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Algebra 2 – 4th Nine Weeks Project

Project Description:
Create a “Family Album” for the 7 function families listed below. The requirements and grading
rubric are given below. This will be a major grade project and should demonstrate thorough
and thoughtful work. This project is due, Tuesday, May 19 for A day classes and Wednesday,
May 20 for B day classes. A penalty of 10 points per day will be assessed for projects turned in

Project Requirements:
Creative Cover with title and graphic
7 Function Pages-
Absolute Value Functions
Quadratic Functions
Polynomial Function (Choice of degree)
Square Root Function
Cube Root Function
Exponential Functions
Logarithmic Functions

Each function page should include:

Graph / Equation of Parent Function with Domain and Range
Creative General Description of the parent function graph
Graph / Equation of a Translation with Domain and Range, critical points labeled
Graph / Equation of an inequality
Description of alternate forms of the Equation of the function where appropriate

Requirement Points
Creative Cover that represents the project 10 pts – Really Creative
5 pts – Title Only
0 pts – No Cover
Each Function Page 12 pts. (each page)
 3 graphs appropriately titled and (2pts each)
 Domain and Range listed for (2 pts)
each graph
 Creative description of the (2 pts)
parent function
 Alternative forms of the (2 pts)
equation listed and described.
Overall Neatness / Appearance 6 pts

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