsuit. Boy am I glad! behind the breakdown wall behind the
ment, to say the least. After the lengthy walk to the cave I was waterfall. Whew! We make it and continue
From the lower levels of wet clean beginning to doubt my decision. Then on for quite some time. The passage
rock to the upper levels mud, more mud upon entering the cave you must do a changes and soon become what would be
and even more mud. In order to even climb up to gain access to the upper level reminiscent of a sewer pipe. An unnerving
travel in some spots, past cavers have cut passage, the only way into the rest of the feeling comes upon you when you see
deep into the mud hills steps to aid cavers cave. There we found additional dry pas- fresh debris hanging from cracks in the
to come. Those were appreciated to say sage, with several holes leading to the ceiling. Several continue on in a party to
the least. However the upper level is void lower level. push the passage till a sump.
of formations and is, simply put, reminis- I was beginning to not like the wet- Buddha cave is part of a system that
cent of some of the mud holes found in suit for several reasons. But then we came connects to Christian Cave, however it
Carter County. to the major challenge of this cave. The must be a rare dry period for a connection
After a quick search in this area we upper passage terminates in an abrupt to happen. Soon too our group discovers
were soon having thoughts of the burgers end, which shows a drop down to the that today is not one of those days. We
that would be on the grill back at base lower level. On the far side of the room is regroup and head back to the waterfall
camp. Needless to say, we soon were outta a waterfall pouring over into the darkness. breakdown. John Kirk, however, remem-
there and heading back to camp. The bottom was impossible to see, even
Following an awesome meal we soon all with the 3-watt beam from my trusted Continued on Page 7
Page 6
Caving Daniel Boone

