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Golden Rice

Golden Rice, the answer to malnutrition in developing countries around the world.

The best way to avoid micronutrient deficiencies is by way of a varied diet, rich in vegetables,
fruits and animal products.

The second best approach, especially for those who cannot afford a varied diet, is by way of
nutrient-dense staple crops.

Throughout developing countries many people simply can not afford to have 3 meals a day like
many of us do. At most they can afford 1-2 meals a day, particularly containing rice. Since rice
does compensate for all the nutrients humans need on a day to day basis, it is important that we
implement the use of Golden Rice throughout the world.

As a result of malnutrition millions of people around the world develop what is called VAD, or
Vitamin A Deficiency. VAD causes blindless,which is sometimes irreversible, weakens the
immune system, easily allowing people to become more prone to infectious diseases.

Vitamin A is involved in:

 Vision (night, day, colour)

 Immune response
 Skeletal growth
 Fertility (male and female

Making rice an additional source of pro-Vitamin A readily available in the diet of poor and
vulnerable populations is now a possibility, previously unattainable, using the technologies of
agricultural biotechnology.

Vitamin A and zinc alone could save 25% of the 12 million children who die annually because of
malnutrition worldwide.

Furthermore, Golden Rice will reach those who need it at no additional cost.

Golden Rice has and is being used by farmers all around the world

The novel Golden Rice technology will not require any additional labour, as compared to
existing traditional rice varieties. Moreover, it can be bred into any traditional variety or along
with novel traits of interest to the farmers, e.g. pest and pathogen resistance.

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