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Ericka Anne Nicole M. Ferrer Year III – St.

John 


The long-sought aqueduct that delivered fresh, clean water to Rome nearly 2,000 years ago, is
found beneath a pig pasture northwest of the Italian city.

A pair of British filmmakers recently found remains of an aqueduct that delivered fresh water to
Rome some 1,900 years ago. The duo found the aqueduct through a concealed door in a ruined
chapel in the Italian village of Manziana. Beyond the subterranean chamber, a 410-foot-long
gallery led to the beginning of the aqueduct and a large chamber that had been dedicated to
spring nymph gods. This three-chambered semicircular nymphaeum was converted into a Paleo
Christian chapel after 392 A.D.

• An ancient aqueduct that once delivered fresh water to Rome is found.

• The 1,900-year-old tunnel was built by Emperor Trajan in 109 A.D.
• The entry to the aqueduct was found through a secret door in a ruined chapel.

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