A trip to the forest with MSU’s Caving Club

by Jonathon Lewis
Well it was a wonderful day. Whew
and am I tired!! I think that heat is what
drains me, because the conditions were
not difficult, just that heat. With summer
creeping in on us, we are going to have to
once again get used to the warmer condi-
tions associated with traveling to caves.
This trip was a collaboration with the
MSU Caving Club and Jamie Hogge with
the Club was the trip organizer.
Jamie had planned for us a few caves
near Cave Run Lake and in Daniel Boone
National Forest. One of the caves he had in
mind had to be reconsidered due to Turkey
Season in effect, leaving us a good reason
for a return trip. But we still had several
holes to check out in a off the beaten path
are of the forest call Mine Cave Branch, an
appropriate title for an area of caves. Those
in attendance for this adventure included
from ESSO, Jonathon Lewis, Todd Richards
and Mark Walker. The MSU Caving Club
had two undergrad students not including
Jamie the trip leader, in attendance also. Dr.
Gary O'Dell, professor at MSU was not able
to attend this event. Gary has been very
active for years in the Rockcastle Co. caves
area of Kentucky. Mark Walker at Mine Cave Branch for an April trip.
We gathered near MSU's Main
Campus Saturday morning and then were able to enjoy and we soon found and more importantly warm up a bit.
headed towards the lake, taking a 30- ourselves crawling thru. The water was Overall a nice cave, and had one
minute journey thru some scenic back cold; possibly traveling from deep within important feature that stands out in my
roads that were showcases for the redbuds these hills, for it was not only cold, but mind and probably the minds of all who
in full bloom. Soon we found ourselves on also colder than the waters I found recent- enter: The amazing amount of chert found
a long gravel road that led us deep into ly in several Indiana Caves, which was in the ceiling and near the top of the walls.
the heart of the Daniel Boone forest, driv- interesting. But there was nothing to fear, This cave was literally covered from one
ing us deep into nature. Jamie soon led us for we only receive water onto our bodies end to the other without disruption with
to a nice pull off where we got our gear up to our knees and when crawling our chert nodules of varying sizes and designs
prepared and soon dropped over the ridge legs and hands. No levels warranting a that kept your attention not on the pas-
and into the thick of the forest. wetsuit to say the least. sage, but on the ceiling.
Thankfully Jamie is very familiar with this The cave is of walking height however Upon exiting the cave and attempting
area, for it would be very easy to become for almost 500 feet before becoming a to remove the coolness from our bodies,
disoriented and lost in these woodlands. hands and knees crawl, then after a few we began the trek back towards our start-
After a nice hike we finally came to the more hundred feet turning into a comfort- ing point, all the while stopping and vari-
lower levels of this valley and soon notices able belly crawl, and then into a possible ous places to check out other leads.
signs of more to come: Sinking streams, dig. Jamie had mentioned that he had Several leads turned into small caves, with
small and medium sized sinkholes, and pushed a lead that led into a passage filled one being a sinking stream that Mark and
finally Karst windows. Upon passing all with light, but beyond that which he could Jamie turned into a thru trip with relative
this we arrived that our destination, the push. On this trip we had Mark Walker go ease. Sadly however none of the leads
main entrance, reminding ourselves to back while we rested, to verify the situa- turned into major borehole nor gave up
check out many possible cave leads on the tion. Upon returning Mark confirmed the much beauty beyond that found in a typi-
return back. light and the lead that would turn this cal stream passage. Jamie however notes
The Main entrance, aka: Mine Cave cave into a thru trip. The situation was that the other cave we was destined for,
Branch Cave was a nice sight for a bunch positive, in that the passage was an easy until the discovery of Turkey season has
of overheated cavers, with its small stream dig in loose soil, needing only a few inches several things to make it noteworthy. Until
exiting and perfect ledges with ample to make the passage passable. It was noted then we will have to draw a close our
shade, this was the ideal place to break and we will remember a trowel on a possi- adventures in Daniel Boone Forest Caving.
and prepare for the entry into this unfa- ble second trip. Upon all this we soon got This was an enjoyable trip and was a
miliar place. Soon we were pumped up, the notion to get the heck outta here and good opportunity to build relationships
with a strong desire to know what lurks towards sunlight to warm our chilled between the two organizations. We have
on beyond the light. We soon found out damp bodies. On the return back out we much we can do to help one another, and
that this is a nice cave, with a small stream paused to view out the karst window, aka I look forward to seeing the possibilities
traveling thru the entire cave, in which we second entrance, to appreciate its beauty unfold in the years to come.
Page 7
Indiana & Ohio

