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Grand Master Choa Kok Sui

Our founder is the internationally acclaimed author of the book, Miracles Through

Pranic Healing (3rd Edition).

Originally published in 1987 as The Ancient Science and Art of Pranic Healing,
Master Choa conceptualized a fresh and far deeper understanding of energy
healing, using the readily available source of all life - Prana, called Pranic Energy
or Vital Life Force.

 This book has been translated into over 27 languages, and is distributed in more
than 40 countries, including many locations in Asia, Africa, Central and South
America, Europe, Canada and the United States of America.

A prolific author, other books written by Master Choa Kok Sui include: Pranic
Psychotherapy (1990), Advanced Pranic Healing (1992), Pranic Crystal
Healing (1996), Psychic Self Defense for Home and Office (1999),
and Meditations for Soul Realization (2000).

Master Choa's style in presenting paranormal concepts and in unveiling inner

(normally hidden) spiritual teachings is simple, straightforward, and practical. His
latest work, theUniversal and Kabbalistic Meditation on the Lord's Prayer(2001),
is a clear example of his brilliant ability to synthesize and connect major spiritual
concepts that have generally remained separated by tradition and practice.

In this work, he combines the spiritual concepts of the Biblical Lord's Prayer, with
the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, relating these two seemingly unrelated doctrines, with
the ancient Indian tradition of the Chakras and Prana or Energy.

Modern Founder of the Ancient Art and Science of Pranic Healing

Recognizing multiple applications for the use Prana or Pranic Energy, Grand
Master Choa Kok Sui is one of the greatest Master's of Energy of our generation.

In developing the modern Pranic Healing techniques used today and known as
'MCKS Pranic Healing,' Master Choa created a new standard of perception
regarding healing itself.

Master Choa not only conceived the comprehensive techniques designed to cleanse
and energize the physical body, thereby accelerating the rate at which the body can
heal itself, he even originated new, never before used terms, to thoroughly clarify
the concepts he devised. Master Choa successfully has demonstrated that energy is
an important factor in healing the physical body, and through employing Pranic
Psychotherapy, also in healing the psyche.

Master Choa formulated an easy to learn, user friendly system, so brilliantly simple
that even new students can rapidly learn to heal simple ailments, enabling them to
produce immediate positive results that contribute to good health and well being.

Master Choa's students are blessed to learn numerous methods for achieving
success in life, by employing his remarkably effective techniques. These powerful
tools clearly reflect his extensive grasp of the numerous applications of energy and
of his deep comprehension of life itself.

Through Master Choa's teachings, his students are able to create more balance and
to maintain greater success and harmony, as he guides them through the enormous
range of possibilities regarding the application of Prana, or Vital Life Force to
nearly every aspect of life.

Founder of Arhatic Yoga

For those seekers on the spiritual path, Master Choa has developed a system of
practices that leads to greater soul (or self) realization. Arhatic Yoga is
nonsectarian, and can become an enhancement to the understanding of any
individual willing to accept the existence of a Higher Being or a God. This
fantastic synthesis of various yogic practices (from many traditions), introduces the
spiritual disciple to a banquet of methods devised to safely accelerate spiritual
growth. These powerful techniques use ancient technology in original and creative
combinations in order to activate and align the chakras and to awaken the kundalini
energy or the "sacred fire."

Arhatic Yoga is an advanced meditational technique, that proportionally balances

aspects of Universal Love, Intelligence and the Will. Practitioners are thereby able
to develop higher intuition, advanced mental powers, stable emotions, clearer
qualities of good character and are able to move more rapidly toward becoming
totally integrated beings of Divine Light.
The Scientist

Initially trained as a chemical engineer, now students often refer Master Choa as a
"scientist of the soul." This scientific orientation enabled him to carefully
systematize the techniques of pranic healing and Arhatic yoga.

Through extensive research, Master Choa developed a discipline called

"technology of the Soul."  The implications of this are profound, powerful, far-
reaching and exciting for mankind.  A portion of this material, was originally
presented in Meditations for Soul Realization, and more is given in this
book, Universal and Kabbalistic Meditation on the Lord's Prayer. Even more
advanced teachings are transmitted to senior disciples and advanced students
during special intensive workshops.

