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Marijuana legalization

Cultural talks
Efren Orozco
Marijuana legalization
There are many lies and myths that make people think Marijuana is bad and should not be
legalized, but in fact there are many things which would be benefitted if Marijuana was
legalized such as: health issues, government (taxes) and more; which will be explained
throughout this essay.

To begin with, it is an established scientific fact that marijuana is not toxic to humans;
marijuana overdoses are nearly impossible, and marijuana is not nearly as addictive as alcohol
or tobacco. It is unfair and unjust to treat marijuana users more harshly under the law than the
users of alcohol or tobacco. It can’t cure any disease, but it can help patients with nausea,
multiple sclerosis (relieving pain), glaucoma (reducing intraocular pressure), and increase in
appetite (for patients undergoing chemotherapy and AIDS).

Furthermore, if Marijuana was legalized it would benefit the government because many
money and time is involved in dealing with Marijuana illegal use (around 750,000 are arrested a
year in the USA), it wastes jail space, clogs ups court systems, diverts time of police, attorneys,
judges, instead of taking care of real issues like sexual abuse of children, violent crime and
terrorism. Moreover, the money obtained from taxes from marijuana could be used for
something else positive, instead of keep wasting money in the things previously mentioned, as
there has not been seen any decrease in marijuana users.

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