Green Stone V2.83 Installation For Unix/Linux

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Greenstone Installation on Unix/Linux

1. Installation on Unix /Linux

2. Running Greenstone Library

2.1 For running Local Greenstone Library Server

2.2 For running Greenstone Library Interface

2.3For running Greenstone Digital Library Live Server.

2.3.1 Editing the apache configuration file for making it live server.

2.3.2 Start the apache service of Greenstone

1. Installation on Unix /Linux

The installation process in linux is similar to Window and easier , but some commands are to be
run before having GUI interface for installation of Greenstone Library as in window.

Download the Greenstone digital library software[ For GNU/Linux - Greenstone-2.83-linux

(59.6MB) ] from site :

Change the file (Greenstone-2.83-linux ) mode to be able to execute.

# chmod a+x Greenstone-2.83-linux

• Start Installation process by :

# . /Greenstone-2.83-linux

This step will starts creating temporary directory and extracts jar installer file to give you
GUI Interface for installing Greenstone Library, which is exactly like that of window.

• The GUI is mode of installation in show in Appendix-I


Language Preference

Choose the language on which you want to install Greenstone, by default English language is
selected, so you can just click Next button below.
It includes the greenstone system (core system) itself and also additional tools required for
hosting digital libraries ie. Greenstone Library Server for windows, ImageMagick (for converting
images) These additional component can be unselected if not required during installation,(See
Software License
It simply Greenstone2 licensed agreement which is under the GNU General Public License V2. You
can simply read it or you can click button Accept to continue to next step.
Installation Folder

This is the place through where the place to keep the installed system of Greenstone is to be
placed. By default, system drive /usr/local/Greenstone is choosen as show in below figure. You
can change the location to where Greenstone is to be installed by clicking Browse button and
showing the path.
(but we consider the default path through out this manual ).

The component that is going to be installed is shown and by default all components are selected
to installed on your system, but if you do not required additional component ( you cannot
unmarked core system) you can unmarked it and continue to next step.
Administration Pages

Enable Admin Pages show in figure below, is to be marked before continuing to next step, if you
want to manage the users database from remote greenstone. This provide an easy way to access,
view and eidt the logs files and 'main.cfg' file.
Admin Password
The user with username 'admin' is created and password for that, is to be created in this step.
Installation Progress

Click Install to start installation process. If you want to view details about installation , just click
'Show Details ' button, It will show you all the progress as in figure
2. Running Greenstone Library

2.1 For running Local Greenstone Library Server

• Enter the directory on where you have installed the Greenstone Library system

# cd /usr/local/Greenstone ( Its default path of greenstone library system)

• Run command below to run your Greenstone Server

#. /
It will prompt for box where you have to click " Enter Library " to enter the library. This will
automatically browse your default browser (firefox / google chrome etc). You can see the
Greenstone Digital Library with collection called "Greenstone Demo " as in figure below.

2.2 For running Greenstone Library Interface

• Enter the directory on where you have installed the Greenstone Library system

# cd /usr/local/Greenstone ( considered as the path where Greenstone is


• Enter the directory named " gli ".

#cd gli

• Run script to get Greenstone Library Interface.

# ./

This will prompt for the Greenstone library interface box as in figure below, where you
create and format the collections. We will discuss about Collection and Format in later.
2.3 For running Greenstone Digital Library Live Server

Some modification on httpd.conf and gsdlsite.cfg files are to be made to make the library
accessible from remote clients and viewable by all other users. Unlike in before version of
Greenstone Library, no need of addition code are to be added in httpd.conf , just we have to
change some code.
2.3.1 Editing the apache configuration file for making it live server.

Before configuring for Live Server, it it better to test from local server whether or not the
Greenstone system is ok or not.So, start first the local server

#cd /usr/local/Greenstone

(Close the local server and browser if everything is OK.)

Then continue for configuring for live server

#cd /usr/local/Greenstone/apache-httpd/linux/conf/

# vim httpd.conf

• Assign the port for listening to Greenstone library.

Find the word "Listen" and replace the value of it. Change the value with your port
number that you want to assign for Greenstone Library.
e.g Listen 9090

• Configure for ServerAdmin.

Problem with the server is emailed to the ServerAdmin, so configure for it. It is just the
email address on where problem is to be admitted.

eg. ServerAdmin

• Configure ServerName

ServerName gives the name and port that the server uses to identify itself. This can often
be determined automatically, but we recommend you specify it explicitly to prevent
problems during startup. If your host doesn't have a registered DNS name, enter its IP
address here.

Uncomment this line below and place your servername or ip address along with port define


e.g ServerName

• Alias configuration and allowing other IP address to access the Greenstone live
Library system.

ScriptAlias /greenstone/cgi-bin "/usr/local/Greenstone/cgi-bin"

<Directory "/usr/local/Greenstone/cgi-bin">
Options None
AllowOverride None
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from all ( by default the value for allow from i.e allowed for local server only
but we required allow for all IP addresses)

Alias /greenstone "/usr/local/Greenstone"

<Directory "/usr/local/Greenstone">
Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from all ( by default the value for allow from i.e allowed for local server
only but we required allow for all IP addresses)

2.3.2 Start the apache service of Greenstone

#/usr/local/Greenstone/apache-httpd/linux/bin/apachectl start

Now you access the Greenstone Library from any other system through url

( note: ip address and port is the one that you have configured above on httpd.conf file )

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