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Measuring Dynamic Capabilities:

Practices and Performance in Semiconductor Manufacturing*

Jeffrey T. Macher
Robert E. McDonough School of Business
Georgetown University
G-04 Old North
Washington, DC 20057
202-687-4793 (O)
202-687-1366 (F)

David C. Mowery
Walter A. Haas School of Business
University of California, Berkeley
F-575 Haas School of Business
Berkeley, CA 94720
510-643-9992 (O)
510-642-2826 (F)

* This paper has benefited from the helpful comments of Linda Argote, Rob Grant, Nile Hatch, Marvin Lieberman and two
anonymous reviewers. This research was conducted in connection with the Competitive Semiconductor Manufacturing
(CSM) Research Program at the University of California, Berkeley. We are grateful to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation for
providing generous support for this research. The authors are solely responsible for any errors or omissions. Address all
correspondence to Jeffrey Macher.
Measuring Dynamic Capabilities:
Practices and Performance in Semiconductor Manufacturing

Abstract: Recent work on dynamic capabilities emphasizes the importance and role of organizational
routines in explaining interfirm differences in performance. These performance differences are well
documented, but empirical research on the causal role of capabilities has been limited. This paper
examines the role of R&D organization and information technology practices for problem solving and
learning-based improvement in semiconductor manufacturing. An important source of competitiveness in
the semiconductor industry is the ability to introduce new process technologies quickly with high yields
and low cycle times, which in turn is aided by superior performance in solving the myriad problems that
arise. Because much of the knowledge that underpins semiconductor manufacturing is idiosyncratic, firm-
level organizational and technological differences related to experience accumulation, knowledge
articulation and knowledge codification affect performance. We derive models of the rate of improvement
in manufacturing yield (i.e., the quality of production) and cycle time (i.e., the speed of production)
following the introduction of new process technologies in manufacturing facilities, and test the empirical
specifications of these models. The allocation by semiconductor manufacturers of human resources to
problem-solving activities and their use of information technology in the manufacturing facility determine
their problem-solving abilities and subsequent manufacturing performance.

An extensive literature considers the role of dynamic capabilities in firm strategy and performance. Teece

et al. (1997) argue that dynamic capabilities enable organizations to renew competencies and to

strategically manage the internal and external organizational skills, routines and resources required to

maintain performance in the face of changing business conditions. Similar definitions are provided by

Winter (2003) and Eisenhardt and Martin (2000). Other scholars have criticized the concept of dynamic

capabilities, however, as tautological (Priem & Butler, 2001) and nonoperational (Williamson, 1999).

And few empirical analyses have attempted to take on the task of defining, measuring, and testing the

effects of firms’ “dynamic” capabilities.

This paper provides an empirical analysis of one type of dynamic capability—the speed and

effectiveness with which firms solve problems in developing and introducing new process technologies

into manufacturing. Our approach draws on Zollo and Winter (2002), who underscore the importance of

deliberate learning mechanisms, such as organizational routines related to experience accumulation,

knowledge articulation and knowledge codification, in the development of dynamic capabilities. To

operationalize the effects of knowledge articulation on performance we rely on research on information

and decision making in work groups (Williams & O'Reilly, 1998) and product development organization

and performance (Clark & Fujimoto, 1991; Hayes et al., 1996). We operationalize the effects of

knowledge codification by relying on research that examines the effects of information technology on key

business processes (Ashworth et al., 2004; Mukhopadhyah et al., 1997).

Our analysis of the ways in which firms organize to capture, codify and disseminate knowledge

for problem solving employs two measures of performance in process innovation. The first measure is the

rate of improvement in semiconductor manufacturing yield (i.e., the quality of production processes)

following the introduction of a new manufacturing process into a commercial production facility. The

second measure is the rate of improvement in cycle time (i.e., the speed of production) for this new

process technology following its introduction. We use these measures in tests of the proposition that

team-oriented approaches, closer links between personnel in process development and transfer, and the

extent of implementation of IT for monitoring and data collection aid problem-solving and enhance firm

performance in the introduction of new manufacturing technologies, a key dynamic capability in the

semiconductor manufacturing industry.

The paper makes several contributions. Our empirical analysis develops and tests the

performance consequences of firm-specific organizational routines in process innovation, an important

class of the dynamic capabilities highlighted by Teece et al. (1997) and Zollo and Winter (2002). We

provide evidence that dynamic capabilities rely on organizational routines that support experience

accumulation, knowledge articulation and knowledge codification. We demonstrate that organizational

routines have both static and dynamic effects on performance improvement, and their implementation

therefore may involve tradeoffs between these classes of performance benefit. The enduring nature of

inter-organizational differences in the extent and use of these organizational practices suggests that

competitive advantage is inimitable and enduring.

This paper also contributes to the literature on the management of process innovation and

implementation. Although product development has been extensively examined in the vast management

of innovation literature (Clark & Fujimoto, 1991), process development has received less attention, but

nevertheless represents an important dimension of firm performance in many high-technology industries.

Our model of organizational-based learning complements process development research that examines

the sources of “learning before doing” and “learning by doing” (Pisano, 1996). We underscore the

contributions of several R&D organization practices to problem solving in new process development and

transfer (Iansiti, 1995; West & Iansiti, 2003). Finally, the paper adds to the small number of empirical

studies that examine the implementation and performance implications of information technology at the

process (as opposed to the firm) level (Ashworth et al., 2004; Mukhopadhyah et al., 1997).

The next section surveys recent theoretical and empirical research in the dynamic capabilities

literature. Section 3 develops hypotheses concerning the influence of organizational routines on

developing problem solving capabilities in manufacturing. Section 4 presents a model of problem solving

and learning in semiconductor manufacturing and the effects of such learning on performance. This

section also describes the sources and characteristics of the data, the estimation methodology, and the

construction of the variables used in the analysis. Section 5 presents and discusses the empirical results,

and Section 6 concludes.

Research on dynamic capabilities is rooted in the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm, which was

developed by Penrose (1959), Richardson (1972) and Nelson and Winter (1982) and extended by Barney

(1986; 1991), Dierickx and Cool (1989), Mahoney and Pandian (1992), Peteraf (1993) and Wernerfelt

(1984), among others. This perspective conceptualizes organizations as collections of ‘sticky’ and

difficult-to-imitate resources that create competitive advantage and contribute to sustained interfirm

performance differences (Hoopes et al., 2003). Scholars have extended the RBV to examine the sources

of competitive advantage in rapidly changing markets by highlighting the role of dynamic capabilities that

‘integrate, build, and reconfigure internal and external competencies to address rapidly changing

environments’ (Teece et al., 1997: 516). Dynamic capabilities include strategic and organizational

processes (Nelson & Winter, 1982), such as product development, alliance formation and strategic

decision making, that are deeply embedded in firms (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000).

Although dynamic capabilities have been the focus of a large theoretical and conceptual

literature, empirical testing of their influence on firm performance has been hampered by a lack of

consensus on their definition,1 concern over the potentially tautological nature of the concept (Priem &

Butler, 2001), and questions around their measurement (Wernerfelt, 1984) and operationalization

(Williamson, 1999). Firm capabilities, however, have been the focus of a substantial empirical literature

on their emergence and development, as well as their implications for performance (Helfat, 2000; Hoopes

et al., 2003). Early empirical studies examined the significant and persistent differences among firms in

new product and process development (Leonard-Barton, 1992) or R&D productivity (Henderson &

1 “Dynamic capabilities” are broadly similar to what others call ’capabilities’ (Amit & Schoemaker, 1993), ‘architectural
competencies’ (Henderson & Cockburn, 1994), ‘organizational architectures’ (Nelson, 1991), ‘combinative capabilities’
(Kogut & Zander, 1992), or ‘managerial systems’ and ‘values and norms’ (Leonard-Barton, 1992).

