Adieu Rimonabant

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—18— O’Shaughnessy’s • Summer 2009

At least for the time being

Adieu, Rimonabant attention to a two-page Sanofi ad in the

Journal of the American Medical
Assocation, touting “A newly discovered
Failure of weight-loss drug physiological system... The Endocan-
nabinoid System (ECS).”
was foreseen by pro-cannabis MDs The JAMA ad was one of about a
dozen that Sanofi ran in medical journals
In November 2008 the European California doctors who monitor cannabis to explain Rimonabant’s mechanism of
Medicines Agency (EMEA) ordered use by large numbers of patients. action. It said that the endocannabinoid
Sanofi-Aventis to stop selling Jeffrey Hergenrather, MD, of system “consists of signaling molecules
Rimonabant, a drug that reduces appe- Sebastopol, California, was first to go and their receptors, including the cannab-
tite by blocking cannabinoid receptors public with his misgivings. Hergenrather inoid receptors (CB1 and CB2).” The
in the brain. Some 700,000 people had had attended the 2004 meeting of the CB1 receptors are “located centrally in
taken Rimonabant, which was marketed International Cannabinoid Research So- the brain and peripherally in liver, muscle
in the UK and elsewhere as Acomplia. ciety meeting at which Sanofi scientists and adipose tissue” and “may assist in
Data from ongoing clinical trials reported that Rimonabant had proven regulating physiologic processes, e.g.,
showed that Rimonabant users suffer safe and effective in clinical trials involv- lipid and glucose metabolism.”
depression, anxiety, insomnia and ag- ing 13,000 patients. That year the ICRS’s But the gusher of enlightenment that
gressive impulses at twice the rate of achievement award went to three Sanofi Denney anticipated sputtered out quickly.
subjects given placebo. In one study researchers. Only a few ICRS membrers ACOMPLIA’S LAST ACCOMPLISHMENT, getting Sanofi did not succeed in defining “Meta-
there were five suicides among expressed misgivings –off the record, approved as a drug for which the UK
bolic Disorder” as a real disease the way
Rimonabant users compared to only one please– about the basic approach. National Health Service would reimburse,
was announced in a Daily Mail headline Eli Lilly had with “Clinical Depression.”
among subjects on placebo. Finally the Hergenrather and Dr. John McPart- A nation that had been educated about
on the day the 2008 ICRS meeting began
EMEA said “Enough” in a dozen lan- land were lonely voices questioning the the serotonin reuptake process did not get
in late June. Five months later the weight-
guages. propriety of Sanofi’s march to the mar- loss drug would be pulled off the equivalent instruction about the cannab-
A month earlier, Merck had abruptly ket. “The consequences of interfering European market for safety reasons. inoid receptor system. The information
canceled five clinical trials of a similar with the cannabinoid receptor system contained in a few medical-journal ads
cannabinoid-blocker called Taranabant. have not been evaluated in normal hu- The receptors blocked by never crossed over into the mass media.
The pattern of adverse psychiatric effects man physiology,” Hergenrather stated in Rimonabant are prevalent in areas of the In most of the stories dealing with the
had become too obvious to conceal from O’Shaughnessy’s (Fall 2004). brain responsible for emotional control. rise and fall of Rimonabant, reporters
U.S. and European regulators. Hergenrather suggested that before Why did Sanofi and the scientists who avoided the term “cannabinoid receptor
Sanofi marketed Rimonabant, “It would jumped on the Rimonabandwagon think system” entirely. For example, in Jeanne
Researchers at the MD be ethical to design longitudinal studies they could depress cannabinoid activ- Whalen’s Oct. 24 Wall St. Journal piece
to assess the consequences of interfer- ity in the limbic system without depress- about the EMEA withdrawing approval,
Anderson Cancer Center re- ing with the cannabinoid system.” ing mood? How did they rationalize she described Rimonabant as “a new kind
ported that mice on rimonabant It makes sense that doctors treating their hope that a cannabinoid-antagonist of drug that blocks receptors in the brain
develop potentially cancerous patients who augment their cannabinoid drug would not reverse the beneficial that help control food intake.”
levels (by smoking or otherwise ingest- effects of natural cannabinoids? In March 2007, when the FDA was
polyps at a higher rate than
ing cannabis) would be sensitive to the Some hypothesized that when the evaluating Rimonabant, Whalen wrote a
controls. effects of blocking the receptors they CB1 receptor is blocked, the endocan- front-page piece with this doubly inac-
activate. nabinoids are redirected to other targets. curate phrase: “Cannabis, the active in-
Regulators were concerned about Hergenrather’s pro-cannabis col- They spoke hopefully of “compensatory gredient in marijuana, acts on the same
Rimonabant use leading to an uptick in leagues shared his misgivings about mechanisms” that would kick in. receptors...”
other illnesses that the cannabinoid sys- Rimonabant. He and the late Tod A positive side effect? I wrote a polite note to the editor ex-
