Loading Plain Bearings

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earings allow PLAIN BEARINGS...............................................A77 0.0005 in. are sufficient if
smooth, low-friction ROLLING-ELEMENT BEARINGS .........................A80 shaft surface finish is held
motion between two MOUNTED BEARINGS........................................A86 within 10-min. RMS and
surfaces loaded against INSTALLATION METHODS .................................A88 bearing inner surface is held
each other. The motion can PREDICTING LIFE...............................................A90 to 30-min. RMS maximum.
be either rotary (such as a ANALYZING FAILURES.......................................A91 In many situations, the
shaft turning within a hous- BEARING ADVERTISING ....................................A94 bearing itself contains or
ing) or linear (one machine acts as the lubricant. Such
element moving back and prelubricated or self-lubri-
forth across another). Linear-motion tion include operating and ambient cating bearings are discussed later in
bearings are covered in the Linear Mo- temperatures, type of lubrication, this bearing department.
tion Devices Product Department of running clearance, nature of load, de-
this handbook. In some applications, gree of contamination, and cost.
bearings accommodate linear and ro-
tary motion simultaneously. A bearing’s load capacity is often
As with motion, load is applied to a
PLAIN BEARINGS determined through experience and
bearing in either of two directions, or In a plain bearing operating under generally is expressed as pounds per
both. Radial loads act at right angles hydrodynamic or full-film lubrication, square inch (psi) of projected bearing
to a bearing’s axis of rotation. Axial a film of lubricant completely sepa- area. A rule of thumb: maximum load
loads are applied parallel to, rather rates the shaft and bearing. It would capacity for static or very-low-speed
than at right angles to, the bearing’s therefore seem logical that any bear- applications is 1/3 the bearing mate-
axis of rotation. In many situations, ing material of required strength rial’s compressive limit. Compressive
bearings must support radial and ax- could be used because there is no limit is that which results in perma-
ial loads simultaneously. In fact, metal-to-metal contact. However, be- nent deformation of 0.2%.
many bearings designed to carry pri- cause most applications exhibit less Rarely are industrial bearings
marily radial loads usually carry than full-film lubrication at least oc- loaded over 3,000 psi. In fact, most
some axial load, too. casionally, a bearing of proper mate- carry loads under 400 psi. A bearing’s
The most basic bearing is the plain rial and design must be selected to en- load capacity varies widely with its
type. It has no moving parts and it sure satisfactory operation. size and type of material. Figure 1
supports loads through sliding mo- The type of lubrication may also shows load capacities for three types
tion. Conversely, rolling-element make the difference between a suc- of bronze, a material commonly used
bearings are subjected to very little cessful application and one in which for plain bearings.
sliding. Load is supported by numer- the bearing fails prematurely. For ref- Another method of determining a
ous rolling members inside the bear- erence, lubrication principles are dis- bearing’s load capacity is through
ing. In either situation, proper lubri- cussed in the PT Accessories Product maximum PV factor. This is the value
cation is essential to long bearing life. Department of this handbook. For of pressure on the bearing, in psi,
Plain bearings generally cost less this discussion, however, a few terms times the shaft speed, in feet per
than similarly sized rolling-element are defined: minute. As with pressure, PV factors
bearings, but rolling-element bear- • Boundary lubrication — bearing should be used only as a guide be-
ings generally can tolerate heavier and shaft surfaces rub together with cause other conditions also affect load
loads and higher speeds. only a thin film of lubricant separating capacity. Figure 2 shows maximum
Bearings that support loads per- them. Grease-lubricated bearings gen- PV factors for three common types of
pendicular to their axis of rotation are erally operate with a boundary film. bronze.
called radial-type. Bearings support- • Mixed-film lubrication — bear- Although PV factor serves as a use-
ing loads parallel to their axis of rota- ings support part of the load on a ful guide in determining bearing ca-
tion are termed thrust bearings. boundary film where the shaft is clos- pacity, the factor can be misleading in
Bearings supporting both axial and est to the bearing. The remainder of some situations. For example, Figure
radial loads simultaneously are the load is supported by hydrody- 2 shows that lubricated sintered
known as combination bearings. Ra- namic, or full-film, lubrication. bronze accommodates a PV factor of
dial-type plain bearings often are re- • Full-film or hydrodynamic — the 50,000. However, a load of 15,000 psi
ferred to as journal or sleeve bearings. shaft is separated from the bearing by operating at 2 fpm would be unaccept-
Plain and rolling-element bearings a continuous film of self-pressurized able because the load exceeds the
are rated according to their load and lubricant with no metal-to-metal con- compressive strength of the material.
speed capacities and required life. tact. This fluid film is generally about Similarly, an application may have an
Other factors affecting bearing selec- 0.001 in. thick, but films as thin as acceptable PV factor, though speed,

