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A. D. Heath Mail - Woodlands RUD # 1 Director vacancies

A.D. Heath <>

Woodlands RUD # 1 Director vacancies

Shane Potter <> Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 10:41 AM
To: Adrian <>
Cc: Mitchell Page <>, Skip Ferris <>, Anthony Schneider
<>, Bea Flores <>, Tammy Lee Holguin-Benter

Mr. Heath,

In response to your questions:

Looking at your legislature it only states that a landowner shall petition the Commission. You need to have your
attorney interpret the meaning of that section, to determine how many landowners you would require. I cannot
interpret the meaning of that bill.

In regards to the inactive status. The District last filed an affidavit for dormancy back in 2001. If the District has
been active, i.e. building homes, changing directors, etc... A new board registration form needs to be submitted. In
addition, the District must provide the Commission copies of the audits or financial reports filed for each fiscal year
since 2001. This is considered a notice before violation, therefore the District has 30 days before being issued a
violation for noncompliance in reporting. \

Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions or comments.


Shane Potter, E.I.T.

Districts Bond Team
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Ph: (512) 239-4734

>>> Adrian <> 12/13/2010 10:11 AM >>>

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