Cockburn, 1994) as important sources of competitive advantage. Although this research documented the

existence of substantial and persistent interfirm performance differences, it proved less successful in

explaining the sources of these differences. More recent empirical research has examined the importance

of initial interfirm differences (Cockburn et al., 2000); deliberate learning mechanisms (Zollo & Singh,

2004); managerial cognition and inertia (Tripsas & Gavetti, 2000); managerial human and social capital

(Adner & Helfat, 2003); human capital selection, training and deployment (Hatch & Dyer, 2004); and

customer and project management investment (Ethiraj et al., 2005) in determining firms’ dynamic

capabilities and performance. Related empirical research in product development (Clark & Fujimoto,

1991), process development (Iansiti, 1995; Pisano, 1994, 1996) and operations strategy (Hayes et al.,

1996; Hayes et al., 1988) does not adopt a capability-based approach, but analyzes the influence of firms’

managerial and organizational practices on capabilities and performance. Our study builds on these

research streams in constructing disaggregated, context-specific measures, and linking them to

organizational routines that build firm capabilities. We then employ these measures to predict firm


Although much of the literature on dynamic capabilities argues that they are rooted in

organizational practices and routines, many of which affect knowledge management within the firm, the

nature of these “foundational” routines has received less attention. Zollo and Winter (2002) argue that

dynamic capabilities are embedded in organizational routines that promote learning. The authors state that

dynamic capabilities are “learned and stable pattern[s] of collective activity through which the

organization systematically generates and modifies its operating routines in pursuit of improved

effectiveness” (Zollo & Winter, 2002: 340). In their view, capabilities are built up through organizational

processes of experience accumulation, knowledge articulation and knowledge codification. Operating

routines develop through the accumulation of experience as a result of the repeated execution of similar

tasks within organizations (Argote, 1999). Knowledge articulation is the process by which organizations

determine what works (and what does not) in the execution of organizational tasks (Levinthal & March,

1993) and communicate this implicit information throughout the organization. Through knowledge

codification, firms document their understanding of the performance implications of operational routines

(i.e., through manuals, blueprints, information technology, etc.). Knowledge codification facilitates the

diffusion of existing knowledge, as well as the coordination and implementation of complex activities

(Nonaka, 1994; Winter, 1987; Zander & Kogut, 1995). Organizational performance improves as the

causal linkages between actions and performance are established, become better understood and are

embedded within the organization. The extent of knowledge articulation and knowledge codification

within a firm also reflects managerial decisions and strategies, rather than being solely determined by the

knowledge environment. Our empirical analysis focuses on the routines and business processes used by

semiconductor manufacturers to capture information from production experience and articulate and

codify knowledge based on this information within their organizations.

The ability of organizations to develop routines for knowledge articulation, knowledge

codification, and experiential learning also is affected by the level of theoretical understanding of the key

technological processes. Pisano’s (1994; 1996) empirical analysis of performance in the introduction of

new manufacturing processes in biotechnology-based and more conventional pharmaceuticals contrasts

“learning by doing,” or the introduction of relatively untried new processes into the manufacturing

environment, with “learning before doing,” where more effort is expended in the debugging of new

processes in “semi-scale” development facilities. The limited scientific understanding of biotechnology-

based manufacturing processes forces firms to rely more heavily on learning by doing in process

innovation, whereas manufacturers of conventional pharmaceuticals exploit learning before doing to a

greater extent. The situation in semiconductor manufacturing differs from that described by Pisano (1994;

1996). State-of-the-art (e.g., leading-edge) manufacturing processes for the most advanced semiconductor

products generally undergo a prolonged period of “debugging” in a development facility, whereas less

advanced manufacturing processes that are one or two generations behind the frontier are frequently

introduced into manufacturing facilities with less investment in learning before doing. In semiconductors,

then, firms appear to rely more heavily on learning before doing than was true of the biotechnology firms

examined by Pisano (1994; 1996). As this discussion suggests, industry-specific conditions of knowledge

and technology are an important influence on the operational routines developed by firms in the course of

building dynamic capabilities.

3.1. Knowledge Articulation in Process Development
Knowledge articulation is the process by which organizations determine the effectiveness of particular

organizational approaches for performance and communicate this information throughout the organization

(Levinthal & March, 1993; Zollo & Winter, 2002). Two approaches to organizing intrafirm R&D

facilitate the articulation of knowledge related to problem solving: (1) the use of functionally diverse

teams (or work groups) within the organization; and (2) the colocation of development and manufacturing


Organizational performance in knowledge-intensive activities improves as the causal links

between performance and individual and group actions are established and practices based on recognition

of these links are embedded within the organization (Zollo & Winter, 2002). One means to achieve this

goal is through the use of diverse work groups or teams. A substantial literature on the contributions of

team diversity to performance reaches varied conclusions (Williams & O'Reilly, 1998), partly because of

differences in definition of “team diversity.” When “team diversity” is defined in terms of the functional

composition of the group, diversity increases the information available to the work group or team. This

additional information is advantageous when new approaches or multiple perspectives are important in

problem solving. Higher levels of functional diversity within teams also provides additional knowledge,

skill sets and important contacts that enhance problem solving efforts (Ancona & Caldwell, 1992; Bantel

& Jackson, 1989).

Although higher levels of functional diversity increase intra-team conflict (Jehn et al., 1999;

Pelled et al., 1999), greater diversity increases communication both within (Glick et al., 1993) and outside

of (Ancona & Caldwell, 1992) the work group. Greater functional diversity has been shown to increase

administrative innovation in banking (Bantel & Jackson, 1989), increase firm growth in the

semiconductor industry (Eisenhardt & Schoonhoven, 1990), and improve organizational responsiveness

to environmental shifts (Keck & Tushman, 1993). Studies of functional diversity within teams involved in

new product development find that cross-functional teams similarly improve the coordination and

dissemination of organizational learning (Ancona, 1990; Nonaka, 1991; Tushman, 1977) and accelerate

process development (Denison et al., 1996).

In the context of process technology development in semiconductor manufacturing, functionally

diverse teams are especially important for solving problems related to new manufacturing processes. The

development of new process technologies involves both the exploitation and the intrafirm transfer of tacit

knowledge. For example, a common problem in process innovation is the handoff of new process

technologies from a development (pilot) facility to the full-volume commercial production facility.

Manufacturing problems often arise only after a new process has been transferred from the development

facility to the production facility not only because of differences in equipment, production volumes and

worker skills, but also because of tacit know-how. In this context, cross-functional teams of operators,

technicians and engineers that span product design, process development and manufacturing can improve

communication, increase information availability, and provide closer integration between process

development and manufacturing personnel, supporting earlier identification of problems and faster

implementation of corrective solutions. Greater functional diversity within teams thus is a primary

mechanism for knowledge articulation within the organization, which motivates our first hypothesis:

H1a: Greater functional diversity within teams employed in problem-solving activities

improves learning and problem-solving performance.

Closely related to functional diversity within particular teams (e.g., intra-team diversity) is

diversity in types of teams (e.g., inter-team diversity) within the organization. As work groups address

complex tasks that span functional boundaries within the firm (Ancona & Caldwell, 1992), greater

diversity in team types (e.g., a more diverse array of tasks or assignments associated with teams) can

facilitate problem solving. Inter-team diversity can improve and shape problem solving capabilities within

particular areas or increase the number of different problems that can be examined (Bailey, 1998). Greater

diversity across team types can also strengthen the problem-solving know-how of particular functional

areas and better integrate the knowledge gained from those functional areas (Denison et al., 1996).

For process technology development in semiconductor manufacturing, several different kinds of

teams are utilized, including total quality management and/or quality function deployment teams, cycle

time reduction teams, process improvement teams, ad-hoc “special project” teams, self-directed work

groups, and others. Teams organized to examine particular types of problems within specific functional

areas build problem solving competence within those areas, which can then be disseminated and

articulated throughout the organization. Rather than increasing the number of distinct teams operating

within the organization, we argue that a more important factor for problem solving performance is having

the “right” number of distinct types of teams such that coordination and knowledge articulation are

maximized.2 We therefore examine the following hypothesis:

H1b: A greater number of functionally diverse team types employed in problem-solving

activities improves learning and problem-solving performance.

A second common R&D organization practice in the management of new process development

and deployment is the colocation of development and manufacturing personnel. Colocation improves

coordination between design and manufacturing (Clark & Fujimoto, 1991) through techniques such as

rotation of engineering through technology-development and manufacturing positions and/or the

temporary transfer of personnel. For instance, development engineers move with a new manufacturing

process from the development facility, helping to install and “debug” it in the commercial-volume

manufacturing facility, while manufacturing engineers participate in new technology development.

Colocation facilitates the articulation of knowledge related to problem solving throughout the

organization by reducing communication barriers between and among individuals and between and

among teams (van den Bulte & Moenaert, 1998). The colocation of development and manufacturing

2 For instance, a firm could employ dozens of teams throughout the organization, but all focused solely on manufacturing
quality. We instead argue that firms who establish greater diversity in the tasks and assignments of specific teams across
functional areas will demonstrate superior problem solving and manufacturing performance overall.

personnel also simplifies intra-firm knowledge transfer (Hayes et al., 1996; Iansiti, 1995), especially for

tacit information that is difficult to transfer without face-to-face communication, and saves time by

supporting accurate and timely identification of design and manufacturability problems (Cordero, 1991;

Smith & Reinertsen, 1991; Zirger & Hartely, 1996). Finally, colocation achieves greater coordination and

integration between product planning, process design and manufacturing (Ettlie, 1995) that facilitates

both the requirements of new products and processes and the interrelationships and inherent tradeoffs

among these requirements. Colocation is thus one way that organizations can facilitate the articulation of

knowledge (especially tacit knowledge) between development and manufacturing, thereby accelerating

problem solving.

Colocation improves communication and understanding between development and manufacturing

personnel in the development and introduction of new semiconductor manufacturing processes (Macher

& Mowery, 2003). Development personnel gain more complete and timely information on the unique

requirements of the full-volume production facility while manufacturing personnel are less likely to

repeat the same mistakes, not least because of the advantages of face-to-face interaction for the

communication of otherwise tacit information. The expected benefits of colocation for problem-solving

performance results in the following hypothesis:

H2: The colocation of a greater number of development and manufacturing personnel

improves learning and problem-solving performance.

