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Answer for the true and false question.

( Types of Matrices )

1. T ( All the elements in the null matrix must be zeros. The matrix can be of any
size )

2. T ( Example of row matrix : One row and any number of row )

3. F ( All the elements in the unity matrix must be one. The matrix can be of any
size )

4. T ( Example of equal matrix : Given that and , hence A = B


the elements in the corresponding positions must be the same. The order of
matrix A and B is


5. T ( Example of square matrix : 2 Rows and 2 Column )

6. F ( Diagonal matrix is a matrix with any elements in the diagonal part, and zeros
and the ‘

nondiagonal part. Example : )

7. F ( The corresponding positions elements are not the same)

8. F (Column matrix is a matrix with one column and any number of rows. Example :

9. T

10. T

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