The Teacher

People often wonder how an astute, self-made businessman and adept scientist can
be an enlightened guru. These are the qualities that make Master Choa a unique
spiritual teacher for this modern time. Ceaselessly, he travels across around the
globe, teaching people in all walks of life.

One of his distinctive qualities as a teacher is his ability to cause significant shifts
of consciousness in his students.  By the end of a two day workshop, his students
can experience spiritual elevation, mental alertness, emotional balance and a higher
level of energy. His pragmatic teaching methodology enables his students to obtain
volumes of lessons that will be relevant for an entire lifetime. Not only can these
individuals experience significant improvement in themselves, but upon becoming
teachers, they can also transfer this advanced technology for change to others.

The Author

The dynamic style of Master Choa Kok Sui's teaching is equally reflected in the
direct, uncluttered style of his writing. While it may not be possible for everyone to
experience Master Choa's wisdom and energy by personally attending his
workshops, by reading his books, a reader may have greater understanding of the
Master's unique technology for rapidly achieving a higher degree of Oneness with
their Soul, may discover many esoteric "secrets," and learn practical techniques for
living life more fully with less stress and with greater productivity.  Master Choa
Kok Sui believes that we inhabitants of Planet Earth are ready for a major shift in
consciousness. We are fortunate to anticipate through Master's incredible
generosity of spirit, he will share with us more of his amazing knowledge and his
boundless understanding of an immense variety of new subjects.

"Thank you Master for your  unconditional love...and the light you have
brought to the world."

Choa Kok Sui

Choa Kok Sui (born: Samson Lim Choachuy, * August 18 1952, † March
19 2007 in Quezon City) was a Filipino esoteric. He is considered the founder
of GMCKS Pranic Healing and Yoga GMCKS Arhatic (GMCKS stands
for Grand Master Choa Kok Sui).

Life [Edit]
Samson Lim Choachuy attended a Catholic school and grew the two religions of
his Chinese descent with parents. His father wasProtestantand his mother a
Buddhist and Quan-Yin-follower. Since early childhood he is for spiritual
healing, yoga and New Age have been interested[1]. He described himself as a
disciple of Bodhisattva Padmasambhava[1]. Together with his friend who died in
2003 Mang Mike Nator[2] , he investigated paranormal questions.
About his life little is known, since he likes about himself and his family did not
speak, but rather exhibited his work at the center. We know, however, that he
trained as a chemical engineer and made for years as a successful businessman
in Manila had worked. [3]
His pseudonym Choa Kok Sui is Chinese and means "The happiness of the
world." This name - even in combination with the titles ofchampion and Grand
Master - is under his real name registered as a brand worldwide [4] and is
marketing its franchise company in the New Age industry.
In January 2007, informed the personal secretary of the Choa Pranic Healing-users
via e-mail that he has a severe lung inflammation and therefore suffers from two
years needs time out. On 19 March 2007 compared clock 13:50 (CET) died Choa
Kok Sui.

Activity [Edit]
"I am not a clairvoyant and was not born with the ability to heal. If I could learn to
heal, you can too! "
Samson Lim Choachuy founded in Manila , the Department of Homeland
Studies (The Institute of Inner Studies), which for the global coordination of him
developed from lessons -Healing and Yoga GMCKS Arhatic responsible Pranic
GMCKS. In his spiritual autobiography he mentioned next to the description of the
development of his teachings and those people who have helped in building it, for
example, Mang Nike Nator.
He also founded several associations and organizations concerned with world
peace and humanitarian aid, but also the feeding of llamas deal.[5]
His main focus was however on many of the world of him and his followers by
conducts seminars to teach his teachings.

"Where there is so much suffering, it is my desire that paranormal healing is seen

in the near future as something normal."