1998 PT Design A77

tics can be imparted to it by adding
Figure 1 — Load other metals. In general, softer mate-
ratings of three
rials are designed for lighter loads
common bronzes.
Temperatures and higher speeds; harder materials
should not exceed for higher loads and lower speeds.
300 F with most Metallic — The softest metallic bear-
lubricants. ing materials are babbitts. Both tin and
lead-based babbitts have been widely
rather than load, used as bearing materials for years.
exceeds limita- They are much softer than bronze and
tions. Maximum are able to embed foreign particles,
permissible speed which helps prevent shaft scoring or
is a function of lu- wearing. Babbitt bearings offer excel-
brication, align- lent resistance to shaft scoring and seiz-
ment, shaft sur- ing in boundary lubrication conditions.
face finish, and Because they are so soft, these materials
hardness. Also, usually serve as linings, with stronger
temperatures material for support.
must stay within Copper-lead is also soft, though it
bearing and lubri- approaches some of the softer bronzes
cant limits. in hardness. Steel backing is usually
Though it must needed in copper-based bearings to
be understood that raise strength. Another design has a
neither P nor V for thin babbitt bearing surface and steel
a given material backing, with copper-lead sand-
can be exceeded, wiched between.
the magnitude of In terms of increasing hardness,
heat generated for the next material family is bronze al-
a high P in combi- loys. They serve from very high-
nation with a low speed, light-load uses to very light-
V will be far less load, high-speed uses.
than a low P, high Leaded bronzes are widely used
V, situation. Ve- when start/stop cycles are high. But
locity, more than because these materials are soft, they
up to 75,000 possible
Full-film lubrication—

pressure, influ- are limited by low load-carrying and

ences temperature operating-temperature capacities.
due to sliding for High lead content helps these bronzes
the same product resist seizing or scoring of the shaft.
of P and V. Maximum operating temperature of
leaded bronzes runs typically from
400 to 450 F. Decreasing the lead con-
Physical centration increases strength and
characteristics hardness of the material, but de-
creases its conformability, scoring re-
Bearings oper- sistance, and ability to embed foreign
ating with full- particles.
film lubrication Tin bronze contains much less lead
typically exhibit a Figure 2 — Maximum PV (psi X fpm) of than leaded bronze. This makes it
coefficient of friction between 0.001 three common bronzes. more suitable for high loads at lower
and 0.020, depending on mating sur- speeds. But lubrication is more impor-
faces, lubricant, clearances, and This expansion reduces the clearance tant because tin bronze has less pro-
speed. For a mixed-film bearing, the between the shaft and bearing, fur- tection against seizing and scoring.
coefficient ranges between 0.02 and ther increasing operating tempera- Manganese bronze is an alloy con-
0.08, and for boundary-lubricated ture, resulting eventually in prema- sisting mostly of copper and zinc. Ad-
bearings, between 0.08 and 0.14. ture bearing failure. dition of aluminum, iron, and man-
The coefficient of friction in a bear- ganese increases the material’s
ing application is important because hardness and strength. Thus, man-
the higher the coefficient of friction,
Materials ganese bronzes can carry much heav-
the higher the heat generation. Ex- Many metallic, nonmetallic, and ier loads than the softer bronzes, but
cessive heat reduces life of the bear- compound materials are available to again, adequate lubrication must be
ing. Excessive heat may also cause ex- designers. Bronze has probably been provided. Also, higher quality shaft
pansion of the shaft, housing, or the most familiar plain bearing mate- finish is required.
bearing, or any combination of these. rial because a variety of characteris- Aluminum bronze is a copper-

