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NEWS New York State

Public Employees Federation

Contact: Darcy Wells
518-785-1900, ext. 277
AFL-CIO email:

FOR RELEASE: Friday, December 10, 2010

Statement of PEF President Kenneth Brynien on Layoffs

Albany - This is a dark day for the state of New York as more than 900 hard-working and committed state
employees are formally notified they are being laid off. It is an action that is unnecessary and unconscionable.
Not only are these individuals facing incredible hardships, their families are suffering, taxpayers will be
impacted through the loss of services and the local economy will suffer as well.

Gov. David Paterson should be ashamed that the final act of his administration will be to punish union
members and their families because he wanted to score cheap political points.

Paterson will no doubt try and place blame on the unions. He will claim these layoffs could have been avoided
and on that point, we agree. Time and again, the governor was presented with many options for cost
reductions but instead he chose to cut the jobs of 900 workers.

We have tried to reason with Gov. Paterson on numerous occasions to point out several other options to
achieve needed savings. Continued news reports that PEF refused to negotiate with the governor on how to
help close the budget deficit are just plain inaccurate. There were no meetings, no discussions and a refusal on
the governors part to even consider our ideas.

The loss of nearly 900 state employees will take $363,080,054 out of the state’s economy at a time when we
can least afford it. That staggering amount of money equates to more than 9,600 jobs lost in the private sector
over the next three years. (The number is based on the standard economic multiplier for job loss as provided
by the Capital District Planning Association).

PEF has pointed out repeatedly that there are 11,500 fewer state employees today than in 2008. That is 11,500
fewer people to provide the vital services on which taxpayers rely.

There are no words to ease the pain for our members who have been targeted for layoffs. This historic action
taking place today has been caused by Gov. Paterson and can be stopped by Gov. Paterson.

PEF is the state’s second-largest state-employee union, representing 58,000 professional, scientific and
technical employees.

P.O. Box 12414  Albany, NY 12212-2414

Affiliated With American Federation Of Teachers, AFL-CIO and Service Employees International Union

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