Multi Modal Rubric

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English 224

Digital Argument


Criteria Meets Almost meets Does not meet
requirements requirements (5- requirements (0)
(10-6) 1)
Rhetorical considerations:
The project has a specific
rhetorical purpose (a
discernible argument) that is
supported with ample
The project is geared toward
a specific audience (that is
distinct from the previous
Arguments are thoroughly
researched and are presented
at an appropriate length
Arguments demonstrate that
the author has considered
multiple perspectives and
The project contains some
kind of “action” that viewers
can take away from it
Design features:
The project mixes modalities
in rhetorically savvy ways
Design choices are
influenced by the CRAP
principles or other design
features covered in class
Transitions between
segments or between pages
are rhetorically effective
Project incorporates at least
some of the suggestions
presented in the peer review
It is clear that a significant
amount of work was devoted
to the project


In five double-spaced pages, you provide an explanation of all design and rhetorical
choices that you made in your project. You should especially talk about who you
envisioned as your audience and how all your choices attempted to meet their needs. Also
address the more technical aspects of this project—what did you learn through the
process of creating this digital text? Discuss your research process, whatever that
entailed. What suggestions did you incorporate from the whole class peer review? How
was this composition process different than the process you undergo for an alphabetic
text or than the previous projects in this class?


TOTAL: /200

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