In addition to the seminars were devotional Choachuy a great source of income. He

sold and Others by him personally holy water, crystals, incense, meditation shawls,
paintings, necklaces and pendants. These products are designed to radiate its
energy and nutrition and health of the buyer to improve both. [6]
There is also a now seven-step certification program[7] for those followers,
a license of his seminars and practicing its teachings do implementation for
purchase. If an instructor teaching license shall submit his return, teachers are also
the licenses authorized by him to the invalid, who have to re-authorize it. [8].
Choachuy also published numerous books. However, many of these books
repetitions and extensions of his first book fundamentals of Pranic Healing. In the
seminars, all without the scripts have been performed, these books were referred

Controversy and criticism [Edit]

Plagiarism [Edit]
It is debatable how much friends like Mike Nator share in the construction of the
teachings Choa Kok Suis have. But the fact is that he some of his works directly in
terms of Franz Bardon, Charles Webster Leadbeater, Alice Bailey, Helena
Petrovna Blavatsky and other Theosophistsadopted[9][10][11]. Although he also
borrowed from other authors made himself, he endured it not for his books. So he
sued, inter alia, Mantak Chia for Plagiariats, although the contested elements
(colors of the chakras) to research by Annie Besant based[12]. Many of these
actions ended unsuccessfully.

Personality cult [Edit]
Choa Kok Sui of the opinion that you do not need anything else except his
teachings. You are racist and violent thoughts as well as help one to lack self-
confidence, adultery, hyperactivity, disease and pain[13][14]. 2003,
when SARSepidemic just reached its climax, he has published on its website a
guide to prevent infection or cure the disease by practicing the pranic healing[15].
On the other hand, he wrote in his book: "An intelligent person is not gullible. New
ideas, he does not blindly. He thoroughly investigated, he judged critical, he uses
his mind. New ideas and developments, it undergoes an assessment by experiments
and experience. An intelligent man is exploring new ideas, unbiased and objective.

Donate [Edit]
The official website of the Institute of Internal studies informed about the
charitable activities and activities initiated by him organizations.However, you
discover there do not know where exactly the money will flow. None of the
projects has yet been visited. There are no annual reports Abrechnugsbelege yet,
you can make if and how much money flowed project which is in[16]. Since 2008
exists on the homesteadRineck in northern Baden-Württemberg, the German
Centre for Pranic Healing [17].

Works [edit]
Books [Edit]

 Fundamentals of Pranic Healing. Koha-Verlag, ISBN 3-936862-02-8

 The Fine Art of Pranic Healing. Koha-Verlag, ISBN 3-936862-03-6
 Basics of pranic psychotherapy. Koha-Verlag, ISBN 3-936862-04-4
 Pranic Healing with crystals. Koha-Verlag, ISBN 3-936862-13-3
 Go into the silence. Koha-Verlag, ISBN 3-936862-56-7
 Energetic self-protection. Ansata Verlag ISBN 978-3-7787-7178-5
 Our Father. Ansata Verlag ISBN 978-3-7787-7229-4
 Om Mani Padme Hum.
 Hinduism Revealed.
 Beyond the Mind.
 Inspired Action.
 Achieving the impossible.
 Compassionate objectivity.
 The Origin of Modern Pranic Healing and Yoga Arhatic.
 Kabbalah and chakras. Ansata Verlag ISBN 978-3-7787-7311-6

CDs [Edit]

 Meditation on Twin Hearts and self-healing meditation. Koha-Verlag, ISBN

 Meditation on the soul. Koha-Verlag, ISBN 3-929512-17-3
 Kabbalistic meditation and universal to the 'Our Father'. ISBN 3-7787-
 OM - The sound of silence. Koha-Verlag, ISBN 3-936862-35-4
 Meditation on Loving Kindness.
 Om Mani Padme Hum.
 The gift of inner peace.
Grand Master Choa Kok Sui

Grand Master Choa Kok Sui is credited with demystification and simplification of

energy healing. An engineer by degree and businessman by profession, Master
Choa's analytical skills and natural proclivity for experimentation resulted in
innovations to the arts of healing and meditation, making them more practical and
easy to learn. 

He spent more than 30 years researching and studying esoteric sciences, various
healing techniques, and eventually developing the principles, techniques, and
practical applications of Pranic Healing as it is widely known today. 

Modern Pranic Healing as a science was finally born in late 1987, with the
publication of Master Choa Kok Sui’s book, The Ancient Science and Art of
Pranic Healing, which has since been translated into more than 30 languages and
distributed in over 80 countries. He extensively travelled to all 5 continents to
disseminate the teachings to thousands of students from all walks of lives.

He later founded the Institute for Inner Studies and the World Pranic Healing
Foundation, Inc., and authored 20 more books on Pranic Healing and spirituality.

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