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The Birth of John and Jesus


Luke 1:1-38
Back when King Herod was in charge of Israel, and the
Romans ran everything, there was an older couple named
Zechariah and Elizabeth.

They loved and obeyed God, and were members of the

priestly class from the family of Aaron.

They both really wanted to have children, but were not able
to have any children because Elizabeth was old.
That year it was Zechariah’s turn to go into the temple and
burn incense to God.

When he went in there an angel appeared before him.

Zechariah saw this and was absolutely petrified.

The angel said, “Do not be afraid Zechariah, your prayers

have been heard, and your wife will have a child. You will
call him John, and he will be set apart to God.”

“He will have an important job. He will get people ready for
God’s chosen one to come.”

Zechariah was amazed, “But how can this happen? My wife

and I are old.”

The angel answered, “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of

God, and God has sent me to tell you this.”

“But, so you will know this is true, you will not be able to
speak until your child is born.”
Meanwhile everyone was waiting outside for Zechariah and
wondering what had happened to him, because he was taking
so long.

When he came out and was not able to speak everyone

thought he had seen a vision.
Zechariah completed his work at the church, and returned
home to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth became pregnant and praised God for this miracle.

“God has done this for me,” she said, “He has shown me His
When Elizabeth was six months pregnant God sent the angel
Gabriel to Nazareth.

He sent Gabriel to an young girl named Mary. Mary is from

the tribe of Judah, and the family of David. She was pledged
to be married to Joseph.

“Greetings, oh highly favored of God,” said Gabriel when he


Mary was very scared, and wondered what was going on.

“Do not be afraid. God has said you will become pregnant
and have a child. You are going to call him Jesus.”

“He will be a special baby. He will rule forever.”

“How can this be?” asked Mary. “I am not married.”

“Nothing is impossible with God,” answered Gabriel. “Even

Elizabeth is pregnant in her old age. Your baby will be the
Son of God.”

Mary answered, “I am God’s servant, let it be as He says.”

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