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Artificial Intelligence

Chapter 6

Building Control Algorithms For

State Space Search

Amjad Alkhateeb

Recursion-Based Search
• Recursive Search
• A recursive procedure consists of:
1. A recursive step: the procedure call itself to
repeat a sequence of actions.
2. A terminating condition that stops the
procedure from recurring endlessly.

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Depth-first Search – no recursion

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Depth-first Search - Recursive

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• Note: No OPEN list
Pattern-Driven Reasoning

No unifications returned

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Pattern-Driven Reasoning (Modified)

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Production Systems

• Provides pattern-directed control of a problem-

solving process.
• Consists of :
1. Production rules
2. Working memory
3. Recognize-act cycle

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Production Systems
1. Production Rules:
• A production is a condition-action pair.
• Condition: pattern that determines when the
rule may be applied.
• Action: define the associated problem-solving

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Production Systems
2. Working memory:
• Description of the current state of the world in
a reasoning process.
• When the condition element of a rule is
matched by the contents of working memory,
the actions(s) associated with that condition
may then be performed.
• The actions of production rules alter the
contents of working memory.
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Production Systems
• 3. The recognize-act cycle:
• Working memory is initialized with a state.
• The current state is maintained as a set of
patterns in working memory.
• The patterns are matched against the
conditions of the production rules; this
produces a subset of the production rules
called: conflict set.
• The conditions of the conflict set match the 10 /40
patterns in the working memory.

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