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TN ‘DUBAI ELECTRICITY & WATER AUTHORITY EE ) pas olay Lopes Ate SE Hes a1/2004 9 Main 2006 To All Constante & Contre Debal Chiller / Motor Loads Proposed to be Connected to DEWA's Transformer Please be informed hat, in order to impcove he eaety and elibilty of power supply within consumer the fallowing requirement all be inplemcnied wile proposing ChilerMotor Lose to be onnecte ip DEWA Transformer trough consumer’ Private Low Volage Panel’ 1. AlLGhllers above 100 kW power requirement, proposed fo be connected to LV supply shal ave mult ‘tage compresors and designed for squeal start with ine deny of 1 3 minutes 2, Following guidelines ae tobe comiered atthe design stage, t inclode Chiller / Motor Loads, for ‘onneuton fo DEWA Teanstormer tough Private LV Panel 2 | masini _pemsamle Surg | the atu yt pi tt | Gur tes aye porml | ‘Sinead compress ac | msn pachonasl "| Gaunt jaabeea! 1 | Sequential stat of cher | time wit stmeceny of 10 mauis | one tne wih tne des of fo « [ieermessinwe | Spend SNS] Sages ‘The Constants shall consideepemissible Volage Flicker lini, fequency of staring of the eis, 19 nau sat of de consumes” equipment and intllaions and ality of spp, nthe respective eject ll Consultants ae requested to incoporte this requirement in their Drawings and Load Distribution Scholes and submit slong with Chiller Conol Schematics, Single Line Diagram, details of starter and aber technical speifiestion fo the Consumer Services Deparent in DEWA for approval, before comimercement the projet ‘Should you regi any clarification onthe above lease do ot heist o contact ‘Thanking you in aici tion of our all enoperton ‘Youre sil, For DUBAL ELECTRICITY & WATER AUTHORITY TRICNW GEG pee EN SE po a Gy PS pp Ema a ‘wate mipstwwndoma goa oman gor ae ins CHECKLIST FOR REGULAR SUBSTATION (SINGLE ROOM), AL=T AWA Please find below the following documents are not submitted as show as tick marked. R oO ‘pe sp of Station Rem cea doing plan shonin etn (os & 9) LY lee orn i eb re hn 1S sts evap be Sten rn LW eaters arangenent tbe tied upto Lee om, ‘ne coy of Lead Summary Sheth over ried ead oul KWH meting) One comy of Shem Diazan sowing lon ine & meng ern “BD pores Motes las 10K & Unceraing duly Sand by te eieuant (w cinim ht hee ae no hie mone o Q a a a a PD exces Matas o> 100K ‘© Chl otor lad pov rom CorsunerSenees parma Plesse find below the following devimons are nt expected as shown as tick marke Arrange to revise the same fo process your case 7D sunetaten learnt 3 Tmeemininam I Subwaton sone) sear halon —275mia & car wath 3.95mi 1B resonates on OM roscminimur 3 osm sce 1D ose snous nave mnmum cles wish OF 305 m, however the proposes fubtaton locaton more lan 10 Mts aay fom fe mai ra than fe ita hous hve meinom Saar with ot 2 ie G1 Mutenavewersiston minimum tho soe) wth Aluminum wwe / dors, 1B cies capt osmirs From FFL fished foo ve) fhe Subanon 1 proves fertereh for cable ent, rv ore sunsaton shouts be ighr by minimum 9.1Smirs. 2 makenum ©:39m¢3 ‘respect aclacert sound ovl (awards subeaton soo) Substation is suitable fr releasing supply through feeders, each of 400% ~.__ masimum cating if DEWA LVDB applicable 1 3 set tn mary wim of «ST fr txi000MSO0KV-A ranstormar 35 donor 21000 GDOKVA tanatormers (Fer every ational vanstormer approximately 26 18m? adctonal pace lagu) ‘wth minimum width of 8 imi door provided toward bine nde, Signatur: Inocion — Substation Drawing Anaraval Rennes Page 1 of | € ee thegs han Se > Dubai Electricity and Water Authority Na Introduction ~ Substation & LV Room Drawing Approval Process ‘Substation and LY Room Drawing Approval e-Servcefacliatee Conaultants to apply online forgetting Spproval for substation and LV room grawing Wom DEWA. REQUEST FOR SUBSTATION AND LV ROOM DRAWING APPROVAL HAS TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE SONSULTANTS ONLY. In the case of Private Panel requirement the applcation is routed through the Consumer Service apttiment of DEWA to get the "Provisions! Approval” and’ then ‘outed to Dietibuton Servi ‘department of DEWA for inal approval. In the case of DEWA Panel the application ie directly received by the Distribution Service department. ‘Contuitenta receive the application back for revisions, any in both the eases. [Applications can be tracked bythe reference number to know the status ofthe application onthe website, ‘Tehety email notifications and SMS are sent for information In case of revisions and approval of Sub Station NOT required, apply thraugh the “LV shop drewing approval Required attachment documents ars voluminous in nature. Hence manual submission and collection of tho same i required atthe counter In DEWA's Head Ofics. Following Documents are requited fr the above process: gaa aaah eri =FoR LV Room APPROVAL. f Trnmaty of Taal ConneciedLoed and Lead dettbaton ecieaues sad SHOES ingle Le Diag (Proposed CV sistibuton ana anf metorng) Asai loyout snd Ground and Wat Foor ayo plans iicatinglocaion f cubation, LVR ston wih dimensions layout details ofthe V Yom and arrangement o LV panels meting) Chiler/ Motor Loads are included 5 inalag Sete of RRM CUTER Sa WansTOrmeTL pan Sonneeed To Se iecon and Losal Ti ~ Cen Curves, ce of ChileMCtor Loads. T= FOR SUBSTATION APPROVAL Ingle Line Disatam = High Voli i ou pian showing tne road ecco igre for plan showing the weston and ozo of subsition (cole i in dal showing deals of HV roar. rE ment plan [Fst foor san 1072572006 Intneve-servies dew on ae/Prawine Anneli << him Daa dy & Water Aultioity @ eetatis 9 slugedin, * isthatad ayy Disibnton Serviees Department Distribution Substation Guideline } General Conditions / Requirements for Approval of Distribution, Package Substation (OPEN TO SKY SPACE) quirement re sires * 8) 4.57mtrs x 3.66mtrs. open to sky for upto 1 x LOO0KVA. Pocket S/S) 1) 6.1mtrs x 6.1murs. open to sky for upto 2x 1O00KVA. (Pocket S/S) Ares/space condition 49) The substation space should be direct locate along DM road Sikka b) 4.57mtrs6.1htrseshould be along the Dubai Municipal sikea road side ©) Ifsubstation is locata on ska ska should have a minimum clear width (0f 3.05 m as long as proposed substation isnot more than 12m away fom the main oad. Otherwise, the sikka should have minimum clear width of 6m, 4) The beight of the compound wall around the substation shoul not be ‘more than 2.1 Sur height ©) Soak avay should be minimum 3.66mt. away fom the substation {Substation space should be open to sky. 2) Substation is suitable for releasing supply trough feeders, each of 400 (Goaximom rating). al should be submitted slons with the fllowine Documents 8) Ove Copy of fll set of DEWA Building NOC. 1) One copy of affection /ste plan issued by DMIJAFZA/TECOM FZA/DAFZA (if ot attached slong with DEWA Building NOC), ©) Thee copies of site seting out plan showing the location and size of proposed Substation and roads width, ©) One copy of Load Summary Sheet. (nchoding Total connected load of exch sotor/chiler, power required date and KWH meter) ©) One copy of Schematic Diagram showing load intake de metering arrangement 8) A soft copy in Microstaion Version 95 of site setting out plan, indiceing DM coordinates 2) For Chillers Motos load < 100K W Undertaking duly signed by the consultant (to confima that there are no chillersmotor load above 100K) * 1b) For Chillers / Motors load > 100KW (Chillers fmotors load pproval from Consumer Services Department. F General Conditions / Requirements for Approval of Distribution Substation Outside Building (RCC/Block Room) omen: a _9)-52.56m? (with minimum widh of 4 57m) for 13100011500 RVA transfomner 1b) 53.95m? for 2 1000/1500 kVA transformers GFor every additional wassfomer ~spproxinetely 24.19m* additional spce is ‘equire), with minimum width of 6mtrs. i door provided toward Smtr side. ¢) 10 m? addional space is required if the total conneced load is 2 SMW or the opacity of required transformers is = 6MVA) Arealspace conditions: . 