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“RIGHT EYE PLUCKED” (Matt. 5.29) REPLACED BY “LEFT EYE” (First John 1.

“And if the right eye of you causes you to stumble tear it out and cast [it] from you, for it is better that one
of the members of you be lost and not whole body of you be cast into Geenna.* And if the right hand of
you [warfare] causes you to stumble cut it off and cast [it] from you, for it is better for you that one of the
members of you be lost and not the whole body of you be cast into Geenna.*” – Matthew 5.29-30.
NOTE *: “Geenna” corrupted to read: “Gehenna” although Greek has no letter, “H.”

AND – this is the supreme wisdom of the “Great Teacher:”

But then – who will listen, yea, yea, who will listen? Certainly not the presidents of the United States!

So then, God had taught that the Scripture is only “spiritually discerned.” And – where does that leave
you? Do you possess the Spirit of the Living God? [Oh, I forgot, you do not believe that God is living!]

“The natural man seeks not the things of the Spirit of the God, for they are foolishness to him, nor can he
know for they are ‘Spiritually discerned’” – First Corinthians 2.14.

Oh woe to the earth! Who has hidden these truths from you? – was it not the Beast and the False
Prophet? Who are the Beast and the False Prophet? This was taught in my youth – but never since!

But, I have hope for you, “Revival 2015” is close at hand. Poor Beast! Poor False Prophet! They are
doomed to the “lake of fire” (Rev 20.10).

But then, to whom was Iesous Anointed speaking in the days of His fleshly ministry?

Zechariah had foretold this prophecy in about 512 BC.

“For indeed I will raise up a shepherd [John of Gischala – Wars of Jews 4.9.3 – Public Domain) in the
land who will not care for those who are cut off, nor seek the young, nor heal those that are broken, nor
feed those that still stand. Bur he will eat the flesh of the fat and tear their hooves in pieces. ‘Woe to the
worthless shepherd (John) who leaves the flock [undefended]. A sword against his arm [military
strength] and against his right eye [guidance]. His arm will completely wither** and his right eye will be
totally blinded” – Zechariah 11.16-17.

NOTE**: 1,100,000 Israelites killed by disobeying Iesous, and 97,000 sold into slavery – Wars of Jews –
6.9.3 – Public Domain.

And so goes the record of the “annihilation of Israel.” The punishment was increased in AD 117, when
the Roman Emperor suggested he would build a statue of himself on the flattened temple. The Jews had
not learned the advice of Iesous, and were quick to go to war again. They were driven into Russia, and
Persia, and Europe, and Africa.

CONFIRMATION: All encyclopedias. Also in the last two weeks my wife and I watched a movie about
the Pope’s “Holy Wars” in AD 1100. There were Arabs and Europeans, but no – Jews. Men claiming to
be Jews did not return to “Palestine” until AD 1948.

Paul repeated Iesous’ tale of “avoiding the Woman [Israel]” when he wrote:

“So you will not^ judge in food or in drink or regarding a feast or a new moon or Sabbath which are a
shadow of things to come, but the ‘flesh’ (SUMA) [is] of Anointed (Christou)” – Col 2.16-17.
NOTE^: There are no words “let us” and “may we” in the Bible manuscripts, but Strong’s Concordance
has listed 4,000 of these errors in the KJV.

The Congregation at Colossse seemed to have been an “all Gentile” Body. So then, “Keep away from
the condemned Jews!”


“That which was from the beginning, which we (apostles) have heard, which we have seen with our eyes,
which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life –“ – First John 1.1.

“Bui God has appointed these in the ‘From Calling’ [EK KLESIA]; first apostles, second prophets, third
teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healing, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues” – First
Corinthians 12.28.

Then the “From Calling” of Iesous was raptured “after 10 Days (Years) of tribulation” which period was:
AD 67 -77.

But the United States is a nation of illiterate dummies. Despite Paul writing that, “apostles were first” [in
the First Century] – since 1985, the Jews have published a “new” New Testament in falsely called,
“Aramaic,” which they boast was “first” before the Greek manuscripts. Although they admit that there
has never been a copy of “The Q Manuscript” they claim this non-existent fabrication proves that they
were first – although it is documented that they were unbelievers. Why would “unbelievers” record the
“good message” of Iesous?

AND -- because the Jews were ”first” in AD 1985 (after the Greek manuscripts were sealed up in AD
67), they have changed all of God’s Greek names sealed when Revelation was written.

But do you know what? Many citizens of the United States believe you must worship these “annihilated
Jews” in order to be saved. What a mess when you deny God!

Just recently, I read, “The Democrats cannot do anything on their own, but just copy what the
Republicans have done.”

Take President Bill Clinton: He was told by the out-going President Bush that he must support NAFTA
and ship our jobs to Mexico and Central America. And – he did it!

President Obama is a trend-setter though. He is the first president, in my long years of knowledge, “to
break a campaign promise before he was elected!”

Early on in the campaign, he promised to, “Bring the troops home!” – “to bring change!”

Toward the end of his campaign, President Obama promised to, “Expand the war in Afghanistan!”

To the best of my knowledge, President Obama is the first to accomplish this feat.

AND – who started the war? Was it not President Bush? Did not Senator McCain promise to continue
President Bush’s war?

The Republicans have always been out to steal the Social Security Trust Fund.
President Obama’s Deficit Panel has been controlled by “Ex-senator Alan Simpson” who said his number
one target is “Social Security.”

Maybe this writer was right, “Democrats can only copy what the Republicans want them to do!”

Finally, God hates “war!” However, as the King of kings, God has always employed warring nations to
punish His enemies. When we are sending our boys over to get their legs blow off, and supporting the
Republican oppression of the poor, we can expect more trouble – as Israel would not listen and was

Sid Williams

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