YFC AUSPAC Invitation 2011

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13 December 2011

Dear Parent,

We would like to invite your child to CFC Australia Youth for Christ’s 2011
Australia Pacific Conference which will be held on the 15th to 17th April 2011
at Rostrevor College, Glen Stuart Rd Woodforde South Australia. Registration
commences from 15 January 2011 and closes on 1st April 2011. The conference
fees cover conference kit, food, and (boarding) accommodation for the camp


Conference Fees Due 31st March $150.00

Registration Closes 1st
April 2011

CFC Australia Youth for Christ (YFC) aims to provide a Catholic support
environment for young adults between 13 to 21 years of age. The program is
oriented towards meeting the needs of our youth to belong, to be motivated, to
be useful, to be good examples, to be witnesses for Jesus Christ.

Annually, CFC Australia YFC gathers its leaders and members from all over
Australia and the Pacific Island nations. This is a time to celebrate God's
goodness in the coming together of young adults who love the Lord. The three-
day weekend is highlighted by talks, creative and sports competitions, vibrant
worship, wholesome entertainment, a Praise Parade, and Praisefest.

YFC's future is directed towards giving the youth a better understanding of their
role in the Catholic Church and how it is possible for our youth to make
incremental changes to benefit society as a whole.

The theme of this year’s conference is - John 15:5,8 “I am the vine, and
you are the branches. Those who remain in me and I in them will bear
much fruit; for you can do nothing without me. My Father's glory is
shown by your bearing a lot of fruit, and in this way you become my

To register simply complete the registration form and submit to your YFC
Couple Coordinator before the due date/s as specified above.

We hope that you can join us in this spirit-filled and enriching event!

God bless you!

In Christ,

John & Margarita McMahon

Coordinators – YFC AUSPAC
Mobile Nos: 0411115200 & 0407836460

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