48) Substation lear height ~3.7mtr minimum 1) Substation door(s) clear height —2.7Smtrs. & clear width ~ 2.44mtrs. (.OSmats in ‘exceptional cases) et per door details ref. drawing 20s. P-DS/DOOR/O1/96 (Rev"'A") and P-DSDOORIOZS. ©) Direcly looted on DM road ska If substation is located on sikh, ska should have a minintion clear wid 93.05, sm as long 2s proposed substation isnot more thin 12m away fom the main road, (Otherwise, the ska should bave minimum clear width of 6.1m, ©), Must have ventletion (minimum two sides) with Aluminium louvers / doors 2) Clear depth QoSmie8> fiom FFL (Gnished oor level) of the Substation 10 be provided for trench & for cable en. 1) Clear depth of 0.95mi, of trom FFL ofthe sobetaton up to bed of the cable tray ‘and minimum clearance of 0.45mi isto be maintained in between bottom of the Sab and the bed of the cable way for cable tay arrangement. The eable tay should ass through publicfopen ree and not trough any closed area / room. 1) FFL of the Substation should be higher by minimum 0.15mes. to maximum (0.3mis. with respect 0 adjacent ground level towards substation doo). wing Documents Detail: submitted alone withthe fo \.a) Copy of fll set of DEWA Building NOC. 3) One copy of affection site plan issued by DMITAFZA (if not atached along with DEWA Building NOC), 9) Three copies of ste setting out pln (with DM coordinates, showing the location and Size of Substation room and indicating roedikka width, \_B)One copy of Substation Room dels drawing / plan showing sections (x-x & 3g 1) LV clerical room is not ro be more than 1 mete away ffom the Subsation, if ‘main panel is private(separate approval forthe cable route and LV roam t0'be obtained from Consumer Services Department 1) LV cable route srrangemeat 1 be indicated up to LV electrical room. 3) One copy of Load Summary Sheet, (Connected load of each motor/ciller Power required date and total KWH meters are to be indicated) 1) One copy of Sctematie Disgram showing load intake & metering arrangemen: For Chillers / Motors toad < 100K Undertaking duly signed by the consultant (to confizm that there are no chilles'motor load above 100KW) ‘m) For Chillers / Motors load > 1O0KW Y Chillers motors load approval from Consumer Services Department 1) Soft copy in MicroStation 95 of'tems e & ¢ . i General Conditions / Requirements for Approval of Distribution Substation(s) in Ground Floor within Building (Single room option} ‘Area Requivene Regus $ 2) 32.56 (wit minimum width of 4 S7mir for 1x1000/1500 VA transformer 1b) 53.95 for 2x1000/1500 kVA transformers (For every additional transformer -approximately 24.19m° additional space is required), with minimum width of Glmtrs. if door provided toward é.imtrs, side. ©) 10 m? additional space is required ifthe total connected load is > SMW or the capacity of required transformers is 2 GMVA, Arsalspace conditions: 4) Substation clear height —3.7mtrs.minimorn ') Substation door(s) clear height ~2.7Smts.& clear width — 2.44mi, (5.05mi in exceptional cases) as per door details ref. drawing n0s. P-DS/DOORO196 (ev. A") and P-DS/DOOWOZA6. ©) Directly located on DM road sikka 4) substation is located on silks, ska should have a mininium clear width of 3.05 ‘mas long as proposed substation is not more thn 12m away ffom the main road, (Otherwise, the sibka should bave minimum clear width of 6.1m. ©) Must have ventilation (minimum two sides) with Aluminium louvers / door 1) Wet areas (ie. Litchen, beth / toilet etc) above Substation are not acceptable. Only in exceptional unavoidable cases this may be accepted at the discreion of DEWA ‘with the conditions as por the Annexure-A stached along with tis. © Clear depth 0.9Smts._ fiom FFL (Gnished floor level) of the Substation to be provided for tench & for cable enty. 1) Clear depth of 0.95mirs. of ftom FFL ofthe substation up to bed ofthe eatle tay snd minimum clearance of 0.4Smtrs isto be maintained in between bottom of the slab and the bed ofthe cable tray for cable tay arrangement. The cable tray should ‘ss through poblicopen res and not through any closed area! room, 1) FEL of the Substation should be higher by minimum 0.15mtrs. to