3.2. Knowledge Codification in Process Development

Knowledge codification is the process by which organizations document understanding of the

effectiveness of specific practices (in this case, problem-solving practices). Codification facilitates the

identification of causal connections between organizational actions and organizational performance, and

supports the diffusion of this information within the organization (Zollo & Winter, 2002). The extensive

use of information technology (IT) for data collection and performance monitoring is a key mechanism

for codification of knowledge related to problem solving.

Support for these arguments comes mainly from research that has examined the returns to

investments in and business value of information technology. Although this research generally finds a

positive relationship between IT investment and firm productivity, the majority of empirical studies have

measured only aggregate productivity effects of IT spending (Brynjolfsson & Hitt, 1996; Thatcher &

Oliver, 2001), rather than probing the channels through which these effects are realized. We follow

Ashworth et al. (2004) in analyzing the contributions of IT deployment to improved performance in the

key business processes most important for performance in new process development and deployment, i.e.,

a “process-level” analysis of information technology’s effects.

The limited research on IT business process implementation highlights its contribution to

performance through improved problem solving, work coordination, administration and management, and

knowledge sharing. Mukhopadhyay et al. (1997) found that IT implementation improved both the quality

and output of mail sorting by comparison with mechanical technologies. Mukhopadhyay and Kekre

(2002) found similar benefits for order-processing cycles from the adoption of Electronic Data

Interchange (EDI) for both suppliers and customers. Related research has examined the effects of

technology on organizations’ abilities to learn through experience-based productivity improvement

(Adler, 1990; Huber, 1991). Although IT facilitates the capture, retrieval and sharing of knowledge and

information (Argote et al., 1990), it also must enhance problem solving if it is to improve productivity

(Boone & Ganeshan, 2001; Williams & Kotnour, 1993). IT investment also may yield performance

benefits through its contributions to the codification and capture of knowledge accumulated through

historical production experience (Ashworth et al., 2004).

The increasing complexity of semiconductor manufacturing has made IT investment and

implementation more important for successful new process development and introduction into the

manufacturing facility. A common advanced IT application is in the automated “handling” of information

within the manufacturing facility. Higher levels of automated information handling and retrieval in the

manufacturing facility facilitate the codification of knowledge. More systematic and reliable collection of

data on manufacturing and equipment performance enables faster identification and diagnosis of

manufacturing problems. Automated collection of manufacturing performance data reduces demands on

operators to manually enter or record data and enables faster identification of processing problems.

Automated download of process “recipes” into semiconductor processing equipment and computerized

“sanity checks” of the machine and wafer lots (verifying that the process steps are the correct ones for a
specific lot) remove important sources of operator error. Higher levels of automation in information

handling and retrieval also accelerate organizational learning because information is more readily

captured, retrieved, and shared throughout the manufacturing facility. Many semiconductor manufacturers

keep computerized records of each wafer lot as it progresses through the production facility. Statistical

analysis of these integrated databases enables engineers to more accurately set process parameter

windows, identify high-priority areas on which to focus problem-solving efforts to improve yield and/or

cycle time, and compare the productivity of different equipment sets. We therefore examine the following


H3: More extensive deployment of information technology improves learning and problem-
solving performance.

4.1. Performance and Learning in Semiconductor Manufacturing
A semiconductor is any microelectronic device fabricated on “semiconducting” material (usually silicon)

but is normally an integrated circuit or set of interconnected electronic components that perform a

particular function. Manufacturing a semiconductor consists of constructing layers of conducting and

insulating materials on “wafers” of silicon in intricate patterns that give the integrated circuit (IC or die)

its function. Wafer fabrication is characterized by complex process flows and frequent changes in

production processes that include hundreds of steps. Each “ingredient” in the process recipe must be

applied within a certain range to have the desired effect.

3 A ‘recipe’ is a codified description of the ingredients, process steps, and machine and equipment operations involved in
making a semiconductor product. Many process steps are too complex to identify the optimal ranges for all the ingredients
through physics and engineering. Unexpected interactions between and among any of the process steps, ingredients, or
machine operations also can destroy the functionality of the die.

Superior performance in the development and introduction of new manufacturing processes is

important to competitive performance in the semiconductor industry for several reasons. First, the

introduction of a new semiconductor product normally requires significant change in the underlying

manufacturing process. Second, the ability to increase the production output of new semiconductor

products rapidly, before imitators enter, is crucial to profitability. Semiconductors are characterized by

price declines of 25-30 per cent per year (Smith & Reinertsen, 1991) and product lifecycles that are

measured in months. Third, the high fixed costs associated with semiconductor manufacturing—new

fabrication facilities cost more than $2 billion and are considered “state-of-the-art” for no more than three

years (ICE, 2001)—mean that the low yields (a small fraction of usable output) and long cycle times

(which may make it impossible to expand output rapidly) that result from poorly managed manufacturing

processes increase costs and reduce profitability.

Yield is an critical component of semiconductor manufacturing performance and is generally

expressed in terms of line yield, the proportion of wafers entering the production process that are not

scrapped, and die yield, the proportion of die on a successfully processed wafer that pass functionality

tests. Common causes of line yield losses include broken or damaged wafers and skipped production

process steps that render all of the ICs on the wafer nonfunctional. Die yield losses are due either to

random particles or to parametric processing problems. Airborne particles can land on critical parts of a

die and destroy its functionality by causing “short” or “open” circuits. Semiconductor manufacturing

facilities (“fabs”) use extensive air filtration systems and protective enclosures for equipment and/or

wafers to reduce contaminants and create ultra-clean environments. A more pervasive source of die yield

losses, however, is parametric problems that result from insufficient control of the production process or

incomplete understanding of the process technology parameters. Examples of parametric problems

include inferior materials, equipment failures, and processing errors. Cycle time represents the time

required to manufacture a semiconductor device, and is measured from the “start” of a wafer through the

manufacturing facility to the emergence of a completed die. Shorter cycle times enable semiconductor

manufacturers to increase output quickly and to respond more rapidly to changes in customer and market

demand. Cycle time problems (i.e., unanticipated delays in processing) result from poorly designed

process recipes or recipe changes that are not optimized or have unanticipated consequences.

Because many process steps are neither well understood nor easily replicated on different

equipment sets or in different production facilities, improving performance in the manufacturing

environment may introduce significant change and thus depends on knowledge that is accumulated

through experimentation and experience. Knowledge gained from these activities yields tighter

specification limits and refined target and equipment operation parameters. The widespread application of

such knowledge, especially in different manufacturing facilities, often requires its articulation,

codification, and communication within the firm. As Zollo and Winter (2002) emphasize, the codification

of this knowledge may require a systematic evaluation of what matters and what does not. Specific R&D

organization and information technology practices within the firm can improve performance by bringing

more knowledge to bear on problem-solving activities and by codifying previously tacit information.

These practices improve the identification of sources of yield losses or cycle time excursions and support

faster implementation of corrective solutions. Our empirical analysis examines the effects of firm-level

practices on the level and rate of improvement in both die yield (i.e., the quality of manufacturing

processes) and cycle time (i.e., the speed of manufacturing processes).

4.2. Learning and Problem Solving in Semiconductor Manufacturing

The traditional model for learning by doing is embodied in the following equation:

C N = C1 N − λ (1)

where CN is the cost of the Nth unit produced, N is the cumulative amount produced, and C1 is the cost of

the first unit produced. This formulation models learning as a function of cumulative volume, but a

variety of other measures of “experience” have been used in other studies. Surprisingly, however, the

influence on learning of deliberate actions aimed at overcoming sources of productivity bottlenecks has

received more limited attention (Adler & Clark, 1991; Argote, 1999).

Our model of learning draws on Hatch and Mowery (1998), who show that improvements in

manufacturing performance (yield) are driven in part by practices that improve engineers’ analysis of

production volume and production problems. We extend and differentiate our learning model in two

ways. First, we utilize two measures of manufacturing performance, rather than manufacturing yield

alone. Second, we develop and test the influence on performance of a broader and different set of

measures of firms’ R&D organization and IT practices than previous analyses of process innovation and

learning (Macher & Mowery, 2003).

Firms acquire process-specific knowledge through engineering analysis of manufacturing output

to identify and eliminate sources of yield loss or cycle time excursions. Cumulative learning thus is

affected by cumulative production volume, measured in terms of wafers manufactured for a particular

process. Denoting cumulative volume at time t as CVt, the “learning index” for a manufacturing process is

defined as:

Lt = β1 ⋅ CVt + L0 (2)

where L0 is the level of knowledge or experience in the initial period. In order to link learning to specific

measures of manufacturing performance, we assume that the learning curves for both defect density and

cycle time are additively separable into a static component and a dynamic (learning by doing) component:

Pt = h1 ( Lt ) + h2 (⋅) (3)

where Pt represents either the defect density or cycle time parameter and Lt is the unobservable “learning

index” defined in Equation 2. The second term in Equation 3 includes the influence of variables that do

not directly affect the rate of learning but index the underlying technological “difficulty” of the

manufacturing process and the associated learning-based improvements in it. Among these static

variables are the linewidth of the manufacturing process (LW), the wafer size (WS), the cleanliness of the

clean room (CR), and the number of mask layers (ML).

