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CHAPTER 4 CRITERIA AND TERMINOLOGY USED FOR THE CHARACTER IZATION OF TERRAIN UNITS. 44 GENERAL APPROACH “The qualtative/emi-quanttatve landscape approsch to terran classifiation sas deseaibed in Chaptor 3 bepas with the determination of the (min) po- morphologic units, ie, the main landforms and/or a complex of (minor) landforms, though they may be combinations of those landforms forming ter fain systems and train provinces. Tevain parameter, as specified in Chap ter, may form the basis of subunits. They should however, be rearranged {o form manageable, practical train unis and terrain components. This tr rain clusication concept should produce logical mapping units, ie. the gross Structure or environments should be recognizable on'a map. The delineation of promorphologe units appears wo lend iself quite wel, becuse three aspects of such units, Le, general relief type, rock/sediment type, and genes (gelog- ical and geomorphological processes acting in the past and at present), aso foray an essential part of the terran attributes. The objective to create a terrain terminology capable of characterizing a certain train type with a minimum of words This seems posible only if ‘omorphologe terms are wed. The following examples may eludicate this approach (a) Ploodpain 1 General ree type: flat tern 2 Rock/sediment type. unconslidated dastic material, e, grave, sand, sit, ot 3 Genesis Avil origin (iver ation. ‘his landform further includes an environment with young, alla, badly rained alluvial sos, continuous accumulations and regular foods (8) Strcturaly controlled lnestone plateau | Genera reef type = Mat or gently sloping tran, bascally standing out from ite suroundinge limestone structure and ook type fs dominant, ie, nearhod- zonally bedded, relatively resistant limestone, in ‘which only minor weathering and dissolution features, “This landform further includes an environment with deep, well developed soils, moderately well druined ina stable condition, (6c) Erosion sacs (or pediment) om granite 1 General rie type : gently doping terrain; straight to slighty concave 2 Roek/sediment type 3 Genesis slope; its (upper) boundary withthe hinterland is indicated by a sharp slope discontinuity ‘panite, covered by 2 veneer of debris (sock fag. ments) mechanical weathering and debris transport under arid and semiarid (climatic) conditions. “This landform further includes an environment with shallow sos, low fr tity, well drained and subject to sheet erosion. (d) Coastal plain with Beach rges 1 General relief type + nedrly Mat of geny sloping, undulating terrain by the 3 basically unconsolidated sandy materi sarne origin; sea deposits, frequemly accumulated by longahore currents. Some acolian activity related 10 dune formation ‘This landform (complex) includes an environment with lite developed soils, wel drained inthe higher sndy portions (old beach ridges) and badly Aained in the low portions (sve) (e) Cone of ¢ srato-voleano 1 General relief type: step to very step (soated) conical hill or moun- mixture of dipping lava and lose volcanic deposits volcan origin intermittent eruptions of lava and pyroclastic materials ‘This landform includes an environment susceptible to gully erosion shallow to moderately deep solls and well drained (1) Sandstone hogbock 1 General elie type: step to very steep, elongated, nearly symmetrical ridge sespy dipping sandstone Structural cig steeply dipping sandstone layers crop out due to tectonic and denudational process ‘This landform includes an envionment with shallow to moderately deep soils, well dained and susceptible to erosion 2 Rock/sediment type 3 Genesis 2 Rock/seiment type 3 Genesis 2 Rock/sediment ype 3 Genesis 2 Rock/sediment type 3 Genesis 42. KEY LIST OF POSSIBLE TERRAIN UNITS AND SYSTEMS ‘The following list may serve asa guide to a terrain clasifiaton wing rele asthe staring point. It doesnot, however, pretend to be complet rock types and other (parameti) deals may be added. For 2 morphogenetic terrain sliication the reader is refered to Chapter 7. A Fat to gently sloping tern Floodplain (G3)__ Preparation of a legend table for the applied geomorphologke map, dig the romorphlope uns ad he (1) gtr le en (2). (nowt jd crane type (3) ac, inet aad 2d oe, {Grouse emson neti dome (3) Dad nd fad masta ty coe (6) sbaon/okanltqake had end (7) ening ect wal duplis te mun applied peoorplg sp (ome ‘iy the romeo pe mopping uni, he. morphogenessané mrp "tc sn th map (opel he roceneto and ind eve ‘Spt batt my pre al noma folie # ie hd 1715 PROPOSED LEGEND (REPRESENTING THE MAPPING UNITS) FOR {SENIDETAILED GEOMORPHOLOCIC MAP ‘he fos an crespnting mopping units a dad according to el orogens and equ, frre acing te ma Polo Tho poetic ces dana, ech hn fe fo 17 {nbs The a a the nied ltr amber cde (eg. BF ee). ‘recommended both he cacaion dung the proceso polo ‘con ad the fil cartopaple raetton of the ey eth map [nents een he clo chur othe eerste a Caper 5nd the riot dorms an procs etving Solu les ‘gpd TC textbook V2 (Werstappen a Yan Zadan, 19873). “The flowing Unt costae te gonetflags epg wns wich et be dicted the poner sadeton fst aes oe toi Gonos ‘hi ‘eg ling topo Sip molest dss ee een te 1 haly topogapty. a Se pe ery dnece Seg pac tm een tom's bap of cron) Neat ae unin alg top Pot Sty dtd 2 Durant eps yy DS esepian Cote ut on chcertes pen ea ei oe a too Steins ni ema’ aoetutaercnard een Orton Perrine goceeecree ee amin. Be ee See aoe oe ty Ge D1 Anu wae mis ps try ey ig ‘Sete. (Slae dr a Baas Di Bade Sten to very sly ein ona fa Sore aimee i Foind weed ance ype) ecm tf tle i 8) St Undltigg to aing Gent tg madre spin Lepore th ogee Hacc, eee py 7m ae a 0 ‘Sony pater Gent © moderaay spy sing sitet Spy a tw cl ot elimi ede wots $5 Rolin ly tpg Moly aly spi wah eget” Meal 0 ey St Sn of chino 4 My to mowsuness —Modentey wet to vey sep don nda topoe —tpopanhy ih hae er hades Socatagt | Sov ae mie ei Scones sie pies ‘Eo get pa 2nd et pe et oe ae hepa su ass od ta ‘Symi! aed atc ‘lpn ne aes Ine apart ‘eaten detec Host uplands plo cate man Votan cons (at Vola ans (as Seer dor ter eta eee ilps ea ey doping ck Ap nd ety ie Bl od “ty re te. shia a ices Sear fered alae s * Node to tay Saeed Gente co oddity seep sage. ‘ign po Sy ik Nodrely seep sped 1 Mew. Sy tomy fe 1 ey dpi cone en Eo ey Ser eee Bake nodes diac Vege pe to Hoe Sty See ae Sip 16 odeiey eae Stes Sop (ad ad monterey Forming was of Ra ig Yo onde Sela nor fone a ona rae sito tle aie elton ae ‘ona ae Yon etn Re bas aes ad sane ‘edo speed ‘et shane Frail ee, vi ‘ed ar Gente to modesty sep dope, ‘Sere aint Cee ed om ioral pe Sa mde psp Sep a te ne Sip modesty nce Sey gy hy So Afni dase. 7 a ney soy re Sip 8 mobeny Sec ety pg ung Sige aby ‘Sec Bak Sleep oy ep lps sina to Ba ‘denied by rate of bag Nidan Sty hades Sees? ic ely Ney Aa, ep tpogphy wh tal Saas pe Water bi. peered Sob et ere rent, Ft gary, ees Siren ae aes halon ene Spee eras ae

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