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3 devils

7th largest Country, 5th largest Navy, 3rd most powerful air force
and second largest army India, the power of 8 million guards
and the power of 1008 million hearts. But don’t judge the
prejudice that fails.
Devil1: Child labour
We these days see small children working near hotels and
restaurants while they are supposed to study in schools. We
don’t realize the pain they suffer but they work at a cheap
source of labour. The future of India now lies on us we should
bear it and fight against all the devils present in this nation.
Devil2: Movies
Now a days, movies play major role in modelling youth. But
movies at present are doing their job well. They are making us
get attracted towards an actor who acts as a hero. We are
unable to differentiate between who the real hero is and who is
not. They degraded us to such a way that we are unable to
decide what is good and what is bad. After watching this you
decide how youth is involved in this.
They are your employees, not god sent leaders. Movies are
meant to be entertained, not to be followed.
Devil3: Politics
We elect politicians; artists use lies to tell the truth up. While,
politicians the internal terrorists use them to cover the truth.
This country needs more than a politician, it needs hope. This
movie goes on like this with the political scams etc.
Finally, how did this all 3 devils happen? Who’s to blame? Well
certainly there are those who are more responsible than others
and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told if you
are looking for guilty, you need only to look in to the mirror.

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