Manufacturing process linewidth (LW) represents the dimension of the smallest circuit feature,

and measures the technological sophistication of the semiconductor device—smaller linewidths introduce

greater complexity and thus are more difficult to produce. The linewidths of semiconductor products

manufactured in commercial volumes have declined significantly during the past several decades, and the

“technological frontier” defined by the most advanced linewidth in commercial production therefore has

also shifted. Since this measure of the “technological frontier” declines during the time period of our

study, our linewidth measure of the technological “difficulty” of manufacturing a given semiconductor

product converts the linewidth for a given manufacturing process according to its “distance” from the

technological frontier, which we define on the basis of industry analyses that document “leading-edge”

linewidths. The resulting measure allows us to better compare the technological sophistication of different

process technologies over time. LW ranges from near zero (technologically lagging process technologies)

to one (state-of-the-art process technologies). Because linewidths that are closer to the technological

frontier introduce greater complexity to the manufacturing process, LW should have a negative influence

on both defect density and cycle time. A larger diameter wafer size (WS) also should influence both

performance measures negatively because of the greater complexity of producing large wafers. The

number of mask layers (ML) is a proxy for the total number of steps in the process. A larger number of

mask layers, and therefore a larger number of process steps, will extend cycle time and increases the

probability of a fatal defect on the die, ceteris paribus. Finally, clean room grade (CR) is a measure of the

number of particles per cubic foot in the fabrication facility. The cleaner the manufacturing facility, the

less likely that particles will rain down on the wafer and produce yield problems.

Neither economics nor engineering provides many insights into the appropriate functional forms

for the dynamic and static components of learning (Yelle, 1979). We therefore specify functional forms

for the h2 (⋅) and h1 ( Lt ) components of learning as follows (Hatch & Mowery, 1998):

h1 ( Lt ) = γ + ψe −δ ⋅Lt (5)
h2 (⋅) = β 2 LW + β 3WS + β 4CR + β 5 ML
h1 ( Lt ) allows for both shifts in rate of learning through γ and scalability in the rate of learning through δ,

while h2 (⋅) assumes that the static factors that do not directly affect the learning rate are additively

separable. Inserting Equations 4 and 5 into Equation 3 gives:

Pt = γ + ψe −δ ⋅Lt + β 2 LW + β 3WS + β 4CR + β 5 ML (6)

Because the learning index (Lt) cannot be observed directly, it is necessary to solve for L0 in terms of P0

(which is observable) and substitute the result. In the initial period (i.e., when t = 0), the manufacturing

performance parameter is:

P0 = γ + ψe −δ ⋅L0 + β 2 LW + β 3WS + β 4CR + β 5 ML (7)

Solving for L0 in terms of P0 gives:

⎡ P − γ − (β 2 LW + β 3WS + β 4CR + β 5 ML ) ⎤
− ln ⎢ 0 ⎥
⎣ ψ ⎦ (8)
L0 =
Substituting Equation 8 into Equation 2 and then into Equation 6 provides a learning curve with an

observable initial period parameter:

Pt = γ + e −[β1⋅CVt ] ⋅ [P0 − γ − ( β 2 LW + β 3WS + β 4CR + β 5 ML)] (9)

+ β 2 LW + β 3WS + β 4CR + β 5 ML
where γ and β are redefined accordingly ( γ = δ ⋅ γ , β i = δ ⋅ β i ∀i ). Equation 9 represents a generic

learning model for both defect density and cycle time. In order to capture the influence of R&D

organization and IT deployment practices on problem solving and learning performance, the learning

index is redefined as Lt′ = Lt + OP + ITP , where OP and ITP respectively represent the knowledge

gained by implementing particular organizational and information technology practices in the

manufacturing facility. These practices influence learning not only directly, but also indirectly, by

enhancing the productivity of the sources of learning highlighted in Equation 2. The “indirect effects” of

these organizational routines on learning are captured through terms testing for the influence of

interactions between the particular organizational and information technology practice variables and the

cumulative volume (CVt) variable. Including OP and ITP in Equation 2 and solving the model as

described above results in the following:

Pt = γ + e −[β1⋅CVt +OP⋅(α1 +α 2 ⋅CVt )+ ITP⋅(α3 +α 4 ⋅CVt )] (10)

⋅ [P0 − γ − ( β 2 LW + β 3WS + β 4CR + β 5 ML)] + β 2 LW + β 3WS + β 4CR + β 5 ML

Equation 10 provides the basis for our tests of the influence on manufacturing performance improvement

of the R&D organization and information technology practices discussed above.

4.3. Data
Data for this article were collected as part of an empirical investigation of manufacturing performance in

the global semiconductor industry. 4 The wafer fabrication facilities of U.S., European, Japanese, Korean,

and Taiwanese semiconductor firms operating domestically and offshore are included in the study.

Surveys designed to collect fab-specific and process-specific information were mailed to semiconductor

firms that agreed to participate, and responses to the surveys were verified and elaborated by field visits to

the production sites. The surveys and field visits collected data on manufacturing performance, including

such measures as yield, cycle time, throughput, equipment efficiency, etc., and gathered data on the

human resource, organizational, technological and managerial practices of the fabrication facilities

involved in the study. Most production facilities also provided historical data that enabled the

construction of time series on the performance of the manufacturing facility during the development,

introduction, ramp-up, qualification, and full-scale operation of new process technologies.

4.4. Dependent Variables

Our analysis employs two measures of manufacturing performance. The first dimension is die yield (DY).

Because die yield is affected by particulate contamination on the surface of silicon wafers, reported die

yield is sensitive to the average die size. In order to control for average die size differences, die yield is

translated into an equivalent “defect density,” or the number of fatal defects per square centimeter on a

wafer, using the Murphy model.5 The relationship between die yield and the average number of fatal

defects per cm2 is given by:

4 This multi-year research effort, the Competitive Semiconductor Manufacturing (CSM) Program, is a joint project of the
College of Engineering, the Walter A. Haas School of Business and the Department of Economics at U.C. Berkeley. The
project was sponsored by a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, with the cooperation of semiconductor producers
from Asia, Europe and the United States.
5 The list of commonly used models includes the Poisson model, the Murphy model and the negative binomial model. The
Murphy model extends the Poisson model to account for the observed clustering of defects on wafers. In particular, this
model assumes a triangular approximation of the Gaussian distribution. See Stapper (1989) for an overview.

⎡1 − e − A⋅DD ⎤
DY = ⎢ ⎥
⎣⎢ A ⋅ DD ⎦⎥ (11)
where A is the die area and DD is the defect density parameter.

Figure 1 presents data on initial defect density and early-stage rates of improvement in defect

density for a sub-sample of manufacturing processes (and manufacturing facilities) that make similar

types of memory products with similar linewidths. Because distinct processes are used to manufacture

particular products, some manufacturing facilities are represented by more than one product-specific time

series in Figure 1. Superior performance in yield management is revealed in low initial defect densities

and steady rates of improvement in defect density. Semiconductor manufacturers with superior problem

solving performance in new process development and introduction should have lower initial defect

densities and steeper improvement rates. There is significant variance in yield performance among the

manufacturing processes included in Figure 1. The worst performing processes have initial defect

densities roughly five times that of the best performing facilities. Moreover, these differences appear to

persist over time—the slopes of the “learning curves” in Figure 1 vary substantially.

--- Insert Figure 1 here ---

Our second measure of manufacturing and problem-solving performance is cycle time, or the

length of time required to manufacture a semiconductor product. Because semiconductor firms

manufacture products that require different numbers of circuitry layers, we normalize cycle time by the

number of “mask” layers (CTPL) necessary for each semiconductor product in the sample. The second

dependent variable therefore takes the form:

ML (12)
where CT represents cycle time and ML is the number of mask layers for the product. Figure 2 presents

initial cycle time and early-stage rates of improvement in cycle time for the same set of manufacturing

facilities depicted in Figure 1. We show cycle time performance as a weighted average of cycle times

(based on volume) for all manufacturing processes within a particular manufacturing facility. Superior

performance is again associated with low initial cycle times and steep “learning curve” slopes. Similarly

to the yield data associated with Figure 1, Figure 2 reveals considerable variation in both the initial

starting point and rate of improvement for cycle time among manufacturing facilities.

--- Insert Figure 2 here ---

All discussions of dynamic capabilities, similarly to analyses of firm-specific resources and

capabilities more generally, emphasize their organizational embeddedness. This characteristic of the

problem-solving routines that we examine should be reflected in the relative magnitudes of interfirm and

intrafirm performance variation—performance differences among firms should be more substantial and

enduring than differences within firms (i.e., spanning multiple new process introductions). A descriptive

comparison of the coefficients of variation—sample standard deviation divided by sample mean—for the

yield and cycle time improvement rates within individual manufacturing facilities and among

manufacturing facilities confirms this characterization. The average within-firm coefficient of variation

for yield improvement was 1.44, while the between-firm coefficient of variance was 4.42. Similarly, the

average within-firm coefficient of variation for cycle time was 0.66, while the between-firm coefficient of

variation was 2.14. Our performance metrics thus appear to capture firm-specific differences that are both

substantial and enduring, consistent with the arguments of other researchers who examine

interorganizational differences in rates of learning (Adler & Clark, 1991; Argote & Epple, 1990).

