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Comprehension Questions

1. Summarize the article in a few sentences (i.e. What was researched? What are the main findings





2. What are two effects of a junk food “overload”?



3. What happened when rats consumed fatty foods in high quantities?



4. Explain the purpose of the electric shock administered to the rats.



5. How has food changed over the centuries (i.e. how do we eat differently from our ancestors)?



6. Why does one researcher say that “applying the results of animal studies to humans can be tricky”?



1. Think of four disadvantages/advantages of an unhealthy/healthy diet.

2. Find 5 words you don’t know, look them up in a dictionary and write a sentence using each word.

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3. Underline 5 verbs with an irregular past tense form (i.e. buy  bought), then write them in the chart
below. Can you think of the past participle (i.e. do – did – done)?

Verb Past simple Past participle

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