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English 320 Gals and Pals

To: Ms. Enger

From: Marcie Kohler MK, Katie Krebsbach KK, Jesse Morrow JM, Ryan King RK, Mike
Slotten MS
Subject: Usability Test Report
Date: 12 November 2010

This memo includes the usability test report. In this report we will highlight the outcome of our
simulated usability test.

Our assignment was to create a fifteen step set of directions. We choose our topic on how to tap
a keg. Our target audience for this assignment is anyone who wants to buy a keg, as well as you,
our instructor.

Our objectives for this project were to assist anyone who is trying to tap a keg properly. These
objectives include an easy to understand and appealing set of directions to communicate how to
tap a keg through a process to all that read the instructions.

As a group our outcome goals are:

 Communicate effectively our instructions to all individuals that are seeking to tap a keg
 Create user friendly instructions
 Complete this assignment as a team and to the best of our ability

Our initial meeting discussion led us to our topic of how to tap a keg. After choosing our topic
we brainstormed ideas on how to create the instructions. The process of researching our topic
included watching videos, talking with local business representatives, and researching online

Our usability test subjects were chosen very carefully based on many characteristics. We wanted
individuals that had no prior experience in tapping kegs. To make the results more balanced, we
choose a male and a female. We choose our subjects to be young adults because it’s the age
group easiest for us to relate to and easy to access.

We choose to give our usability test to our participants in the comfort of their own home. We
choose this setting because it’s a similar situation to where they would tap their own keg.
The instructions our participants reviewed were provided to them by an email. The reason we
sent them this way was to allow them easy access. The email gave them directions on how to
give feedback after reviewing the instructions. Their criticism helped us to develop and improve
the usability of our instructions.

Results and Discussion

Through our testing process we learned where we could improve our instructions. One aspect
we changed was our graphics. We added more pictures to appeal to all learning types.


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