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I. От 1 до 10 посочете верният отговор.

1. The Rose Bowl, ______ place on New 6. People who reverse the letters of words
Year's Day is the oldest postseason ______ to read suffer from dyslexia.
collegiate football game in the United
States. (A) when trying
(B) if they tried
(A) takes (C) when tried
(B) it takes (D) if he tries
(C) which takes
(D) took 7. Featured at the Henry Ford Museum
______ of antique cars dating from
2. Experiments ______ represent a giant 1865.
step into the medicine of the future.
(A) is an exhibit
(B) an exhibit
(A) using gene therapy
(C) an exhibit is
(B) use gene therapy
(D) which is an exhibit
(C) they use
(D) gene therapy uses
8. Rubber ______ from vulcanized
silicones with a high molecular weight is
3. ______ off Hawaiian coastline are
difficult to distinguish from natural
living, others are dead.
(A) While some types of coral reefs
(A) is produced
(B) Some types of coral reefs
(B) producing
(C) There are many types of coral reefs
(C) that produces
(D) Coral reefs
(D) produced
4. Nimbostratus clouds are thick, dark gray
9. ______ appears considerably larger at
clouds ______ forebode rain.
the horizon than it does overhead is
(A) what merely an optical illusion.
(B) which
(A) The Moon
(C) what they
(B) That the Moon
(D) which they
(C) When the Moon
5. Some economists now suggest that home (D) The Moon which
equity loans are merely a new trap to
10. According to the World Health
push consumers beyond ______.
Organization, ______ any of the six
(A) they can afford most dangerous diseases to break out, it
(B) they can afford it could be cause for quarantine.
(C) what is affordable
(A) were
(D) able to afford
(B) they were
(C) there were
(D) were they
II. Намерете подчертаната дума или фраза в изречението, в която има грешка.

11. Quarter horses were developed in eighteenth-century Virginia to race (A) on courses
short(B) of about a quarter of a mile(C) in length(D).

12. No longer(A) satisfied(B) with the emphasis(C) of the Denishawn School, Martha
Graham has moved(D) to the staff of the Eastman School in 1925.

13. William Hart was an act(A) best known(B) for his(C) role as(D) western heroes in the
silent films.

14. Prior to(A) an extermination program earlier(B) this century, alive(C) wolves roamed
across nearly(D) all of North America.

15. During(A) the 1960's the Berkeley campus of the University of California came to(B)
national attention as a result(C) its radical political(D) activity.

16. Artist(A) Gutzon Borglum designed the Mount Rushmore Memorial and worked on
project(B) from 1925 until(C) his(D) death in 1941.

17. It is proving less costly(A) and more profitably(B) for drugmakers to market(C)
directly(D) to patients.

18. Sapphires weighing(A) as(B) much as two pounds(C) have on occasion mined(D).

19. Like(A) snakes, lizards can be found(B) on all others(C) continents except(D) Antarctica.

20. Banks, savings and loans, finance companies have recently(A) been doing(B) home
equity loans with greater frequency(C) than ever before(D).
III Прочетете текста и отговорете на въпросите след него.

It is often the case with folktales that they develop from actual happenings but in their
development lose much of their factual base; the story of Pocahontas quite possibly fits into
this category of folktale. This princess of the Powhatan tribe was firmly established in the
lore of early America and has been made even more famous by the Disney film based on the
folktale that; arose from her 1ife. She was a real-life person, but the actual story of her life
most probably differed considerably from the folktale and the movie based on the folktale.
Powhatan the chief of a confederacy of tribes in Virginia had several daughters none of
whom was actually named Pocahontas.The nickname means "playful one," and several of
Powhatan's daughters were called Pocahontas.The daughter of Powhatan who became the
subject of the folktale was named Matoaka. What has been verified about Matoaka, or
Pocahontas as she has come to be known, is that she did marry an Englishman and that she
did spend time in England before she died there at a young age.ln the spring of 1613, a young
Pocahontas was captured by the English and taken to Jamestown.There she was treated with
courtesy as the daughter of chief Powhatan.While Pocahontas was at Jamestown, English
gentleman John Rolfe fell in love with her and asked her to marry. Both the governor of the
Jamestown colony and Pocahontas's father Powhatan approved the marriage as a means of
securing peace between Powhatan's tribe and the English at Jamestown. In 1616, Pocahontas
accompanied her new husband to England, where she was royally received. Shortly before
her planned return to Virginia in 1617, she contracted an illness and died rather suddenly.
44A A major part of the folktale of Pocahontas that is unverified concerns her love for
English Captain John Smith in the period of time 6efore her capture by the British and her
rescue of him from almost certain death. 44B Captain John Smith was indeed at the colony of
Jamestown and was acquainted with Powhatan and his daughters; he even described meeting
them in a 1612 journal. 44C However, the story of his rescue by the young maiden did not
appear in his writings until 1624, well after Pocahontas had aroused widespread interest in
England by her marriage to an English gentleman and her visit to England. 44D It is this
discrepancy in dates that has caused some historians to doubt the veracity of the tale. 44E

21 The main idea of the passage is that

(A) folktales are often not very factual
(B) Pocahontas did not really exist
(C) any one of Powhatan's daughters could have been the Pocahontas of legend
(D) Pocahontas fell in love with John Smith and saved his life

22 Look at the expression arose from in paragraph 1.This expression is closest in meaning
(A) developed from
(B) went up with
(C) was told during
(D) climbed to

23 What is true about the name Pocahontas, according to the passage?

/choose 2 answers/
(A) It was a nickname.
(B) It meant that someone was playful.
(C) On1y one girl was known to have used this name.
(D) Powhatan was one of several people to be given this nickname.

24 Write the first 3 words of the sentence in paragraph 2 that indicates how Pocahontas was
treated when she was under arrest at Jamestown.

25 It can be inferred from the passage that Pocahontas:

(A) never intended to return to Virginia
(B) had a long marriage
(C) suffered from a long illness
(D) did not mean to remain in England

26 Look at the word indeed in paragraph 3. This word is closest in meaning to:
(A) therefore
(B) in fact
(C) unexpectedly
(D) in contrast

27 Write down the word in paragraph 3 that is closest in meaning to "personally familiar."

28 Look at the word he in paragraph 3. Write down the word or phrase in paragraph 3 that
he refers to.

29 Why are some historians doubtful about the proportion of the Pocahontas folktale dealing
with John Smith?
(A) Captain John Smith probably never knew Pocahontas.
(B) Captain John Smith was never actually in Jamestown.
(C) His rescue purportedly happened while Pocahontas was in England.
(D) His account of the rescue did not appear until well after the event supposedly happened.

30 Write down the word in paragraph 3 that is closest in meaning to "truth."

31 The following sentence could be added to paragraph 3.

However, other historians do argue quite persuasively that this incident did truly take

Where would it best fit in the paragraph? Choose one of the square ( 44_ ) to add the sentence to
the paragraph.


1. A B C D 11. A B C D

2. A B C D 12. A B C D

3. A B C D 13. A B C D

4. A B C D 14. A B C D

5. A B C D 15. A B C D

6. A B C D 16. A B C D

7. A B C D 17. A B C D

8. A B C D 18. A B C D

9. A B C D 19. A B C D

10. A B C D 20. A B C D

21. A B C D

22. A B C D

23. A B C D

24. _____________

25. A B C D

26. A B C D

27. _____________

28. _____________

29. A B C D

30. _____________ НАЧАЛО:_ _ _ _ _ _ _

31. _____________ КРАЙ:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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