Marketing Process - Lic India: Brief Analysis by Abhishek Jain

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Brief analysis
Abhishek Jain
Steps of selling process
Total 6 stages
1. Step I – baby is crying- customer behavior
2. Step II – ready to face bully situation
3. Step III – collecting penny (need finding process)
4. Step IV – cloud is clear- sales opening stage
5. Step V – neighbor is coming (external factors)
6. Step VI – sum up the process
Step I – baby is
crying - customer

•Customer having
negative frame of
•He is reluctant to
buy anything.
•He thought you are
hear to consume his
mind and time
Step II – ready
to face bully

•Calm and collective

every time.
•Full of knowledge and
•Think you are
superior but more
polite person.
• discussion is open
Step III – collecting
penny (need
finding process)

• open your discussion

with formal chat.
•Collect information.
i.e. personal, social
status, family etc.
•Generate the need of
the prospect
•Convince him that you
are only hear to help
him out.
Step IV – cloud
is clear- sales
opening stage

•Based on his need

sale the product in a
complete friendly way.
•Flexibility should be
• If he is not satisfied,
not try to be forceful,
might be in future he
come to you.
Step V – neighbor
is coming
(external factors)

• might be some
external factors like
your competitor,
prospects relatives,
general perception
create a doubt in his
•Be alert and clear all
Step VI – sum
up the process

• sales closing process is

one of the most imp
thing to remember.
• complete all
formalities, assurance of
good service and time
saving process.
•Collect some reference.
•Be in touch afterword.
Type of
• one who saying no.
• one who saying come
after some time.
•One that agreed with you.
• one who give you the
•One who is ready to bite
•One who is ready to help

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