Why Blog

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Why Blog?

Stage 1- Desired Results

Outline learning outcomes. What will students know, understand and be able to do as a result of this unit? What standards and/or
performance indicators are being addressed in this unit?
Standards-Based Goals/Objectives:

Teachers will understand the value of blogging as a teaching tool, and create their own classroom blogs.
Essential Question(s):
Why blog? Why teachers?
Know (Students will know…)

□ vocabulary □ facts/information □ processes □ language functions

 The purpose and function of a blog.
 How a blog differs from other web 2.0 technologies
 The lingo: Post, Comment, Archive, HTML code, gadget, embedding

Understandings (Students will understand…)

□ enduring/big ideas □ concepts
• Technology is the world our students live in and if we want to reach them, we need to
live there too

• Web 2.0 tools can be used to create a social learning environments

• Teachers can use blogs to gather student responses as a means of pre-assessment,

summary, review

A blog can be
 a digital scrapbook, records memories of a learning experience
 a motivation, a destination for their work
 a place to reinforce social skills (compliment another’s work)

Do (Students will be able to…)

□ thinking/problem-solving skills □ language skills □ social skills □ communication skills
Create a blog using Blogger, publish an original post and leave a comment.
Stage 2- Assessing Learning
Outline your approach for assessing learning. How will you know that students have achieved the desired goals? What performances of
understanding will you ask them to demonstrate?

Teachers will leave workshop with a google account, web-accessible blog with first post & comment.

Stage 3 - Learning Plan

Outline your lessons. What learning experiences will enable students to achieve the desired results?
Time Instructional Goal/Activities
3 Assess blogability, Intro through Google
10 Prezi
2 Posting demo
20 Individual blog work
5 Concluding presentations, best ingredients

*One page UBD Template adapted from Understanding By Design. Credit given to Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe
WHERE TO- copied from Understanding by Design by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe.
*One page UBD Template adapted from Understanding By Design. Credit given to Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe
WHERE TO- copied from Understanding by Design by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe.

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