4.5. Independent Variables

We measure “extent of use” both quantitatively and qualitatively for several of the R&D organization and

information technology practices that we investigate. Quantitative estimates are based upon the

questionnaire responses from participating manufacturers. Qualitative estimates are based on own field

visits and/or extensive interview summaries conducted with managers, engineers, operators and

technicians from the participating manufacturing facilities. From this two-pronged approach, we construct

measures of the extent of usage for each practice within each fabrication facility surveyed using a 3-point

scale (e.g., low usage=0, medium=1 and high=2), where we deemed this construction to be both sensible

and relative to the practices of other manufacturing facilities in the sample. We favor this approach to

measurement over alternatives, such as the construction of percentage measures of the extent of use,

because of minor differences in question interpretation across the manufacturing facilities in our sample.

We use two variables to measure manufacturers’ use of cross-functional teams. Intra-Team

Diversity measures two dimensions of functional diversity within a particular team: (1) the extent of

involvement of both direct (i.e., operators and technicians) and indirect (i.e., engineers and supervisors)

personnel in problem-solving activities within the manufacturing facility; and (2) the degree to which the

different functional areas (i.e., product design, process development, manufacturing, etc.) are included.

This variable tests our hypothesis (H1a) that greater diversity in team composition improves problem-

solving skills and performance in process development and deployment. Inter-Team Diversity measures

the number of distinct problem-solving team types operating in the manufacturing facility, and tests our

hypothesis (H1b) that greater diversity in the types of teams engaged in problem solving results in faster

implementation of corrective solutions and superior performance.6 We use four variables to measure the

use of colocation within the R&D organization. Colocation is defined as the number of manufacturing

engineers who transfer to development and the duration of their transfer, and the number of development

engineers who transfer to manufacturing and the duration of their transfer. We use principal components

analysis to combine these four measures into a single “colocation” variable (see below for further


We utilize five variables to test the influence of three classes of information technology practices

within the manufacturing facility on performance. Each manufacturing facility included in our study is

categorized according to its level of adoption of these practices, relative to other manufacturing facilities.

The automation of Information Handling is constructed from measures of the extent of adoption of three

types: (1) automated download of process “recipes” into semiconductor processing equipment; (2)

automated capture of process (metrology) and equipment performance data; and (3) automated wafer lot

6 Increasing the number of teams may also expand the number of manufacturing issues that can be addressed, but will not
necessarily increase the breadth of issues that would be addressed. Team types include quality improvement, quality
function deployment, quality circles, continuous improvement, total preventive maintenance, ad-hoc “special project” and
self-directed work teams, among others.

tracking. Some semiconductor firms also deploy advanced Database Analysis applications that track each

production lot as it progresses through the facility and use advanced statistical tools to analyze the

information gathered. We measure deployment of integrated database systems based on the extent of use

by manufacturing facilities of relational databases that collect these integrated data and link them directly

to statistical tools for data analysis, thereby freeing engineering staff of the need to move data from

(separate) databases to the systems housing these statistical tools. Finally, we measure the deployment of

advanced Production Scheduling systems on the basis of ratings of individual manufacturing facilities

according to the capabilities of their shop-floor production systems in terms of product and equipment


Consistent with our description of the model in the previous section, we include several other

control variables in the estimation. Linewidth measures the distance from the “technological frontier” of

each of manufacturing processes in our sample. The coefficient for this variable, which captures the

technical difficulty of new processes, should be negative in our analyses of performance improvement.

Mask Layers is the number of conducting and insulating material layers used to fabricate the

semiconductor component. Because it represents another measure of the technological sophistication of a

manufacturing process, its coefficient in analyses of die yield should be negative. Cleanroom Grade is a

measure of the maximum number of particles per cubic foot in the facility. Wafer Size is a measure of the

diameter of wafers manufactured normalized to the industry standard (which during the period covered by

these data was 200 cm). Since Cleanroom Grade and Wafer Size both capture the technological

complexity of a given manufacturing process as well as the magnitude of investments in steps to

accommodate this complexity, we make no predictions of the signs of their coefficients.

Defect Density is either reported directly by the semiconductor manufacturers or constructed from

the data in the sample using the Murphy model. Cycle Time per Layer is normalized according to the

number of mask layers required by the device to avoid penalizing product types with more layers.

Cumulative Volume is constructed as the sum of wafer starts from the initial observation to the current

period, and is scaled to represent units of 1000 wafer starts.

5.1. Empirical Results
Table 1 provides a description of the dependent and independent variables, most of which are defined in

the previous section, that are used in our analysis. Our econometric analysis employs principal

components analysis to construct measures of the “knowledge articulation” and “knowledge codification”

processes that contribute to organizational problem-solving in the context of new process technology

development and introduction. In particular, we extract the principal components that maximize the

interfirm variance of the four colocation variables and five information technology variables described

above. Using the Kaiser (1960) criterion for factor selection, this procedure results in one principal

component for the colocation variables and two principal components for the information technology

variables. Table 2 provides descriptive and correlation statistics for our dependent and independent

variables. Table 3 provides the principal components analysis results.

--- Insert Tables 1, 2 and 3 here ---

Table 4 displays the results for cycle time improvement using four separate models of the

specification in Equation 10; the same models in Table 5 use yield as their dependent variable. All models

are estimated using a nonlinear maximum likelihood estimator using a first-order (AR1) correction for

serial correlation. Each model provides the estimation results with and without semiconductor

manufacturing facility fixed effects, but the fixed-effect coefficients are not reported because of space

constraints. The signs of the coefficients with and without fixed effects within each individual model are

broadly consistent, although the magnitudes are generally smaller in the fixed effects models. Log

likelihoods reported at the bottom of each table indicate that each successive model in its respective table

is a statistically significant improvement over the initial model.

Model 1 in Table 4 is a “baseline” model that employs only Cumulative Volume and the control

variables measuring characteristics of the manufacturing process and facility. Cycle time performance

improves with cumulative volume, a finding that is consistent with generic learning-curve models.7

Cumulative volume is an important determinant of learning because it provides information about the

cycle time losses that are eliminated through engineering analysis (Adler & Clark, 1991). But

performance improvement does not arise solely from repetition; it can be enhanced by the problem-

solving and other activities within the firm (Bohn, 1995; Hatch & Mowery, 1998). Models 2–4 test for the

influence of R&D organization and IT practices on firms’ performance in process technology

development and deployment.

Model 2 incorporates the measures of the use of teams (diversity in number and in composition)

and the principal component measure of colocation of personnel. The sign and value of the first

coefficient for each practice capture its direct effect on the level of cycle time—that is, the magnitude of

any upward or downward shift in the learning curve. The sign and value of the second coefficient for each

practice represents the interaction of the organizational variables with Cumulative Volume and capture the

indirect effect of each of these practices on the cycle time slope—that is, the steepening or flattening of

the learning curve as cumulative volume increases. Intra-Team Diversity initially shifts the cycle time

learning curve up, suggesting that it worsens initial cycle time, but increases the rate of improvement in

cycle time as volume expands, indicated by the positive coefficient for the interaction of Intra-Team

Diversity with cumulative production. By contrast, Inter-Team Diversity shifts the cycle time learning

curve down, improving initial cycle time performance, but has no effect on slope of the learning curve.

The results thus provide partial support for Hypotheses H1a and H1b. The more extensive colocation of

development and manufacturing personnel impedes problem solving and learning at low product volumes

but significantly improves the rate of learning as cumulative production volume expands, consistent with

Hypothesis H2.

7 We rescale all variables so that the same sign has the same interpretation for both the learning index (i.e., h1(Lt)) and static
variables (i.e., h2(⋅)). The functional form used in the empirical estimation indicates that a positive (negative) coefficient
improves (worsens) manufacturing performance.

Model 3 replaces the R&D organization measures with the principal component measures of the

use of IT discussed earlier. The two principal component measures of IT deployment significantly and

similarly affect both the level and slope of the cycle time learning curve. Both IT deployment measures

initially shift the learning curve up, worsening cycle time performance at low levels of output. As more

wafers are manufactured, however, the rate of improvement in cycle time increases. IT practices that

enhance knowledge codification thus significantly improve cycle time performance as output expands,

consistent with Hypothesis H3. Model 4 in Table 4 analyzes the combined effects of R&D organization

and IT deployment on cycle time performance. The results are broadly consistent with those obtained in

Models 2 and 3, although the indirect effect of greater colocation loses its statistical significance.

