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1. Informative speech - to inform
- to present facts, opinions, and basics to an audience
- does not assume responsibiblity of making the audience believe
- classroom lectures, seminars, demo talks, procedures, systems, values, explanation of
- clear, logical, and understandable
- focus on arrangement and strength of statements (important words should be given emphasis)

2. Inspirational speech - to inspire

- to impress or elevate the spirit of your audience
- raise audience's emotions
- building the morale of the audience
- graduation exercises, pastor's sermon, 'pep talks', retreats, funerals

3. Graceful speech - to entertain

- enjoyment of the audience by telling light-hearted and funny stories
- after-dinner toasts, social meetings, travelogues

4. Pursuasive speech - to pursuade

- to influence conduct
- to accept his arguments and opinions and to accept a particular belief
Effective persuasive speaker:
- appearance: neat and well-groomed
- show poise and confidence
- master the art of using voice and gestures effectively
- be sincere

Types of Appeals:
1. Appeal for competition: to rouse audience to action (ego & pride)
2. Appeal for coordination: to work for common good of the community
3. Appeal for the need for immediacy: act now, dangers of these will be a delay
4. Appeal for the need of delay: needs considerable time and money; for further deliberation
5. Appeal for the desire for ideals: desire to do what is right; strong sense of duty
6. Appeal for conformity: keep up in step, trend or fashion
7. Appeal for desire for adventure: 'taking chances or risks'
8. Approval for status quo: man's desire to resist change (drastic effects)
9. Appeal for the desire to be exclusive: different from the rest; belong to an organization that is hard to
get into; buy things that are difficult to purchase
10. Appeal for security: assume guarantee of security of you audience

5. Argumentative speech - to argue

- induce belief by force of facts, reasoning and manner of presentation; controversial issues
1. Involve problem analysis
*statement of the problem
2. Must learn how to influence the audience
3. Must demonstrate the ability to think logically and clearly
4. To convince the listeners (analogies, evidences, casual reasoning)
5. Must establish goodwill (praises and encouragements)
6. Present a neat and well-groomed appearance/effective use of voice and gestures

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