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Teacher: Rogério
Student: Helder Lessa
Class: High Advanced II

The day Earth stopped

It was September 11th, New York, 8:40 am and I was getting my way to my job,
crossing crowded streets, full of cars and business people walking to all directions, I was
thinking of a full day of hard work, boring boss crying on my ears all the time. In front of me
there was a car with a family, apparently ready to travel. I was observing a child playing with
his toy and a dog beside him. Why is the time so slow? Six minutes had passed and I couldn’t
hear anything, a louder noise that I never heard such a thing before. I looked all the sides but
there was nothing unusual. I got out of my car, the traffic was totally still anyway. So I saw
every person there looking to the sky. I cried “What the hell is that??” The two towers were
smoking: a big hole in one of the buildings, so suddenly a plane dove into the second twin. I
did not believe it. Everybody was crying and running to the opposite side, screaming, scared.
When I figured out I was following the crowd. It was terrify, the worst day I’ve ever seen. I
looked back again and a colossal wave of dust and smoke was vanishing sweeping all things
in its way: the two towers fall down. A fireman led me and the family I was looking early to a
safe place.

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