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• Economic collapse: breakdown of a national,

regional, or territorial economy due to sharp
increase in bankruptcy and unemployment.
• Economic collapse is often quickly followed by
months, years, or even decades of economic
• Technological Unemployment:As technology advances
with machines and robots, more and more people are
being laid off of work and being replaced by mechanical
automation in the work place.
• Inflation:prices are manipulated through the printing of
money through the Federal Reserve or any other banks for
that matter
• Companies Too big to fall:Companies are growing larger
and larger everyday, for people who work for these large
corporations they don't have to worry on losing they're
• Big Government:influenced by private contractors, ceos,
bankers, big pharma, and many other corporate interests to
serve them.
• Outsourcing of Jobs:United States or another country and
they send they're company's to a third world country where
people will work for far less pay, so the company's Ceo can
make more huge profits
• Energy:The Manipulation of Oil prices and Gasoline prices
causes effects in the pricing of products and services around
the world. The big oil companies make huge profits for
selling and tradingenergy for profit
• Poverty:the poverty your going to have in a country the
more crime will rise. The more stealing occurs, the more
killing occurs, and the more unhealthy people will become

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