maximum ‘O3ints. with respect to adjacent ground level towards substation door). Proposal should be submitted slone with the following Documents (Details: a 4) Copy of full set of DEWA Building NOC. One copy of affection ‘site plan ised by DMIJAFZA (if not etched along with EWA’ Building NOC). » ©), One copy of ste setting out plan, with DM coordinates, Qe ) Three copies of Architectural plan indicating the Substtion(s) in Ground Foor and indicating rosdsika width ©) One copy of Above-Ground Floor Fla, 1) One copy of Basement floor laa (if applicable) £2) One copy of Substation Room details drawing plan showing sections (xx & yy). 1) LV electrical réom és not to be more than 15 meters away ffom the Substation, if sain panel is private : 4) LV cable route / arrangement o be indicated upto LV electrical room, 4) One copy of Load Summary Sheet, (Connected load of each motor(chiller, Power required date and tral KWH meters sre to be indicated) 1) One copy of Schematic Diam showing loa intake & metering srangezeat 1) For Chillers / Motors load < 100KW “Undertaking duly signed by the consultant (to confi that there are 20 chller'motor load sbove 100KW) 1m) Fordcntiers/ Motors fosd > 100KW ¥ Chillers ‘motors load approval fom Consumer Services Department 13) Soft copy in MicroStation 95 of items © & & | General Conditions/Requirements for Approval of Distribution Substati E Floor (only Dedicated) (Subject o special requirements) Area Reouirement ‘2. Transformer Room (Basement Floor * 2 im? (with minimum width of 4.57mes) for 1x1000/1500 kVA Transforner 42? for 2 «1000/1500 KVA transformers (For every additional transformer-approximately 2imize. additional space is required), with minimum width of 6.lmtrs, if door provided toward 6 Imes side. ». RMU Room (Ground Floor) 93m? area (with minimum wideh of 3.05mtrs. if door provided toward 3.05mtrs.) {GF one set of RMU (controlling up t0 two transformers witout HT mete). ‘Anproximately 7m2 adtional space is required foreach additional RMU sa) (10 mi? additional space is required if the tol connected loud is > SMW oF the capacity of transformers is = 6MVA) (Conditions for RMU room: 8) Clear height ~ 3.05mi, (minimum) ') Digecty located on DM Road / Skea ©) If substation is located on sk, ska should have minimum clear width of3.05 m 25 long as proposed substston is not more than 12m away ffom the main road, Otherwise, the sikka should have minimum clesr width of 6.1m. 4) Aluminum Louvered door dimensions (sain) 2.4trs. (W) x 2.6mtrs. #1). ©) FFL of the RMU Room should be higher 0.1Smtrz. To O.3mts. with respect to sjacent ground level towards RMU Room doar. 4) Clear depth of 0:9Smtrs. fom FFL (finished floor level) of the RMU Room to be Provided for cable tench & for eable tay arangement. 2) Clear height ~3.05m0. minimum 1) Transformer Room (Basement) door) clear eight ~ 2.75mi & clear width — $.0smair(24émirs, in exceptional cass) as per door details ref. drawing as. P- DS/DOOR1/96 (Rew.’A") end P-DSDOORIIZIG. : ©) Divect unhindered access (oF minimum 3.0Smtrs. width & minimum 3.0Smtrs, (Ces height) from DM road / ikke, 4) Mast have venation (minimum two sides) with Aluminum louver doors ith fixed Aluminum wire Mesh / Gris. (Total minimum Grill area is 149° m? for 1000KVA transformer and 18.6m* Yor 1500kVA transformer (as per DEWA Dre, No. PTD/MESHO1/02)} ©) FFL of the Transformer Room (Basement) should be higher 0.07Sms. to 05m. ih respect to adjacent ground level (owards Transformer Room doo). 