Model 1 in Table 5 presents results of our baseline model with yield (defect density) replacing

cycle time as the dependent variable. The results are broadly consistent with Model 1 in Table 3; yield

performance improves as cumulative volume increases. Model 2 incorporates the variables related to the

use of functionally diverse teams and colocation in process development and deployment. The more

extensive use of different types of teams initially shifts the yield learning curve down, but has no effect on

the slope. By contrast, greater functional diversity within teams initially shifts the learning curve up but

steepens the slope as cumulative production increases. These R&D organization practices thus have

similar effects on cycle time and yield performance. Finally, greater colocation initially shifts the

performance curve up and steepens the slope of the learning curve with greater cumulative production

volume. The “direct” effects of higher levels of colocation of manufacturing and development personnel

thus are similar for cycle time and yield performance.8 But only the yield specification displays a positive

interaction between cumulative volume and colocation, suggesting that the performance benefits of

colocation for yield improvement are enhanced further by higher volumes of production from which to

learn and solve problems.

8 In addition, the empirical results are similar for both yield and cycle time performance when examining the effects of
unidirectional colocation (e.g., development personnel to manufacturing) versus bidirectional colocation.

Model 3 in Table 5 examines the influence of the information technology practices on yield

performance. Both measures of IT deployment initially shift the yield curve up, but steepen the slope with

greater cumulative production, which supports Hypothesis H3. The performance effects of these IT

applications are similar for cycle time and defect density—the performance curve initially shifts up but

steepens with greater production volume.

Model 4 in Table 5 presents results that incorporate the combined influence of the R&D

organization and IT variables on yield improvement. The signs and magnitudes of the coefficients in

Model 4 are broadly consistent with those for Models 2 and 3, although one of the IT variables no longer

steepens the yield learning curve as production volume expands. Nevertheless, intra- and inter-team

diversity, greater colocation and information technology implementation remain effective mechanisms for

problem solving in yield improvement— results that are not surprising in view of the importance of data

collection and approaches to problem-solving and improvement in manufacturing yield.

--- Insert Tables 4 and 5 here ---

5.2. Discussion
Our results indicate that these R&D organization and IT practices have similar effects on yield and cycle

time performance. These practices have mixed effects on manufacturing performance at low production

volumes, but generally increase the rate of performance improvement as production volumes expand (one

exception is the effect of inter-team diversity on the rate of performance improvement). Given the cost

and complexity of these practices, their different direct and indirect effects raise important questions as to

whether they are economically justified. There appears to be some minimum production volume that a

semiconductor manufacturing facility must achieve in order for the benefits of the steeper learning curve

(the indirect effect) to outweigh the penalties of a poorer starting point (the upward shift in the learning

curve). At production volumes below this threshold, implementation of these practices will worsen

performance relative to semiconductor manufacturers that do not use them.

Figures 3 and 4 respectively depict the “volume-dependence” of these negative and positive

effects on performance for cycle time and defect density. Both figures use the coefficient estimates from

their respective Model 4 fixed effect estimations and hold initial performance and all of the independent

variables (including monthly production volumes) at their means. Figure 3 compares cycle time

performance for semiconductor manufacturers implementing (1) none of the practices; (2) only the R&D-

organization practices; (3) only the information technology practices; and (4) both the R&D organization

and IT practices. By comparison with Line (1), the “no practice” baseline, Figure 3 shows that the

implementation of the R&D-organization practices discussed above (Line (2)) immediately improves

cycle time performance and this performance margin increases with greater production volume. For

information technology practices (line (3)), Figure 3 indicates that a clear “volume threshold” exists. The

effects of the initial upward shift in the cycle time learning curve are eventually (after production of

roughly 70,000 wafers, or roughly 15 months of production for the average manufacturing process in the

sample) offset by more rapid learning. Line (4) in Figure 3, depicting the joint effect of both R&D

organization and IT practices on cycle time performance, lies between lines (2) and (3) initially, and

throughout all production volumes in our sample indicates superior cycle time performance to production

facilities that relay solely on IT deployment practices. The performance associated with use of both IT

deployment and R&D organization surpasses the “no practices” baseline at roughly 25,000 cumulative

wafers, or 5 equivalent production months for an average manufacturing process and eventually results in

the best performance, surpassing the performance of fabs relying solely on the R&D organizational

practices discussed earlier, at roughly 65,000 cumulative wafer starts.

Figure 4 presents a similar comparison for yield performance. Against the “no practice” baseline

(line (1)), the implementation of R&D organization practices (line (2)) immediately improves yield and

increases this performance margin with greater production volume. Information technology practices (line

(3)) shift the defect density learning curve up initially, but also steepen the learning curve slope and

eventually surpass (at roughly 60,000 cumulative wafer starts) what would be achieved without the

implementation of these practices. The joint effect of both R&D organization and IT practices on cycle

time performance (line (4)) lies in between the independent effects of R&D organization and IT practices,

but eventually results in the best yield performance at roughly 65,000 cumulative wafers manufactured.

Interestingly, the joint initial effect of both the R&D organization and IT practices is equal to the “no

practice” baseline, but with markedly different rates of improvement.

Larger semiconductor manufacturers possess performance advantages in cycle time and yield,

since their larger monthly production volumes enable them to benefit from the interaction between greater

cumulative volume and R&D organization and IT practices. Higher production volumes enable larger

semiconductor manufacturers that employ these practices to achieve superior performance against the “no

practice” threshold in a shorter time period. For instance, a one standard deviation increase in monthly

production volume for a manufacturing process from its mean reduces the crossover time period from

lower to superior performance (assuming that both the R&D and IT deployment practices are in place) to

just under 3 months for cycle time and just under 2 months for yield. Interestingly, these findings on the

sensitivity of performance to cumulative production volumes are broadly consistent with trends in the

global semiconductor industry—increased use of the R&D organization and IT deployment practices

discussed in this paper are associated with increasing scale in production fabs. Studies of manufacturing

facility scale using production data from the late 1990s (the period covered by our study) largely agree

that manufacturing facilities with at least 20,000 wafer starts per month achieve performance advantages

by comparison with smaller-volume facilities (Benavides et al., 1999). Our results are consistent with

these estimates of minimum efficient scale.

Semiconductor manufacturers that utilize a larger number of different types of functionally

diverse problem-solving teams and colocation policies that strengthen links between development and

production personnel appear to learn more quickly, especially at higher production volumes. Inter-team

diversity appears to provide immediate problem-solving benefits through greater focus in specific areas

while intra-firm diversity provides problem-solving benefits from increased information. These effects are

consistent for both yield and cycle time performance, and may derive from improvements in the

articulation, communication and exploitation of tacit knowledge that otherwise is “locked up” within

individuals within the organization. Our results also suggest that semiconductor firms that more

extensively deploy IT applications reap significant benefits at the level of organizational processes,

enabling them to improve both yield and cycle time more quickly. These IT-based practices support the

codification of otherwise tacit knowledge, facilitating its internal dissemination and accelerating firm-

wide problem solving and learning. The structure of process development therefore may improve

manufacturing performance by better communicating tacit information, while IT practices codify this

information into forms more suitable for analysis and its intrafirm communication.

Nevertheless, these R&D organization and IT-deployment practices do not affect all dimensions

of performance equally. The colocation of engineers appears to improve yield performance but has little

effect on cycle time improvement, perhaps because improving yield for a new manufacturing process

relies more heavily on the accumulation and communication of tacit information within the

manufacturing environment that benefits from face-to-face communication. In addition, the colocation of

R&D and manufacturing personnel is more likely to affect yield problem-solving rather than production

scheduling and equipment utilization (important drivers of cycle time performance), for which the transfer

of process development knowhow from development facility to production facility is less relevant. The

use of teams within the manufacturing facility, on the other hand, accelerates cycle time improvement, but

has a more modest effect on yield improvement. This finding also is consistent with the hypothesis that

different types of problem-solving are involved in the resolution of yield problems in the introduction of a

new process, on the one hand, and the management of cycle time in the manufacturing facility, on the

other hand. Despite these performance differences, the results clearly indicate that the R&D organization

and IT-deployment practices described above build greater problem-solving competencies in

semiconductor manufacturing organizations.

--- Insert Figures 3 and 4 here ---

The literature on “dynamic capabilities” consists largely of conceptual and theoretical discussions, rather

than direct empirical tests of hypotheses. One reason for this theoretical and empirical dichotomy is the

difficulty of measuring or quantifying dynamic capabilities (Rouse & Dallenbach, 1999; Williamson,

1999). This paper utilizes data from a large sample of semiconductor manufacturing establishments to

develop measures of firm-specific R&D organization and IT deployment practices that facilitate problem

solving and subsequently influence performance in the development and deployment of new process

technologies, a key “dynamic capability” in the semiconductor industry.

The R&D organization and IT practices that we identify as central to firms’ problem solving

capabilities are rooted in the empirical literatures on product and process development, operations

strategy, organizational behavior and the business value of information technology. These practices are

the foundation for organizational learning via improved knowledge articulation and knowledge

codification. Our empirical analysis focuses on the routines and learning mechanisms used by

semiconductor manufacturers to capture information from production experience and then to articulate

and codify knowledge throughout the organization.

