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your answers, compulsorily draw diagonal cross lines on the remaining blank pages. 2. Any revealing of identification, appeal to evaluator and /or equations written eg, 42+8 = 50, will be treated as malpractice. Important Note : 1. On comp! r 7 T 1 USN | | | O7MCASI Fifth Semester MCA Degree Examination, Dec.09/Jan.10 Object Oriented Modelling and Design Patterns Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions. 1 a, What isamodel? What purpose does it serve? (08 Marks) b. What are links and association? Write UML notation for links and association and explain with an example. Expiain qualified associations with example. (12 Marks) 2 a. What is aggregation and composition? How is aggregation different trom composition? Give their respective UML noiations with example. (10 Marks) b. What is an event? Explain different types of events with example. (10 Marks) 3 a. Draw use-case diagram for vending machine. What are the guidelines needed to be followed while drawing use-case diagrams? (10 Marks) b. How can you represent branching and concurrency in activity diagram? (10 Marks) 4 a. Explain the stages of software development. (10 Marks) b. Write and explain the steps performed in constructing a domain state model. (10 Marks) 5 a. Explain the steps followed in constructing application class model with the diagram. (10 Marks) b. Explain architecture of the ATM system with diagram. (10 Marks) 6 a. Explain the different tasks involved in design optimization with appropriate UML diagram. (09 Marks) b. What is reverse engineering? Compare reverse engineering Vs forward engineering. (11 Marks) 7 a. Write and explain the three categories of pattern in detail. (12 Marks) b. What is view handler design pattern? Explain the class diagram of view handler that shows the structure of view handler pattern. (08 Marks) 8 a. What are forward-receiver design patterns? Write and explain the steps to implement a forward-receiver design pattern. (12 Marks) b. What are Idioms? How they are helpful in selecting optimized solution for a given problem? (08 Marks) eeees USN Time: 1 a. b 6 2 a b. ©. + &. b. oy 4 a. b, Ss 4. b, ©, 6 a. b, on be €, 8 a b, ] [] [| | MCAS1 | | Fifth Semester MCA Degree Examination, Dec 08 / Jan 09 Object Oriented Analysis and Design : 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100 Note : Answer any FIVE full questions. Compare and contrast the traditional software development approach with object oriented software development approach. What are the advantages of object orientation? (10 Marks) Explain i) Consumer producer association ii) Static and dynamic binding, (0S Marks) Why is reusability important? How does object oriented software development promote reusability? (0S Marks) Explain the quality measures of high quality software with a neat diagram. (05 Marks) With the help of neat diagram, explain the transformaticn phases of software development. (05 Marks) Explain i) Prototyping ii) Component based development iii) Rapid application development. (10 Marks) What are the different phases of Object Modeling Technique? Explain each phase with example. (10 Marks) Discuss the essential components of patterns. (05 Marks) Explain Layered approach to software development. (05 Marks) What is UML? Explain Interaction diagram with example. (10 Marks) Explain i) Qualifier ii) Multiplicity iii) N—aryassociation iy) Association role v) Generalization with example. (10 Marks) What is the purpose and need of analysis? Why analysis is a difficult task? Explain. (06 Marks) Discuss the extends and uses associations of usecases with examples. (06 Marks) What are the guidelines for identifying usecases? identity actors and usecases and draw the transactions usecase diagram for Vianet Bank ATM. (08 Marks) List the different approaches for identifying ¢ Explain Noun phrase approach for identifying classes in a problem domain with example. (10 Marks) Discuss the guidelines for identifying Associations, Super — Sub class relationships and Ageregations. (10 Marks) Explain object orierted design axioms and corollaries. (10 Marks) What is an OODBMS? Compare it with DBMS. (06 Marks) What is distributed databases? (04 Marks) State and explain user Interface Design Rules. (10 Marks) Discuss the guidelines for i) Designing forms and data entry windows. ii) Dialog box, Error message and Command buttons with neat diagram. (10 Marks) oes [| | | ‘| MCASI Fifth Semester MCA Degree Examination, Dec. 07 / Jan. 08 Object Oriented Analysis and Design hrs. Max. Marks:100 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions. What is an Object Oriemed System Development Methodology? Explain how the object oriented approuch differs from taditional approach, (10 Marks) ) Explain the following terms : 1) Object Persistence ii) Encapsulation iii) Data Abstraction iy) Static and Dynamic Binding, (10 Marks) a Explain transformation phases of sofware development with neat diagram. 410 Marks) b. What is prototyping? Explain different types of prototyping and their uses? {10 Marks) # Describe Booch methodology for object otiemed systems development. 110 Marks) b. Discuss Unified approach to software development. 1A Marks} |. Explain Pattern, Frameworks. (10 Marks) » What is UML? List different WMI. diagrams and explain Interaction diagrams with examples, {10 Marks) Explain why uses and extends associations usefull in use-case modeling with examples. (10 Marks) What is the difference between usets and actars? (05 Marks) .. Discuss the guidelines for developing effective documentation: (05 Marks) . List the different approaches fer identifying classes. Describe Noun ~ phrase approach for identifying classes. (10 Marksy . Explain the guidelines for identifying following relationships. i) Association ii) Super—sub Relationship. (10 Marks) Explain Object - Oriented Design axioms and corollaries. (10 Marks) . Discuss the guidelines for identifying attributes (05 Marks) Write a note on attribute types and UML attribute presentation. (05 Marks) .. What is an OODBMS? Compare it with traditional DBMS. (10 Marks) 1. Stateand explain UI Design Rules. (10, Marks) shuns

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