1) Clear depth of minimum 0.50 mtr, fiom FFL (Gnished oor level) of the ‘Transformer Room (Basement) to be provided for able trench & for eble tay \ aangenent, , ® The ramp to the Transformer Room (Basement) should be straight (cinimum 3.05mu, width) and clear height sbould be minimum 3,0Smatr. from DM rosd up to ‘Transformer Room (Basement), 1b) Slope of the ramp to the Transformer Room (Basement) to be maintained 1:10 098. * 1m case of transportation through slab cut out opening arrangement, the cut ut size to be 3 miss. x 3 mirs. and to be adjacent to the DM road side, Below the ‘ct out at basement, the area to be designated as loading / unloading bay and above 183 cutout to be open sky. IPabove floor comes above then the clear height tobe ‘intained 7 mes. (for the’ boom of the crane for the transportation of the ‘wansformeretc). If the eut out slab is directly above the substation then the sab cut ‘out cover tobe weather proof pe. §) ‘Transportation of Transformer(s) to and fom Transformer Room (Basement) is Owners responsibility 3) LY electrical room not to be more than 15 mis. away from the Transformer Roos “LV cable route / smangement to be indicted up to the electrical room (separate 'pproval forthe location and sizeof the LV soom to be obtained fiom CSD) ‘Common Conditions 4) Transportation of Transformer(s) to and from Transformer Room (Basemest) is Owner's responsibility 1) Clear depth of minimum 0.4Smurs. From FFL (finished floor level) of the path between Transformer Room (Basement) and RMU Room to be provided for cable (wench & for eable tray arrangement. 9 ® e 4m case of cable tray arangement, minimum clearance of 0.4Smtrs. Is to be ‘maintained above the bed of the cable tay for oable instlltion. The eable ay should passthrough publcopen ares and aot trough any closed sea / 09g and there shall be no other services / pipes, ete underneath the cable tay. ‘Wet areas (ie, kitchen, bath / ile etc) above Transformer Room (Basement) & RMU Room are not acceptable. Only in exceptional unavoidable cases ths may be accepted ‘tthe discretion of DEWA with the conditions 2s per the Anenare-A attached along wih this, ‘The cable route from RMU room in ground floor to transformer room (at basement ) preferred tobe straight (without tums / bends) in case of bending the bending reds to beconsidered’R=0.95mes, hou vith the f Documents /Detaits 8) Copy of fil st of DEWA Building NOC, 1) One copy of affection /site plan iased by DM/JAFZA/Goverament Authority (if ‘not attached along with DEWA Building NOC), . ©) One copy of site seting out plan, with DM coordinates. 4 Three copies of Architeccual plan indicating the Transformer Room in Basement Floor. ©) Tavke copies of Architectural plan indicating the RMU Room in the Ground Floor snd indicating roadikka width 1) One copy of Below Basement sloor plan (if proposed for cable trey arrangement) and one copy of above ground floor pla, {© One copy of Transformer Room (Basement) & RMU Room details drawing ! plan showing sections (xox & y+). B) One copy of Architectural plan indioting LV cable route between Transformer oom & Flectrcal LY room. |) One copy of sectional details for Ramp, J) One copy of Load Summary Sheet, (Connected loud ofeach motonchller, Power required date and ttal KWH meters are to be indicated) 1k) One copy of Schematic Diagram showing load inlke & metering arrangement. 2D One copy of Architectural plan indicating HV cable route between RMU room & ‘Transformer room, slong with section showing the typical horizontaertcal clearances available forthe route 1) Undertakings in prescribed form duly signed by the owner of the plot fér Basement Floor Substation 2) Method ststment of transportation of ransom) oan fom the Transoinr Room (Basen). ©) If more tha fo mumbas of transformers xe proposed, theo calcu sopponing the adequacy of natu ventilation for msatining the ambit texpertre inside substation ataxia 55 degree centigrade, based on cide sir ambient temperate oF 48 dears consid tobe Sis. ») For Culler / Moors oad <100KW ~ Underaking duly soned by the consultant (9 con that there at no ctllestotor fad above 100K) @) For Ciilers/ Mots load > 100K Chiles ots load approval om Consumer Senses Deptt. 2) Soft conyin MicroStation 85 ofits of 8 Page 1 of 2 eral Conditions/Requirements for Providing Direct 11.6.6 KV ‘Supply to Consumer's Plot (substation owned & maintained by ‘sonsumer)[Only for industrial load] subject to DEWA approval TI Proposal should be submitted slons withthe following document val Drlvate equipment substation, 1. Copy of DEWA Building NOC along withaffcton st plan fom DMUJAFZADAFZA, 2. Copy (3 Nos) of setag out plan incating RMU room, 3. Soft copy of seting ou plan in MicroStation 95 with DLTM soordinates. 