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Mode is that single measure or score which occurs most frequently.

When data are

grouped into a frequency distribution, the crude mode is usually taken to be the midpoint
of that interval which contains the largest frequency.

When to Use the Mode

1. When a quick and approximate measure of central tendency is all that is wanted.
2. When the measure of central tendency should be the most typical value

Mode from Ungrouped Data

1. A set of numbers 2,3,5,8,8,8,9,10 has mode 8.
2. A set of numbers 4,5,7,8,9,11 has no mode
3. A set of numbers 3,5,7,7,7,8,8,9,9,9,10 has modes 7 and 9 and is called bimodal.

Mode from Grouped Data


= exact lower limit of modal class. The modal class is the class with the highest
= numerical difference between the frequency of the modal class and the class
preceding it
= numerical difference between frequency of the modal class and the class following it
= class interval width
Median is that point on the scale of scores below which ½ of the scores lie, above which
the other half of the scores lie.

When to Use the Median

1. When the exact midpoint of the distribution is wanted, the 50% point.
2. When there are extreme scores which would markedly affect the mean. Extreme scores
do not disturb the median.
3. When it is desired that certain scores should influence the central tendency, but all that
is known about them is that they are above or below the median.

Calculating the Median from Ungrouped Data

is the value of the middle item when all the items are arranged in either ascending
or descending order in terms of values:

Median = (N+1)/2


N= refers to the number of items in population

Calculating the Median from Grouped Data


= exact lower limit of the interval where the median lies
= number of scores
= cumulative frequency up to the class immediately preceding the median class
= frequency of median class
= class interval width


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