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The Reading Dog

Your guide to freshman year

Volume 1 Fall 2010
Read me if you can Feature article - pg. 1
Article cont. - pg. 2
By Alex Delgado Resources - pg. 2

A s a freshman in college,
you can only be sure of
a few things. While what
Imagine half the US popula-
tion as a bunch of 12-year-
olds. Not so impressive. Being
being placed in remedial read-
ing classes or AP courses. It’s
the reason why people with a
you did last night and how literate is important for college degree get better jobs
you’re going to finish your obvious reasons: contracts, with a higher paying salary
communication, texting. than those that settled with
paper by class time are
their high school diplomas. It
probably not on that list, “Literacy has been explains why you were
you definitely know how to identified as a major admitted to and attend FSU.
email your teacher begging Literacy plays a huge role in
for an extension. That’s factor in social our everyday lives beyond just
because you’re literate. organization” reading street signs and movie
times; it forms the circles we
Isn’t everyone? And being able to read and run in.
Literacy scholar Peter Roberts write only at the level of some- For example, many students
reluctantly defines literacy as one who isn’t even old enough visit the Warehouse for their
“the ability to read and write.” to drive a car isn’t good Tuesday night readings that of-
His hesitant classification enough. So, unless you want ten feature nationally
stems from the fact that to read and write only as well acclaimed writers. You might
literacy encompasses a lot as the people whose favorite even come across one of your
more than just being able to movies are part of the Twilight classmates reading a piece of
write the word “dog” or read Saga or High School Musical their own there one night. This
the title of this article. series, challenge yourself with is a great way to get social with
Actually, scholars argue over intriguing short stories or your literacy. You can also join
having a solid definition or classic novels.
multiple definitions of literacy.
We know that not being able to Your social
read or write points to life
illiteracy, but is being able to Scholar F. Niyi
barely read and write good Akinnaso asserts
enough to be called literate? that, “literacy has
Think about this: ninety-nine been identified
percent of the US population as a major factor
over the age of 15 is literate. in social organi-
While that’s an impressive zation.” You’ve
standard, a huge portion of seen this all your Amanda Cabassa, 21, reads for
the people accounted for can’t life. In school you pleasure on the weekends.
read past a sixth-grade level. saw it as students
on of the many literary- president. Such skills could being able to speak to
based organizations or also be helpful in people in a professional
clubs at Florida State, like convincing your parents to manner is something that
Lambda Iota Tau (for the give you some extra money less and less young people
scholars) or Literati (for the this month or persuading are doing well these days.
creative writers) . someone to give you their Employers will definitely
football game ticket. notice if you conduct
For argument’s sake yourself well.
You + Literacy
Aside from the fact that Forever Your turn
strong literacy skills make Literacy is something that, Embrace your literacy. Read
for a more productive if you’re in school, has something interesting, write
obvious practices. You read something entertaining.
for class, you write for Continue to Google
“Embrace class. Take a test. Pass a everything and create cool
generic computer course. media projects on your
your When you take a closer laptop. Think about the fact
look, though, keeping those that reading and writing
literacy.” skills strong can benefit are at the base of some of
you in various areas of your everyone’s favorite things:
life. Using your literacy to movies, television, and
member of society, they create a strong resume or today, even amusement
also help you get what you personal statement will help parks.
want. Rhetorical practices, you stand out
defined by Aristotle as the amongst poten-
“ability, in each [particular] tial
case, to see the available employers or
means of persuasion,” can schools in the
only be as strong as the future. Using
literacy skills behind them. literacy skills to
In order to write or speak improve
effectively, you have to prac- communication
tice just that. This practice will also help
comes in handy when you’re you get ahead
running for a position, like a in the
student organization professional
treasurer or sorority world, as
Literacy resources
at FSU:
• Digital Studio (WMS 222B)
• Reading/Writing Center
(WMS 222C) The Reading Dog
• English dept. site:
• FSU writing resources:

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