A82 1997 Power Transmission Design

based alloy containing up to 14% alu- Because of high cost, other materi- the bearing. Typically, about half the
minum and various other metals. als such as cadmium and silver are in heat flows radially outward to the
Aluminum bronze has become popu- only limited use. Cadmium can serve support housing, while the other half
lar over the last few decades due in high temperatures where no other transfers to the shaft and flows axi-
mainly to its resistance to creep, cor- material is satisfactory. Suspected ally away from the bearing.
rosion, wear, and oxidation at high toxicity of cadmium in some uses The most common self-lubricating
temperature, as well as its high should be considered. Silver has good materials include polytetrafluor-
strength . resistance to seizing and shaft scor- oethylene (PTFE), graphite, and
Another popular bronze material is ing, and is usually electroplated onto molybdenum disulfide (MoS2). PTFE
sintered bronze. It is made from pow- a steel backing. When low cost is a is a soft, waxy solid, which is usually
dered bronze which, when subjected to prime concern, cast iron or steel bear- compounded with reinforcing materi-
high pressure and temperature, forms a ings can be used at light loads. Flake als such as composite fabrics with
porous material. The finished material graphite in the cast iron glazes the epoxy resins. It is also compounded
contains oil impregnated in the pores. bearing surface, which is useful at with metal or ceramic powders to
Sintered iron bearings, made simi- speeds to about 130 fpm and loads to build strength and improve thermal
larly, have become a popular cost-ef- 150 psi. conductivity, or is supported on a po-
fective alternative, especially in high- Nonmetallic — Nonmetallic or rous bronze substrate or stainless
volume uses such as fhp motors. They self-lubricating bearings often re- steel or bronze screen.
also behave similarly in that either quire no liquid lubricant. Self-lubri- Graphite is too weak for use by it-
sintered bronze or sintered iron can cating bearings are most effective in self. Tiny graphite flakes are gener-
operate in boundary (thin-film) or hy- applications where relative motion is ally bonded with carbon or thermoset-
drodynamic (full-film) lubrication not sufficient to circulate oil or grease ting resins. Suppliers of carbon
mode, depending on application pa- required for metallic bearings. Self- bearings offer scores of individual
rameters. In theory, the major differ- lubricating bearings are also used for grades tailored to requirements of
ences between a porous and a non- temperatures beyond the scope of con- specific applications.
porous bearing, presuming steady ventional lubricants. These tempera- MoS2 crystals are generally bonded
state and an adequate oil supply, are: tures may range from – 400 to 750 F with resins or metal. In many cases
• In the “pressure wedge,” oil es- or higher. Self-lubricating bearings MoS2 is incorporated into plastic bear-
capes into the porous bearing’s pores are especially well suited for corrosive ings, such as nylon, to improve bearing
and reduces the hydrodynamic oil environments. life. Other plastics often used for bear-
pressure available for load support. Friction, coupled with rapid wear, ings include Acetal and Polyimide.
• In the region of reduced pressure limits the application of self-lubricat- Both wear rate and friction are
(the unloaded part of bearing clear- ing bearings. The coefficient of fric- greatly reduced when self-lubricating
ance), oil is drawn from the pores and tion of self-lubricating bearings run- bearings run submerged in any liquid
oil-film cavitation is reduced. ning completely dry generally ranges because the liquid cools the bearing.
The two effects set up oil circula- from 0.1 to 0.4. The mechanical en- In fact, even poor lubricants — ammo-
tion in the pores. ergy lost in the bearing is converted to nia, propane, and water — form
Zinc-aluminum alloys have emerged heat, which must be dissipated. The enough of a hydrodynamic film to
in recent years as a cost-effective alter- materials generally are poor conduc- carry part of the load. The self-lubri-
native to bronze alloys, However, suc- tors of heat, so it is important to pro- cating benefits provide an “artificial”
cessful application of zinc-aluminum vide a means of dissipating heat from lubricant film for startups, shock
alloys is restricted primarily to high- loads, and other
load, low-speed applications. Figure 3 transients, while
shows the maximum load-speed- the fluid provides
curves for two zinc-aluminum alloys full-film lubrica-
plotted against SAE 660 bronze. The tion once adequate
tests were conducted under the spon- speed is reached.
sorship of the International Lead Zinc Self-lubricating
Research Organization, by Battelle In- bearings can im-
stitute, Columbus, Ohio. prove performance
Though the graph clearly shows even in fully lubri-
higher load capacity of the zinc-alu- cated applications.
minum alloys (which could also be in- For example, with
terpreted as longer life under equal hydrodynamic lu-
load), it should be pointed out that brication, self-lu-
even though zinc-aluminum alloys bricating bearings
cost much less than bronze, they are have friction coef-
more limited by temperature than
bronze, having maximum operating Figure 3 —
temperatures below 300 F. Zinc-alu- Maximum load-
minum alloys should therefore be lim- speed ratings for two
ited to low-speed, low-temperature common zinc alloys
applications. and SAE 660 bronze.

