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PL skills and training questionnaire

Practical skills

Below is a lost of some of the practical skills a Patrol Leader needs to be able to
lead their Patrol. There is also space for you to add others.

Tick under the appropriate heading to show if you need help with these items.

Help I need with the practical skills required to lead a Patrol:

None A little Some A lot

Setting up camp q q q q
Menu planning q q q q
Cooking q q q q
Lightweight camping q q q q
First Aid q q q q
Conservation q q q q
Knots and lashings q q q q
Pioneering q q q q
Hiking q q q q
International Scouting q q q q
Service q q q q
Games q q q q
Adventurous activities q q q q
Map and compass q q q q
Emergencies q q q q
q q q q
q q q q
Leadership skips (part 1)

The table lists some of the jobs that a Patrol Leader might do in the Troop. Do
you agree with this list? Are there some jobs here you would take out? What
jobs would you add?

Please tick on column for each heading to show how you feel.

The job of a Patrol Leader is to:

Not my A Some A lot

responsibility little

Set an example q q q q
Help train younger q q q q
Plan programmes q q q q
Run programmes q q q q
Maintain discipline q q q q
Organise camps q q q q
Help the Leaders q q q q
Promote Patrol spirit q q q q
Work as a member q q q q
of the Patrol Leader
Complete my own q q q q
Accept responsibility q q q q
Make new members q q q q
feel welcome
Keep records q q q q
q q q q
q q q q
Leadership skills (Part 2)

Please complete this page, as with part 1, except this list is based on assistance
required rather than how you feel.

The help I require is:

None A Some A lot


Set an example q q q q
Help train younger q q q q
Plan programmes q q q q
Run programmes q q q q
Maintain discipline q q q q
Organise camps q q q q
Help the Leaders q q q q
Promote Patrol spirit q q q q
Work as a member of q q q q
the Patrol Leader
Complete my own q q q q
Accept responsibility q q q q
Make new members q q q q
feel welcome
Keep records q q q q
q q q q
q q q q

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