tem helps to suppress. In August re- Mikuriya, MD, both wrote letters to the Phil Denney, MD, saw a silver lin- plaining that “cannabis” and “marijuana”
searchers at the MD Anderson Cancer U.S. Food and Drug Administration ad- ing in the Rimonabant marketing drive. are synonyms, and that the plant contains
Center reported that mice on vising against approval. To FDA’s credit, He figured it would serve to educate more than one active ingredient. Ms.
Rimonabant develop potentially cancer- a panel of physicians would unani- U.S. doctors about the cannabinoid re- Whalen emailed back: “Thanks for writ-
ous polyps at a higher rate than controls. mously turn down Sanofi’s application ceptor system, which was discovered in ing — always good to hear from readers.
Dangers Were Foreseen in 2007. (Their decision was influenced the late 1990s, and has not made it into I actually didn’t mean to get that techni-
The dangers of drugs that block can- by the belatedly revealed dangers of the medical school curriculum. cal in my phrasing — I was really just
nabinoid receptors were foreseen by Vioxx.) Denney called his SCC colleagues’ saying that the drug marijuana is made
from cannabis. But thank you for the
points you made. Best regards, Jeanne
ICRS 2009: Examining More Facets of CBD Whalen.”
This woman covers the European
Papers to be presented at the 2009 • Cannabidiol Reduces Lipopolysac- Dr. Crippa and colleagues have pharmaceutical industry for the Wall St.
ICRS Meeting in Pheasant Grove, Il- charide-induced Vascular Dysfunction in used single-photon emission com- Journal!
linois, July 8-11, included: the Mouse Brain: An Intravital Micros- puted tomography (SPECT) to study Has any honor accrued to
• Cannabidiol as a Novel Inhibitor copy Study by Ruiz-Valdepenas et al. what happens in the brain when a sub- Hergenrather and the SCC doctors who
of ID-1 Gene Expression in Aggres- • Neural Basis of Anxiolytic Effects ject experiences anxiety. He reports, joined in warning that Rimonabant would
sive Breast Cancer Cells by Mc- of Cannabidiol (CBD) in Generalized “The anxiolytic-like effect of CBD in induce serious adverse side-effects? Of
Allister et al. Social Anxiety Disorder by Crippa et al. healthy volunteers was observed in course not, they can be marginalized as
• Anticonvulsant Effects of Canna- a recent double-blind study that in- “potdocs.”
bidiol Upon Spontaneous Epilepti- vestigated its effects on regional ce- Soon after Rimonabant was taken off
form Activity in Acute Hippocampal rebral blood flow... Because the pro- the market in Europe, Hergenrather had
Brain Slices by Jones et al. cedure itself can be interpreted as an to write a letter to a Butte County judge
• Cannabidiol as a Novel Anti- anxiogenic situation, it allows the who would not allow a patient of his to
Acne Agent? Cannabidiol Inhibits evaluation of anxiolytic drug action. medicate with cannabis while on proba-
Lipid Synthesis and Induces Cell CBD induced a clear anxiolytic effect tion unless the patient got a second ap-
Death in Human Sebaceous Gland- and a pattern of cerebral activity com- proval from an orthopedist.
Derived Sebocytes by Biro et al. patible with an anxiolytic activity.” The patient was a middle-aged con-
• Cannabidiol May Act as a 5- In collaboration with Philip struction worker with a well-documented
HT1A Auto-Receptor Agonist to Re- McGuire’s lab in London, Crippa’s history of back pain for which he had
duce Toxin-Induced Nausea and Vom- team employed functional magnetic been hospitalized, treated by chiroprac-
iting by Rock et al. resonance imaging (fMRI) and “ob- tors, acupuncturists, osteopaths, and
• Cannabidiol Controls Intestinal served that CBD affected activation physical therapists, and prescribed
Inflammation Through the Modula- when subjects were processing in- Celebrex, Flexeril, Soma, Valium,
tion of Enteric Glial Cells by tensely fearful stimuli, attenuating Vicodin, Percodan, Percocet, Darvocet,
DeFilippis et al. responses in the amygdala and cin- Ultram, ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.
• Characterization of the gulate cortex. The suppression of the Not only was the judge playing doc-
Neuroprotective Effect of Cannabidiol CBD RESEARCHERS José Alexandre S. amygdalar response was correlated to tor, she didn’t understand that orthope-
After Oxygen and Glucose Depriva- Crippa (standing, left), Antonio Waldo the drug effect of reducing fluctua- dists have no expertise treating pain. Dr.
tion of Newborn Mice Foregrain Zuardi (seated) and Jaime E. C. Hallak, tions of skin conductance. Therefore, Hergenrather put this much more diplo-
Slices -Romero et al Department of Neurosciences and similar to the data obtained in animal matically in his letter to her –as diplo-
Behavior; Division of Psychiatry, Ribeirão models and results from studies in matically as he put his warning about
• The Effect of Cannabidiol and
Preto Medical School, University of São
delta-9 THC On Social Interaction of healthy volunteers, these results Rimonabant in the summer of 2004.
Paulo, Ribeirão Preto SP, Brazil and
Rats by Malone et al. INCT-Tranlational Medicine, Brazil strongly suggest an anxiolytic action
of CBD.”

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