1997 Power Transmission Design A83

ficients similar to those of lubricated less friction than plain bearings. For magnitude? What is its nature (uni-
metals. Yet, self-lubricating materi- this reason, rolling-element bearings form, light shock, heavy shock)?
als can provide longer life because are often called anti-friction bearings. When load is applied as a combina-
they resist wear at startup when lu- As with plain bearings, rolling-ele- tion of radial and thrust forces, con-
bricants are not fully effective. An- ment bearings are available for radial vert these factors into a single equiva-
other advantage is lower startup loads, thrust loads, or a combination lent radial load using formulas in the
torque, which reduces the system’s of radial and thrust loads. engineering section of manufacturers’
power requirements. catalogs.
A prelubricated bearing is made of Speed: How high is speed? Is it con-
a nonmetallic material with grease
Ball bearings stant or variable? Bearing speeds are
pockets. With this type of bearing, an Radial ball bearing — There are limited by tolerance grade, lubricant
initial supply of lubricant is applied two basic types of radial ball bearings: used, retainer design, and type of
at startup, and is gradually released the non-filling slot or Conrad type, bearing seal.
as the bearing wears. and the filling slot or maximum ca- Manufacturers offer a guide for
pacity type, Figure 4. maximum safe operating speeds. The
The Conrad bearing has a deep, un- speed value (DN) for inner ring rota-
Grooving for lubrication interrupted raceway in inner and outer tion, is the product of bearing bore in
Often, a metallic bearing’s axial rings. This design carries heavy radial millimeters and shaft speed in rpm.
length must be large to carry the re- and moderate bidirectional thrust Compare DN values with the manu-
quired load. To provide lubricant loads. The filling slot or maximum ca- facturer’s recommended value to de-
throughout the entire length of the pacity bearing contains more balls than termine type of lubrication and toler-
bearing, the ID often contains oil an equivalent-sized Conrad type, and ance grade. Table 1 gives safe DN
grooves. Most short bearings have no therefore, a higher radial load capacity. values for standard ball bearings.
grooves. However, most have an oil Required life: How long
hole centrally located in the unloaded must the bearing operate?
area of the bearing. In general, oil will Although it is impossible to
flow unaided by grooves approxi- predict the fatigue life of
mately 1/2 in. axially to each side of the an individual bearing, lives
oil hole. If the bearing has an axial of identical bearings from a
length greater than 1 in. (not including representative lot tested at
the oil hole diameter) a groove is usu- common conditions form a
ally necessary. A groove may also be definite statistical distri-
required to produce an oil film when bution. Because of varia-
the bearing length-to-diameter ratio is tions in individual bearing
greater than 1:1. With a grease film, lives, fatigue life of a group
the ratio may approach 1.5:1 without a of bearings is defined as
groove. To provide a complete and con- the number of hours of op-
tinuous film in a grease-lubricated Figure 4 — Conrad-type ball bearing, left, eration at a given speed that 90% of
and maximum-capacity (filling slot) type,
bearing, grease must be pumped into the bearings in a lot can achieve be-
the bearing continuously. fore the onset of fatigue failure. This
Groove depth is generally 1/16 in. or is called the Ll0 life.
about 1 / 3 the wall thickness. Oil However, because of the filling slots, Environment: Environment takes
grooves are usually 1/8 in. wide. Grease thrust loads must be light and applied into account ambient and operating
grooves may be 1-1/2 times the width of only in combination with a heavier ra- temperatures, and degree and type of
an oil groove. The groove should come dial load. Exceeding rated thrust contamination. Speed, load, and ex-
no closer to the end of the bearing than causes balls to roll over the filling slots, ternal heat affect operating tempera-
0.05 times the length of the bearing, or causing severe
a minimum of 1/8 in. The groove can damage to the bear-
penetrate one or both ends of the bear- ing. Bearing load
ing if oil is introduced at these points. capacity can also be
Grease-lubricate sintered bronze increased by using
bearings only if they are grooved. Or- a double row bear-
dinary soap-based grease should not ing instead of the
impregnate the pores because the max type.
soap will clog the pores. Grease should To select a proper
be introduced through a hole drilled in radial ball bearing
the unloaded portion of the bearing. for an application,
analyze the follow-
ing variables:
Rolling-element bearings rely on ei- plied as radial,
ther balls or rollers to support loads. thrust, or a combi-
The rolling motion produces much nation? What is its

