If Only I Could Walk Out of The Bathroom

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If Only I Could Walk Out of the Bathroom….

By: Gizzy Lee

The water felt warm and comforting as plunged into the depths of my tub, which
felt more like the hot springs in Iceland, than a small oval-shaped tub in the middle
of my bathroom. I tried not to think about what had happened just yesterday while I
was walking home from school. As I fell into the foaming waters I started having
flashbacks of a scene that will haunt me for a long time. Then I started scrubbing
myself with soap as if trying to scrub off an infection that can easily take-over my
body. The conclusions of future became even dimmer as I continued to scrub. Soon…
very soon they may get control over everything. I closed my eyes feeling delirium
sneak up from the corners and grab me from behind. How could he do this to me?
How could this have gotten so out of hand? How could have let something like this
happen to me?

I took a few breaths; trying to ascend from the bottomless pit I had dug myself
into. I emerged out of the tube and wrapped a big peach-colored towel around my
wet figure. A chill ran down my spine from the cold allure of the air. I froze but
continued to walk to my sink. I wiped off the fog that covered the mirror and looked
deep into my reflection. I staggered back disgusted. I touched a hand to my face,
drawling out the contours with a finger. My hands went numb and I plopped down
onto the toilet seat. I didn’t know how I could leave this room. I didn’t know how to
face the world, my world.

A pound on the door faltered my train of thought. My brother needed to use the
bathroom. I yelled back at him, telling him I’d be out soon. I started to dry myself off,
brush my hair, and put on fresh cottons. I hesitantly looking into the mirror again
while holding tight to the counter of the sink. I closed my eyes once more trying to
hold myself together. I kept repeating “he’s gone, its over, I’m fine, he’s gone, its over,
I’m fine!” inside my mind.

While trying to comfort myself I heard the faint sound of my favorite band 30
Seconds to Mars come onto the radio. “This never ending story, paid for with pride
and a fate, we all fall short on glory, lost in the sun!” The words of their song struck
me deep. It built up a kind of strength that I haven’t had in weeks. I stood up, clasped
my hands into fists and finally opened the door.

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