The organization of process R&D within the manufacturing facility facilitates knowledge

articulation through improved intrafirm communication and understanding. IT deployment within the

manufacturing facility improves the codification and exploitation of tacit knowledge. Both of these

practices enhance problem-solving performance by improving the abilities of managers to exploit

production-based learning for manufacturing performance improvement. They improve the intrafirm

articulation, communication and exploitation of experience-based knowledge and information, improving

the intrafirm transfer of new process technologies. Once new production processes are introduced into the

manufacturing environment, such practices accelerate the speed of problem identification,

characterization, and resolution.

The gains from implementation of both the R&D organization and IT deployment practices

discussed above appear to be greater at higher production volumes, and the concurrent growth of use of

these practices and increases in average production facility scale may well be linked. Our analysis also

suggests that the types of learning associated with yield and cycle-time improvement differ somewhat. It

is plausible that the challenges of “debugging” and improving yields for new processes in the

manufacturing facility, an environment that differs significantly from most development facilities used

during this period in the global semiconductor industry, differ significantly from the challenges of

managing cycle time, which relies more heavily on knowledge located entirely within the organizational

boundaries of the manufacturing facility.

The results of this paper provide empirical support for the arguments of Teece et al. (1997),

Eisenhardt and Martin (2000), Zollo and Winter (2002) and Winter (2003) that in high-technology

industries, firm-specific performance differences may reflect differences in their capabilities in managing

novelty (i.e., the development and deployment of new manufacturing processes). Our empirical analysis

relates these differences in capabilities and performance to firm-level routines employed in the

management of process innovation and deployment. Our analysis also highlights the importance of

organizational practices, rather than passive learning from expanded production volumes, for deliberate

learning that underpins the creation of dynamic capabilities. The firms in our sample that have adopted

elements of the key R&D organization and IT practices that the empirical analysis reveals to be important

have improved performance, but further analysis of longitudinal data is needed to establish whether these

capabilities contribute to “competitive” or “sustainable” advantage.

Our empirical analysis is also consistent with the findings of research on other industries in

concluding that “learning by doing” can be influenced by the actions of managers, although industry-

specific conditions related to semiconductors appear to make a “learning before doing” approach more

feasible and effective than is true of firms in other high technology industries (Pisano, 1994). In

particular, our empirical results suggest that the organization of process development can improve the

payoff from problem-solving and information exchange at higher levels of output. In other words,

“learning by doing” can be accelerated by more than simply repetition (Pisano, 1996)—it benefits as well

from the operating routines that reflect managerial choice and resource allocation in our sample of

semiconductor firms. The results indicate that both higher levels of cumulative production experience and

these organizational and IT practices are necessary to accelerate learning and problem solving, possibly

because of the need for firms to “learn to learn by doing,” improving their implementation of the human

resource practices that interact with production expansion to improve performance. “Knowledge

codification” also appears to be a choice variable, rather than an exogenously determined artifact of

industry-specific conditions of technological maturity and scientific understanding. But the contrasting

roles of “learning before doing” and “learning by doing” in the semiconductor and biotechnological

pharmaceuticals industries clearly indicate the importance of industry-specific differences in the

knowledge base. This issue merits more extensive research.

Our empirical analysis also extends understanding of two aspects of the performance of high-

technology manufacturing firms that have been relatively understudied in the product development and

management literatures. The majority of empirical work on manufacturing performance has focused on

firm-level differences in the speed or quality of product development. But in semiconductors, no less than

many other technology-intensive industries (e.g., biotechnology-based pharmaceuticals—see Pisano

(1996) for elaboration), the swift introduction of new products typically requires significant advances in

manufacturing processes. Much less empirical work examines intrafirm practices and interfirm

performance differences in process innovation. New process innovation in many cases provides vivid

illustrations of the difficulties of transferring technologies, especially those involving a great deal of tacit

knowledge, within a firm. Even the replication of a complex technology within a single organization is a

demanding task. Given such compelling evidence of the problems of intrafirm transfer of technology, it is

hardly surprising that the resources and capabilities emphasized in the resource-based view remain so

highly “embedded” within the firm. The difficulty of replicating and transferring technologies in

semiconductor manufacturing, one of the most knowledge-intensive manufacturing industries in this

economy, underscores the complexities of the relationships among scientific and technological knowledge

and organizational practice. In this and other high-technology industries, the fabrication of complex

products remains as much an art as a science, something that has important implications for competitive

dynamics and industry structure.

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Table 1: Variable Description
Defect Density Defects/cm Number of fatal defects per centimeter squared
Cycle Time Days/ml Time (in days) to manufacture single mask layer

Cumulative Volume 1K wafer starts Thousands of wafers starts



Intra-Team Diversity Same/In Between/Different 0..2 Diversity within problem-solving teams operating in the manufacturing facility

Inter-Team Diversity Few/Several/Many 0..2 Diversity between problem-solving teams operating in the manufacturing facility


DE Colocation # Number of development engineers colocated in commercial-volume facility

PE Colocation # Number of process engineers colocated in development facility

DE Time # Length of time development engineers spent in commercial-volume facility

PE Time # Length of time process engineers spent in development facility

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PRACTICES Extent of Information Technology in manufacturing facility

Auto Download L/M/H 0..2 Extent of automatic process recipe downloaded by CAM system
Auto Capture L/M/H 0..2 Extent of automatic process metrology and equipment data capture by CAM system
Auto Track L/M/H 0..2 Extent of automatic track-in and track-out (time) of wafer lots by CAM system
DB Capability L/M/H 0..2 Extent that data captured is readily available in an integrated relational database
Shop Floor Control L/M/H 0..2 Sophistication of automatic scheduling system of wafer lots and/or machines

Linewidth [0…1] Normalized linewidth of individual process to technological frontier

Wafer Size # Normalized size of wafer manufactured (100 mm as base)
Clean Room Grade # Maximum clean room grade (particles/ft )
Mask Layers # Number of mask layers for device

Table 2: Summary Statistics and Correlations

Cycle Time per Layer

Intra-Team Diversity

Inter-Team Diversity
Cumulative Volume

Shop Floor Control

Auto Download
Defect Density

DE Colocation

PE Colocation

DB Capability
Auto Capture

Mask Layers
Clean Room
Wafer Size
Auto Track

DE Time

PE Time
Mean 1.001 2.801 61.877 4.156 1.157 2.550 4.854 18.211 42.809 0.869 0.396 1.212 1.385 0.784 0.848 1.629 1327.794 15.986

SD 1.520 0.984 88.882 2.328 0.697 2.097 5.389 23.576 95.093 0.796 0.677 0.915 0.858 0.724 0.409 0.264 2864.062 4.622

Min 0.050 0.580 0.004 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.250 1.250 10.000 5.000

Max 27.580 9.000 758.400 7.000 2.000 12.000 30.000 96.000 648.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 1.000 2.000 10000.000 28.000


Defect Density 1.000

Cycle Time per Layer -0.124 1.000

Cumulative Volume -0.228 -0.057 1.000

Intra-Team Diversity -0.332 -0.405 0.154 1.000

Inter-Team Diversity -0.074 0.054 -0.115 0.156 1.000

DE Colocation -0.014 0.216 -0.007 -0.392 -0.113 1.000

PE Colocation -0.003 0.062 -0.057 -0.166 0.107 0.278 1.000

DE Time 0.083 -0.006 -0.024 -0.614 -0.014 0.744 0.362 1.000

PE Time 0.000 -0.062 -0.080 -0.089 0.119 -0.085 0.846 0.087 1.000

Auto Download -0.257 0.079 0.136 0.269 0.148 0.122 0.027 0.011 0.139 1.000

Auto Capture -0.256 -0.164 -0.075 0.210 0.163 0.045 -0.033 0.004 0.043 0.496 1.000

Auto Track -0.141 0.133 -0.082 0.142 0.687 0.012 -0.026 -0.157 -0.016 0.072 0.275 1.000

DB Capability -0.072 -0.362 -0.217 0.010 -0.158 0.069 0.320 0.144 0.230 -0.103 0.274 -0.132 1.000

Shop Floor Control -0.159 0.186 -0.023 0.201 0.866 0.093 0.005 -0.002 -0.051 0.291 0.032 0.686 -0.202 1.000

Linewidth 0.078 0.159 0.192 -0.293 0.059 -0.100 0.096 -0.021 0.141 -0.318 -0.657 0.001 -0.479 0.145 1.000

Wafer Size -0.228 -0.230 -0.184 0.459 0.107 0.072 -0.218 -0.078 -0.222 0.463 0.709 0.170 0.409 0.095 -0.880 1.000

Clean Room Grade -0.050 -0.078 0.077 -0.135 -0.369 0.371 0.181 0.100 0.004 -0.257 -0.200 0.199 0.329 -0.084 0.138 -0.179 1.000

Mask Layers 0.021 -0.043 -0.158 0.297 -0.046 0.063 0.089 -0.011 0.095 0.391 0.466 0.063 0.261 -0.168 -0.735 0.671 -0.116 1.000

Table 3: Principle Component Analysis Results
Component Name Eigenvalue Cumulative R
1 COLOC_PC1 2.295 0.574
2 COLOC_PC2 0.984 0.820
3 COLOC_PC3 0.607 0.972
4 COLOC_PC4 0.114 1.000