A84 1997 Power Transmission Design

ture. Contaminants, such as dirt, wa- the lubricant itself or be-
ter, or corrosive chemicals, are pre- tween lubricant and
sent in most applications to some de- bearing. Too little or too
gree, and must be excluded from the light a lubricant pro-
bearing. The greater the potential of vides insufficient film
contaminants entering the bearing, protection.
the greater the sealing requirement Many ball bearings
to exclude contaminants and retain are supplied factory-lu-
lubricant in the bearing. In cases of bricated, also known as
extreme infiltration of contaminants, lubricated-for-life bear-
a constant supply of pressurized lu- ings. These bearings
bricant can be introduced to the bear- have seals and an initial
ing to purge contaminants. supply of grease for inac-
Common ball bearings are con- cessible locations or where relubrica- Figure 5 — Flat-race, flat-seat thrust ball
structed of SAE 52100 chromium-al- tion is impractical. bearing, A, and grooved-race, flat-seat
thrust ball bearing, B.
loy, high-carbon bearing steel, which Another important characteristic of
is suitable for most applications. It of- ball bearings is internal clearance.
fers satisfactory operation at temper- Radial ball bearings have internal Figure 5B, are the most common
atures approaching 250 F with no ad- clearances between rings and balls to thrust ball bearings. They consist of a
verse effect on load capacity. Heat absorb the effects of press fitting. shaft-mounted small-bore washer, a
stabilized SAE 52100 steel operates They compensate for thermal expan- large housing-mounted bore washer,
in the 350 F range. sion of bearing, shaft, and housing, and a ball retainer assembly.
Contamination causes more bear- and provide a contact angle in the Banded thrust ball bearings, Figure
ing failures than fatigue. Specific bearing after mounting. Before 6A, are self-contained, have grooved
seals protect against specific types of mounting, check the manufacturer’s races, have a stationary and rotating
contamination. Select a seal that pro- specifications for required shaft and race with full ball complement, and are
vides protection and lubricant reten- housing tolerances. encased in a containing band. These
tion for your specific application. In- Thrust ball bearings — A thrust bearings are most commonly used
formation on seals and seal selection ball bearing provides axial shaft loca- where the bearing’s outer circumfer-
is presented in the PT Accessories tion and supports axial (thrust) load. ence must be protected from contami-
Product Department. Angular-contact ball bearings sup- nation, for blind installation, or where
Lubrication: Bearings may be lu- port radial as well as thrust loads. separating forces cause substantial ax-
bricated with either oil or grease. Al- The ratio of radial to thrust loading ial motion of bearing components.
though oil is preferred, grease is often depends on the angle of contact be- Aligning, grooved race bearings,
used for convenience. Lubrication tween the races and the bearing axis. Figure 6B, are available in single and
minimizes bearing rolling resistance Flat race, flat seat bearings, Figure double-acting types. Double-acting
due to deformation of the balls and 5A, consist of two flat washers and a thrust bearings consist of two re-
raceways, and reduces sliding friction ball retainer assembly. They are used tainer assemblies separated by a flat
between the balls, raceways, and re- where the ball retainer assembly washer and have washers on the top
tainer. Lubricants carry heat away must carry thrust loads without re- and bottom of the unit. Aligning mem-
from the contact zone, prevent corro- straining shaft oscillation or flexures. bers compensate for initial misalign-
sion, and help exclude contaminants. They serve best with light loads and ment due to shaft deflection or mis-
Grease quantity and characteris- are economical. This bearing’s load match, while allowing uniform
tics must satisfy operating conditions. capacity is approximately 28% that of distribution of load through the bear-
Too much or too viscous a lubricant a comparable grooved-race bearing. ing. Aligning, concave surface wash-
generates heat due to friction within Grooved race, flat-seat bearings, ers are generally soft, to ensure