7 Caves back to ‘nature’ tours

The 2nd annual Celebration of
Scholarship Undergraduate
Conference will be held May 18 at
Shawnee State University (SSU) in
The Highlands Nature Sanctuary & the Arc of Appalachia, www.highlands-
Portsmouth., purchased a Southern Ohio area known as 7 Caves, to return it to Invited speaker is Bristol,
nature. They still need a couple hundred thousand dollars and many volunteers England native Dr. Hazel Barton,
to turn it into an education center for the public. Visit the Web site to learn more, Ashland Endowed Professor of
meanwhile here's part of an article from a recent e-newsletter: Integrative Sciences at Northern
"Volunteers and staff have been working hard over the winter to transform 7 Kentucky University, and a director
Caves from a regional tourist attraction to a world-class natural area. When the of the National Speleological
lights came out of the caves last winter, you can't believe how many bats showed Society. She examines microbial
up to hibernate!! Now they are stirring, awaiting the flush of insects the coming communities in caves and is also
season promises... an avid cave explorer and cartog-
What's been accomplished besides removing lights??? Some of the cement rapher and has
sidewalks in the Caves are now dismantled, successfully rewilding the caves. appeared in an
Many of the old metal hand railings have been removed, creating both a more Imax movie,
natural (and more photogenic) scenery. Old cave signage referring to storybook "Journey into
characters and Mother Goose tales have also been taken down, and in some cases, Amazing Caves."
archived, just because they do retain a certain amount of historic charm. All in all, For information, S HORT
call Gary
the main landscape features at 7 Caves are being emancipated from the limita-
tions of human mental constructs. Visitors are now invited to behold the real-life Gemmer at (740) C RAWLS
351-3341, email
magnificence of nature -- in all of its breathtaking diversity and beauty. or con-
Come Visit this Summer for Candle-light Cave Tours. From May through tact Marilyn Mangus at (740) 351-
October we will be leading tours into the caves on Fridays, Saturdays and 3456.
Sundays. If interested in details, please see our website www.highlandssanctu- and click on Visiting 7 Caves in the upper left-hand corner. However, we ––
appreciate you not dropping by before the May 5th date. We have ever so much The editor was planning to
publish the annual membership
to do to get ready by May. However, if you want to come to help, that's another
list in the May Bee. But too
story. Please click on for a many good trip reports inter-
Donation form if you wish to help. We would be ever so grateful. If you wish to fered. It is coming soon, so if
volunteer at the Caves, please call Larry Henry at 937-365-1600. you need to update info or see
this newsletter but haven’t paid
your dues, please contact an
INDIANA get my butt outta here!
I take the first step, then another, and
appropriate person or the editor
- From page 5 at
in rapid succession go heel / toe / heel / toe Thanks.
bers back to when the pool below the and without recognizing it have made it to
waterfall was not as full and you could go the crack. Using muscles I did not know I ––
underneath the breakdown and emerge in had and all the adrenaline in my body I This from GCG: A Wells Cave
the pool. Today however the water level is force myself in the crack and emerge suc- cleanup (Pulaski County) is sched-
so high that you would not even see the cessful. Soon in rapid succession everyone uled for Saturday, June 3. Wells
passage without knowing it was there. With else is up and we have got the gear packed Cave is an NSS preserve. Check
it only being approximately 5 feet through, away and are making our way to the exit. out the link at
John holds tight and surges thru, emerging On the way out we stop to check on other
in the waterfall pool. Without hesitation, I leads, turning into possible passages that go ––
gain confidence with his success, and do off the map. We find one and make mental Suggested reading from
the unimaginable, surging thru the icy notes to check with the map in detail upon Preston Forsyth, new Kentucky
water and emerge in the waterfall pool, our return home, to determine if we have Speleological Survey president:
with the excitement still shaking thru me, I found new passage. Indeed this trip to "Selected Poems of Robert Penn
do it once again! This time however for a Buddha has been worth it. Warren," edited by John Burt. Pg
photo op. Again I say it; the wetsuit was a Not only that, but the weekend has 217 offers from Being Here,
good decision. been a success. No accident reports to write "Speleology," … "I cut off the light.
Soon however the excitement dwindles up, no horrible stories to attempt to forget, Knew darkness and depth and no
and the chill from the icy water overcomes only good memories. The photos will not Time."
me once again. And then the fear of the show much, only wet fellers in a dark place. They recently stopped at
dreaded climb that has been lingering in The real memories will lie with those who Robert Penn Warrens home in
the back of my mind comes back full force. took the risks and met the challenges. There Guthrie, KY … Robert is said to
As I watch Kevin climb up first, I see him they will lie and be treasured. If you do not have been a local caver. His wife
have some slight difficulty at the top of the have any treasured memories of Indiana
was from Cerulean Springs, in
ceiling where you must force yourself into caving, perhaps you need to be making
nearby Trigg County, and some of
the crack that I was so fond of coming plans to join the next group heading up
that way. western Ky's finest caves and
down. I begin to fear my turn, knowing largest concentration of caves are
that I am next. I clear my thoughts and Is it time to make some memories of
your own? in that area.
focus my mind of the situation at hand: to
‘Tween a Rock and a Wet Place: A Shawnee State student takes
a wet Tarkiln crawl April 29, the second weekend of class visits to
Carter Co. led by instructor and ESSO member Brian Saul. Watch
for more details and photos in the June edition of the ESSO Bee.
May 2006

Allen Blair
3520 Elizabeth Ct.
Catlettsburg, Ky. 41129



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