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1.1 Background

English as international language has been taught in every level of education in

Indonesia, the students from elemantary school to university must be learned and mastered

english. English has become one important subject which is included in national examination.

Basicly, there are four skills must be mastered in learning english, they are reading, listening,

speaking and writing. And this research would be focuss on writing skill. Saukah (2000:1) states

that there are six components that must be mastered or developed by students in performance the

writing activity namely ; hand writing, spelling, punctuation, vocabulary (diction), structure and


The researcher will conduct this study at second year of SMP Negeri 15 Kendari which

is based on the reason that this school has poor achievement on writing skill. According to my

interview with the english teacher when the reseacher observed, the teacher stated that most of

students in his school had low achievement in writing, it proved by the data showed by the

teacher. Based on this big problem, the reseacher thinks that it is very important to improve

students writing achievement in this school.

The rationale of applying genre approach is because many researchers have proved that

this approach can help the students writing achievement improved. For example the research

which is conducted by Rikha Amalia (2006), she investigated the effectiveness of genre based to

improve students writing performance and the result showed that genre based approach is
effective to improve students writing performance. Genre approach focusses on models and key

features of texts written for a particular purpose. In genre approach, samples of a specific genre

are introduced, and some distinctive characteristics of the given genre are introduced, and some

distinctive characteristics of the given genre are pointed out so that students notice specific

configurations of that genre. Next, students attempt to produce the first draft through imitating

the given genre, and researcher felt that this reproducing procedure might work for SMP


Genre approach is one of modes in writing instruction that becomes a choice for teachers

to use in the classroom to develop students’ writing performance. This mode concerns with

process writing method, feedback and modelling. In this mode interactions between teacher-

students and students-students happen and it makes become more like a “community of writers”

(Kirby & Liner, 1981). This approach guides students on how to produce a piece of writing

through some stages by introducing the organization structure, language features as well as its

social function.

Based on all explanations above, it is real that the researcher interests to conduct a

research in SMP 15 Kendari in terms to improve the students writing achievement.

1.2 Research Question

The research question of this study is “ can genre based approach improve students

writing achievement at the second year students of SMP Negeri 15 Kendari?”

1.3 Objective of the Research

The objective of this study is to improve students writing achievement under genre based

approach at second year students of SMP Negeri 15 Kendari.

1.4 Significance of the Research

This study will contribute some significances for teachers and students. For teachers, this

is helping them in teaching with the new way. And this study will give them a framework how to

teach writing effectively. And then for students, it can improve their writing achievement which

very useful for their life also.

1.5 The Hypothesis

The hypothesis of this study is “Genre Based Approach can improve students writing

achievement at second year students of SMP Negeri 15 Kendari”.

1.6 Scope of the Study

This study concerns on improving students writing achievement under genre based

approach at the second year students of SMP Negeri 15 Kendari. The writing material will be

used is collaborating books related to teaching writing based on KTSP curriculum. However, the

researcher will take narrative text as its genre would be researched. The subject of this study is

class VIII B of SMP Negeri 15 Kendari in year 2010/2011.

1.7 Definition of Terms

In order to avoid misundertanding in interpreting each variable that proposed in this

study, the researcher provide some technical terms as follows:

1. Students writing achievement

Students writing achievement refers to a student’s actual use of language in written

form. A difference is made by a person’s knowledge of the language (competence0 and how a

person uses this knowledge in producing and understanding sentences (perform) (Richards, 1992). In tis case, it is focused on students achievement in narrative writing.

2. Genre Based Approach

Genre approach refers to a mode in writing instruction which emphasize social

convention, as seen in the use of model text and its attention to specific organizations and

language features of particular genre (Derewianka, 1992)

A Comparative Study of the Teaching writing to Class VIII of SMP 5 Kendari Under

Genre Approach and Write –Pair Square


A. Background

B. Research question

The research question proposed in this study is as follow:

“ is there any significant difeerent of students writing achievement of class VIII of SMP 5

Kendari under genre approach and

C. Assumption

The writer assume that there is significant different students writing achievement of class

VIII of SMP 5 Kendari under genre approach and

D. Hypothesis


A. Design of the Study

This study applied true-experimental design in which the group were given pre-test and

post-test. This design was chosen to know the achievement of students students prior


B. Population and Sample

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