DE Colocation 0.681 0.617 0.366 0.147
PE Colocation 0.718 0.413 -0.549 -0.109
DE Time 0.850 -0.327 0.359 -0.203
PE Time 0.770 -0.571 -0.208 0.197

Component Name Eigenvalue Cumulative R
1 IT_PC1 1.684 0.337
2 IT_PC2 1.191 0.575
3 IT_PC3 0.932 0.761
4 IT_PC4 0.710 0.903
5 IT_PC5 0.483 1.000

Factor Loadings IT_PC1 IT_PC2 IT_PC3 IT_PC4 IT_PC5

Auto Download 0.320 0.668 0.464 0.484 0.040
Auto Capture 0.598 0.433 0.177 -0.651 -0.007
Auto Track 0.758 -0.413 -0.058 0.111 0.488
DB Capability 0.147 0.544 -0.818 0.102 0.055
Shop Floor Control 0.792 -0.302 -0.114 0.171 -0.489

Table 4: Cycle Time Results
Est. Est. Est. Est. Est. Est. Est. Est.
(SE) (SE) (SE) (SE) (SE) (SE) (SE) (SE)
Constant 5.191*** 4.140* -32.948*** -41.514*** 9.654*** 23.067* 8.078*** 9.215**
(1.437) (2.472) (10.209) (15.900) (2.232) (12.512) (2.398) (3.697)
Cumulative Volume 1.182E-03*** 8.897E-04*** 2.461E-04*** 2.020E-04*** 1.321E-03*** 3.522E-04** 2.375E-04*** 2.010E-04**
(1.086E-04) (1.212E-04) (6.203E-05) (6.948E-05) (1.152E-04) (1.505E-04) (7.333E-05) (8.039E-05)

Intra-team Diversity -8.595E-03*** -7.130E-03*** -9.116E-03*** -7.391E-03***

(2.130E-03) (2.440E-03) (2.687E-03) (2.771E-03)
Inter-Team Diversity 1.575E-02*** 1.414E-02*** 1.183E-02*** 1.053E-02**
(4.155E-03) (5.033E-03) (3.754E-03) (4.376E-03)
Colocation -1.002E-03** -7.330E-04* -2.036E-03*** -1.717E-03**
(4.119E-04) (4.420E-04) (7.346E-04) (7.687E-04)
Intra-team Diversity X CV .916E-05*** 8.298E-05*** 6.861E-05*** 7.174E-05**
(2.668E-05) (2.996E-05) (2.638E-05) (3.494E-05)
Inter-team Diversity X CV -7.703E-06 -8.052E-06 -2.605E-05* -3.596E-05
(5.521E-06) (6.266E-06) (1.494E-05) (2.238E-05)
Colocation X CV 4.408E-05*** 3.919E-05** 4.562E-05 3.454E-04
(1.293E-05) (1.549E-05) (4.676E-04) (5.585E-04)

IT 1 -3.870E-03* -3.264E-03 -1.556E-04 -1.629E-04

(2.232E-03) (2.725E-03) (4.249E-04) (1.005E-03)
IT 2 -1.011E-02*** -1.523E-02** -9.398E-03*** -7.969E-03***
(2.211E-03) (6.769E-03) (2.735E-03) (3.007E-03)
IT 1 X CV 2.388E-05 5.153E-05** 5.365E-05*** 2.892E-05**
(2.398E-05) (2.331E-05) (1.549E-05) (1.171E-05)
IT 2 X CV 3.429E-05** 4.921E-05*** 3.759E-05*** 3.490E-05**
(1.769E-05) (1.906E-05) (1.234E-05) (1.511E-05)

Linewidth 1.811*** 2.147*** 6.625*** 7.761** 3.941*** 10.997** 27.218*** 32.881**

(0.402) (0.682) (2.009) (3.103) (0.589) (4.791) (8.448) (12.867)
Wafer Size 3.898*** 4.245*** 20.087*** 25.807** 9.084*** 25.213** 79.708*** 97.386**
(0.822) (1.435) (5.601) (10.808) (1.425) (12.400) (24.387) (39.172)
Clean Room Grade 0.000 0.000 0.004*** 0.004** 0.000 0.000 0.001** 0.000
(0.000) (0.000) (0.001) (0.002) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.001)
ρ -0.952*** -0.987*** -0.972*** -0.934*** -0.980*** -0.964*** -0.948*** -0.917***
(0.030) (0.033) (0.018) (0.021) (0.030) (0.034) (0.019) (0.021)

N 1305 1305 1305 1305 1305 1305 1305 1305

Log-Likelihood 5598.2 6068.8 6102.4 6274.6 6084.7 6272.6 6538.8 6609.6
Firm Fixed Effects No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes

* p < 0.10; ** p < 0.05; *** p < 0.01

Table 5: Yield Results
Est. Est. Est. Est. Est. Est. Est. Est.
(SE) (SE) (SE) (SE) (SE) (SE) (SE) (SE)
Constant 4.040* 6.251** 9.478*** 11.230*** 2.164*** 7.125*** 10.345*** 7.821***
(2.428) (2.988) (1.876) (1.877) (0.119) (2.605) (1.313) (1.517)
Cumulative Volume 1.724E-03*** 1.435E-03*** 3.595E-03*** 4.682E-03*** 3.397E-03*** 5.360E-04** 4.492E-03*** 6.515E-04***
(1.786E-04) (2.031E-04) (5.716E-04) (8.246E-04) (1.721E-04) (2.253E-04) (7.101E-04) (1.073E-04)

Intra-team Diversity -1.739E-02*** -1.376E-02** -4.386E-02*** -4.725E-02***

(3.869E-03) (6.838E-03) (6.061E-03) (7.892E-03)
Inter-Team Diversity 2.187E-01*** 1.798E-01*** 2.658E-01*** 2.601E-01***
(2.286E-02) (2.961E-02) (2.151E-02) (2.778E-02)
Colocation -6.424E-02*** -8.471E-02*** -8.881E-02*** -6.838E-02***
(1.624E-02) (2.143E-02) (1.298E-02) (1.491E-02)
Intra-team Diversity X CV 1.894E-04*** 1.911E-04* 4.802E-04*** 8.649E-04***
(5.500E-05) (1.023E-04) (1.671E-04) (2.626E-04)
Inter-team Diversity X CV 2.575E-04 -4.375E-04 -3.665E-04 -9.916E-04
(3.220E-04) (5.289E-04) (5.820E-04) (7.018E-04)
Colocation X CV 7.966E-04** 1.514E-03*** 5.287E-05*** 4.219E-05**
(3.806E-04) (4.146E-04) (1.695E-05) (1.682E-05)

IT 1 -3.380E-02*** -1.671E-02** -2.734E-02** -5.550E-02***

(4.404E-03) (7.797E-03) (1.165E-02) (1.401E-02)
IT 2 -4.328E-02*** -8.325E-03** -1.403E-01*** -1.747E-01***
(4.422E-03) (3.592E-03) (2.321E-02) (2.855E-02)
IT 1 X CV 1.938E-03*** 1.967E-04** 7.522E-04** 4.531E-04
(1.098E-04) (9.003E-05) (3.174E-04) (4.128E-04)
IT 2 X CV 4.013E-04*** 1.963E-04*** 1.046E-03*** 1.913E-03***
(4.830E-05) (7.642E-05) (4.056E-04) (6.042E-04)

Linewidth 0.936 1.227 -1.391** -1.850*** -4.331*** -11.336*** -0.558 -0.757

(0.740) (0.943) (0.685) (0.655) (0.223) (3.781) (0.531) (0.597)
Wafer Size 2.213** 3.136*** 3.578*** 3.704*** 9.503*** 34.616** 3.200*** 2.522***
(0.903) (1.137) (0.773) (0.777) (0.541) (13.633) (0.531) (0.651)
Clean Room Grade 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Mask Layers 0.031 0.130* 0.162*** 0.187*** 0.309*** 1.313** 0.189*** 0.135***
(0.057) (0.069) (0.029) (0.036) (0.028) (0.570) (0.029) (0.031)
ρ -0.993*** -0.997*** -0.963*** -0.989*** -0.953*** -0.908*** -0.960*** -0.989***
(0.024) (0.026) (0.024) (0.023) (0.023) (0.025) (0.023) (0.023)

N 1235 1235 1235 1235 1235 1235 1235 1235

Log-Likelihood 2144.2 2252.4 2827.0 3052.4 2284.9 2502.1 2903.3 3216.5
Firm Fixed Effects No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes

* p < 0.10; ** p < 0.05; *** p < 0.01

Figure 1

Memory Device Defect Density (after repair

0.33 - 0.4 m icron CMOS process flow s


Defect density (fatal defects per square cm)





95 96 97 98 99 00 01

Figure 2

Cycle Time Per Layer




Cycle time per layer (days)



94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01

Figure 3: Cycle Time Performance




Cycle Time





0 5 9 14 18 23 27 32 37 41 46 50 55 59 64 68 73 78 82 87 91
Cumulative Volume (000s)

Figure 4: Defect Density Performance

























Cumulative Volume (000s)


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