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Death Link Mod

The ontological fear of a chaotic world is the root of the affirmatives apocalyptic scenario planning that necessitates
government action

(Didier, Visiting professor at King’s College London department of War studies for 3 years Professor of International Relations (Maître de
conférences des universités), at Sciences-Po Paris “The Emergence of a Consensus” Immigration, Integration, and Security: America and
Europe in Comparative Perspective edited by Ariane Chebel d’Appollonia and Simon Reich, pg. 73-74)
The attacks and their framing as global …with the danger as it is now framed.
The affirmatives anxiety towards death is only intelligible from a position of ontological anxiety. Their impact scenarios
prevent an authentic relationship to death which makes the fear their 1ac inspires inevitable
Park, 2K1
(James, University of Minnesota and activist in Unitarian Church, Our existential predicament; loneliness, depression, anxiety
& death pg. 183-184)

The 'fear of death' is a composite experience …inner state-of-being "Existential Freedom".

This confrontation with anxiety outweighs their extinctions scenarios because destruction has already occurred
in the inner-space
Davis 2k1
(Walter a., Professor of English at Ohio State, Deracination: historocity, hiroshima, and the tragic imperative, p.

We begin with an effort to describe …future, because the breakdown has already occurred.8
The ultimate end of the affirmatives logic is a life that is a living death
Spanos, 3
william v. Spanos, English Professor @ SUNY-Binghampton and dead Nazi lover, 2003
("Heidegger, Foucault, and the 'Empire of the Gaze': Thinking the Territorialization of Knowledge"
Foucault and Heidegger : critical encounters edited Alan Milchman and Alan Rosenberg, pg. 270)

By this dark end of the light of …instrumental reason is a living death.

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