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Sugar is everyone’s favourite whore.

It’s the thing you think about in the dark and the quiet
while your healthy-other slumbers inside of you,
dreaming of all the good and sensible things they will eat

It’s the thing we know we should quit but the very thing we cannot stop; rich chocolate spiked with
cayenne pepper poured so thickly into mugs the spoon stands to attention unsupported; creamy white
Philadelphia oozing over carrots and raisins and spice; icing licked clean from the mound of a cupcake,
sugar licked clean from the tips of fingers.

And like most people worth knowing it has a dark side, but unlike most people’s dark side, its
existence has changed the course of history, for better and, unfortunately, for worse.

In short, it is the uneasy love affair that most of us have; the illicit encounter we struggle against, write
about, photograph, lust after, plan for, and justify. Oh, I’m certain there exist a lucky few who do not
feel conflicted…I simply haven’t met them yet.

This is by no means a self-help group. If that’s what you came for then turn away, avert your eyes and
go back to your sugar-free carob pudding.

We don’t want your kind here anyway.

Where to Find It in Montreal:

Les Chocolats de Chloé

546, Duluth Street East, Sherbrooke Metro, tél.: (514) 849-5550


2313 St. Catherine West, AMC Forum, Atwater Metro, 514 228-5222
Mimosa Bakery

769 Jean-Talon Street, Parc Metro, (514) 271-2432

(no website as of this writing)

Afroditi Bakery

756 Saint Roch Street, Parc Metro, (514) 274-5302
Téh Bar

Complexe Les Ailes (Niveau Métro McGill), 677 Sainte-Catherine West

(514) 985-0834,

And pretty please, with a giant maraschino or fresh red cherry on top, add to this list as you see fit.

Photo Credits

Chocolates Chloé:

Mimosa Bakery:
Afroditi Bakery:
Téh Bar:

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