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Kyle Plemmons Plemmons 1

Mr. Arnold Topic Proposal

English 1101

November 22, 2010

The problem which I have chosen to solve is one of many talk here at the UNC Charlotte

campus. These creatures whom stroll around campus as if they own it, are rather irritating to

me in many different ways. The geese here at Charlotte have been a topic of discussion for a

while and I do believe that we, the people of UNCC, need to do something about it. Stopping in

the middle of the road to let a pack of thirty geese cross is not in my favor when I’m late for

class. So, how is it that we can get these geese off our campus in a safe and environmently

friendly way? Let’s see and find out.

I have interest in this topic for a number of different reasons. First off, geese are sort of

my arch enemies. They are unrational and cruel in my opinion. When my brother and I were

younger, there were geese in our yard with their babies. Doing no harm to the babies, just

admiring them, we were hanging out down by the lake near our seawall. My brother was

looking around to find the momma goose which we knew was down there but wasn’t in sight.

In a snap of the fingers, we hear a noise and turn around to see this momma goose darting

towards my brother. He is standing on a seawall, keep in mind. The goose flew right at my

brother and he fell backwards and into the lake, while proceeding to chip his tooth on the

rocks. This was a long time ago and ever since then, I really haven’t been too fond of geese.

I already know that the geese on campus is considered a problem because of the

discussion about it and the fact that I’ve had to slam on my brakes, endangering myself and
Kyle Plemmons Plemmons 1

Mr. Arnold Topic Proposal

English 1101

November 22, 2010

others, to let these vile Earth treaders walk their merrily way across the road. Not that I want to

run them over or anything, but it was just an annoying and irritating experience to say the least.

I feel like these geese constantly crossing the streets could become a hazard if not already. I

know it almost caused an accident for myself, that’s for sure. Although they are a nusense and

hiss when you get close to them, I want no harm towards these creatures of God. I just want

them off our campus that we pay money to attend. Solutions are avaliable and I just know it.

There are many wildlife officers and companies around and I feel that if a team just could go

out on campus and try to handle the problem by shooing them off campus and making sure

that they obtain the fact they’re NOT allowed here that there could be justice in the matter.

This being said, I’m sure that there are many other solutions which I will pick up on and these

geese will no longer be strolling through my backyard!

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