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Indian Economy post the Introduction of

the Five Year Plans

1. Who presented the First Five year plan?
Jawaharlal Nehru
2. What is the name given to the plan published by seven leading Industrialists for India's
economic development after 1947, that posited the model of state intervention for
Bombay Plan
3. Which irrigation projects were started during the First Plan?
Bhakra Dam and Hirakud Dam
4. From which plan were Panchayat elections started?
Third Plan
5. Which year did India join the WTO?
6. Which model, forming the basis of the First Plan, explains an economy's growth in
terms of savings rate and productivity of capital?
The Harrod-Domar model
7. How many Annual Plans have been presented so far?
Five (1966-67,67-68,68-69; 1990-91,91-92)
8. Which is the only plan to have been presented twice?
The Sixth (once by the Janata govt. and once by the Congress (1980))
9. What is the method used to decide allocation of central assistance to states known as?
The Gadgil formula
10. Which Finance Minister of India resigned in protest of the increasing power of the
Planning Commission and P.C.Mahalanobis?
John Mathai
11. In which year was the Mahalanobis Model abandoned due to increased money supply
and inflation?
12. During which plan were State Electricity boards and State Secondary Education
boards formed?
3rd plan (1961-1966)
13. Which plan introduced the system of National Highways?
Fifth Plan
14. What was the average annual growth rate during the Eighth Plan after liberalization?
6.7% as opposed to the projection of 5.6%
15. Who is the counterpart of Dr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia in Pakistan?
Dr. Nadeem ul Haq (could be asked the other way round)
16. Which organization, headqurtered in New Delhi, and having regional offices in Pune,
Bhopal, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Guwahati and Bangalore, was formed at the end of the First
The UGC (University Grants Commission)
17. What was the Total Proposed Outlay for the First Five Year Plan?
INR 3870 Crores
18. What was the approximate US Dollar to Indian Rupees conversion rate at the time of
the First Plan?
Rs. 9 per USD (Rs. 206.8 billion to USD 23.6 billion)
19. Which Plan was the first to focus significantly on the Defence industry?
Third (after the 1962 war)
20. Which Plan marked the beginnings of economic reforms in India?
Fourth Plan (1974-79)

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