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10 Geological Wonders you didn’t know, may be..

The Wave (between Arizona and Utah - USA )

A red-rock stunner on the border of Arizona and Utah , The Wave is made of 190-
million-year-old sand dunes that have turned to rock. This little-known
formation is accessible only on foot via a three-mile hike and highly regulated.
Antelope Canyon ( Arizona - USA )

The most visited and photographed slot canyon in the American Southwest, the
Antelope Canyon is located on Navajo land near Page, Arizona. It includes two
separate, photogenic slot canyon sections, referred to individually as Upper
Antelope Canyon --or “The Crack”-- and Lower Antelope Canyon --or “The

The Navajo name for Upper Antelope Canyon is Tse' bighanilini, which means
"the place where water runs through rocks." Lower Antelope Canyon is
Hasdestwazi, or "spiral rock arches." Both are located within the LeChee Chapter
of the Navajo Nation.
Great Blue Hole ( Belize )

Part of the Lighthouse Reef System, The Great Blue Hole lies approximately 60
miles off the mainland out of Belize City . A large, almost perfectly circular hole
approximately one quarter of a mile (0.4 km) across, it’s one of the most
astounding dive sites to be found anywhere on earth. Inside this hole, the water is
480 feet (145 m) deep and it is the depth of water which gives the deep blue color
that causes such structures throughout the world to be known as "blue holes."
Crystal Cave of the Giants ( Mexico )

Found deep inside a mine in southern Chihuahua Mexico , these crystals were
formed in a natural cave totally enclosed in bedrock. A geode full of spectacular
crystals as tall as pine trees, and in some cases greater in circumference, they are
a translucent gold and silver in color and come in many incredible forms and
shapes. The Crystal Cave of the Giants was discovered within the same limestone
body that hosts the silver-zinc-lead ore bodies exploited by the mine and it was
probably dissolved by the same hydrothermal fluids that deposited the metals
with the gypsum being crystallized during the waning stages of mineralization.
Eye of the Sahara ( Mauritania )

This spectacular landform in Mauritania in the southwestern part of the Sahara

desert is so huge with a diameter of 30 miles that it is visible from space. Called
Richat Structure --or the Eye of the Sahara -- the The formation was originally
thought to be caused by a meteorite impact but now geologists believe it is a
product of uplift and erosion. The cause of its circular shape is still a mystery .
Blue Lake Cave ( Brazil )

Mato Grosso do Sul region in Brazil (and especially the quiet town of Bonito )
boasts many marvelous underground lakes: Gruta do Lago Azul, Gruta do
Mimoso, Aquário Natural. The world famous "Gruta do Lago Azul” ( Blue Lake
Cave ) is a natural monument whose interior is formed by stalactites, stalagmites
and a huge and wonderful blue lake. The beauty of the lake is something
impressive. The Blue Lake Cave has a big variety of geological formation but
impresses mainly for the deep blue colored water of its inside lake.
Giants Causeway ( Ireland )

An area of about 40,000 interlocking basalt columns, the Giants Causeway is a

result of an ancient volcanic eruption. Located on the north-east coast of
Northern Ireland , most of its columns are hexagonal, although there are also
some with four, five, seven and eight sides. The tallest are about 12 meters (36 ft)
high, and the solidified lava in the cliffs is 28 meters thick in places. In a 2005
poll of Radio Times readers, the causeway was named as the fourth greatest
natural wonder in the United Kingdom .
Hell Gate ( Uzbekistan )

Called by locals The Door to Hell , this place in Uzbekistan is situated near the
small town of Darvaz . When geologists were drilling for gas, 35 years ago, they
suddenly found an underground cavern that was so big, all the drilling site with
all the equipment and camps got deep deep under the ground. None dared to go
down there because the cavern was filled with gas, so they ignited it so that no
poisonous gas could come out of the hole, and since then, it has been burning.
Nobody knows how many tons of excellent gas has been burned for all those
years but it just seems to be infinite.
Wave Rock ( Australia )

The Wave Rock is a natural rock formation located in western Australia . It

derives its name from the fact that it is shaped like a tall breaking ocean wave.
The total outcrop covers several hectares; the "wave" part of the rock is about 15
meters high and approximately 110 meters long. One aspect of Wave Rock rarely
shown on photographs is the retaining wall about halfway up the rock. This
follows the contours and allows rainwater to be collected in a dam. It was
constructed in 1951 by the Public Works Department, and such walls are common
on many similar rocks in the wheatbelt.
Chocolate Hills ( Philippines )

Composed of around 1,268 perfectly cone-shaped hills of about the same size
spread over an area of more than 50 square kilometres (20 sq mi), this highly
unusual geological formation, called Chocolate Hills , is located in Bohol ,
Philippines . There are a number of hypotheses regarding the formation of the
hills. These include simple limestone weathering, sub-oceanic volcanism, the
uplift of the seafloor and a more recent theory which maintains that as an ancient
active volcano self-destructed, it spewed huge blocks of stone which were then
covered with limestone and later thrust forth from the ocean bed.

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