4. One copy of RMU Room details dawing / plan showing sections (x & yy) (with sot ‘copy in Microssaton 95), For RMU requirement (refer Anes-1) : 5. Copy of single line diagram (schematic) showing load intake rengerent with deals of roteion scheme ae following (4 copes) 9) CTS VT rating Burden Clas ot 2) Demis oO & BE relay. ©) Bus section details along with Mechanical end Becta! Interlocking arangesent formore than {feeder TCL &MD foreach feeders ©) TCL & MD foreach Transfer, motors et Metering arangement 1® Details of Power Traasformer (Type, Rating. Ratio, % ip, 1 Staring eurear of motors & the metor deta, 5) Allearting pots 4D DEWA point of supply & ownership boundary 6. Copy of load schedule including TCL. & maximum demu lod with Kwh metering ssranpement tt DEWA cad, 1. Dae of power requierent NOTE Presse note that under normal circumstances we shall quire a period of 18 weeks for ‘commissioning the substation after complying al equiemients 26 stated in PAST Paze2 0f2 PARTI ‘The following documentsinformation should be submitted subsequently after val of above for energization of private equipment and release of power ‘Bhroush private equipment 1. Revisedlupdated copy of single line diagram (schematic, if epplicable- 4 copies) 2, Details of specification of wansformer, switch gear, breaker etc [as per DEWA. Format [attached Anex-2(3 Sets} 5. (@) calculation of voliage drop & (b) Harmonics at DEWA source ensuring that theze are Within limits specified by DEWA (planning voltage guideline (enached Ange3). 7 4, ‘Stop by step relay setting calculations. The relay coordination shall be made ‘based on maximum fault curent andthe grading margin shal be Kept st 0.300, seconds between DEWA end to private party's panel end Overs undertaking stating” Our equipment are suitable for energizason in line with DEWA network system’"& confirm that relay’ are set ss for DEWA. spproved settings 6. HY cable Joint’ st in dts (spproved by DEWA) 7. Names and telephone mumbers of coatact person fr th project who should! be tvalable 24 our day night 8, Name of competent technical staff who know the switchgear operation and ‘capable of fsuing work pert stating that cable is safe for works and also ‘esure no one wil operate during testing & repairing time, 9, Factory & Site est report for the transformer Breaker, 11 KV cable ete and test, result forthe transformer inrush balance current 0 be forwarded for verification. 10, Operation philosophy (interlocking detals[atached ssmple Anex-4] 11. Alleatalogue for CT, VT, Relay & motor tobe submited, 12, Formal application for the supply to DEWA (CSD deparament) 13, Payment egunst the estimate 14, Givi works (Trenches) of RML/Substation room should be ready as per DEWA released dang, Anext Sz ofthe RMU foundation sal be 61% 6.1 mcs (57.21 wide FGRP Kins eo be ‘soppled by DEWA). Ths for? Now KY ede, For alin fede adticol space egies ae shore ‘beep of ie bouodary Wal (sie) aod the RMU foundation seaton sal be pot eta 0 [RMU space sould be drt eted on DM Ron Sitia Saas Batns room) ‘RAL rom shouldbe ety ented on DM Roa St ‘Siu of he RMU oom hal spre 5.4 54 nar(2916 sg) or rele ope RMU room made of block wo nd ROG slab Ts foe? New THEN re For adtna fede 3") aoa! pace required aprox 3.3 mi tout 89% 54 mt, For sina fede) eon pace eg approx 8 ogaie. 7.5% 54M OMU room clear height shall be 12° fr eur pe RMU oom made of sk wok ad ecu) OU room dou cle bight hold be ad clea wih of RMU room mast ave cos veto 2 es) wh mis ouvers/ does 23.2" oleae rf Dor level (FFL) oe provided for wea nd fr eke fay tothe RMU roo. "FL ofthe RMU som hold ih (6" to 12 wi apes tw aacen road evel (om (Geter sie of on do. Note IFRAME space toate on tn a sow Bae ci lea wd of 3.05 mak Jenga propoea baton ot ee tan 13 acy Hom eine Oeruios hs sa ‘Should ave simu clear wif Se

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