1997 Power Transmission Design A85

steel balls, and an outer race section bearings have much lower iner-
of one, two, or more ma- tia than conventional bearings of equal
chined or stamped parts. bore, and they require much smaller en-
Race and casing material is velopes, which can significantly reduce
usually carbon steel. overall drive weight.
Because surfaces are un- Thin-section bearings come in ball
ground, and because some and roller types. To choose a specific
parts are stamped, the bear- type, use the same criteria you would
ing has greater radial and use to select a conventional bearing.
axial freedom than a preci- By nature, thin-section bearings
sion bearing. have a much lower load capacity than
Unground ball bearings equally sized conventional bearings,
generally are suited to light Figure 8. When load, life, and speed
loads at low speeds. The permit their use, thin-section bear-
Figure 6 — Banded thrust ball bearing, A, lower the speed, the greater the bear- ings allow lighter, more compact de-
and aligning, single-acting, grooved-race ing’s load capacity. Generally, the signs than conventional extra-light
thrust ball bearing, B. bearings are not suited to speeds series bearings, Table 2.
above 1,200 to 1,500 rpm. At these Thin-section bearings are designed
proper seating through wear-in. speeds, loads may range from 50 to for light to medium-duty drives oper-
Double-acting, grooved-race bear- 500 lb, depending on bearing size and ating at medium and slow speeds.
ings, Figure 7, have two identical flat construction. On the other hand, loads Conversely, they are not well suited
seat washers, two ball retainer as- of 2,500 lb may be practical with a for heavy-duty or high-speed drives
semblies, and a center washer. They bearing operating at 50 rpm. operating continuously. Speed limita-
carry thrust loads in either direction. Misalignment has little effect on tions (DN) are shown in Table 3.
One ball assembly carries load in one commercial unground ball bearing as- Because rolling elements and races
direction, the other assembly in the semblies because of their greater in- are so small in thin-section bearings,
reverse direction. ternal clearances. Excessive mis- they must be properly supported in
Unground ball bearings — Com- alignment destroys any bearing, but the drive’s assembly. Be sure that ax-
mercial unground ball bearings can far less production accuracy is re- ial, radial, or moment deflection of the
reduce cost of assemblies, decrease the quired with unground bearings. As a thin-section bearing does not prohibit
number of parts required, and reduce result, the entire assembly can be its use. Also, imperfections in bore or
labor costs by speeding assembly for much simpler in construction than a shaft diameter will be transmitted to
original equipment manufacturers. precision bearing. rolling paths, reducing life or increas-
Because tolerances are much looser The major advantage of unground ing torque drag of the bearing.
than in precision bearings — com- ball bearings over the higher precision Thin-section bearings may also re-
monly 0.005 in. for OD and ID — extra ball bearings discussed earlier is duce the number of required compo-
fasteners and locking plates are often price. Unground ball
unnecessary with unground ball bear- bearings are far less
ings. A split race type simplifies as- expensive than the
higher precision types.
On the other hand, life
of unground bearings
is less than precision
bearings. Also, un-
ground bearings gener-
ally feature inch rather
than metric external
dimensions. Unground
Figure 7 — Aligning, double-acting, bearings also operate
grooved-race thrust ball bearing. at higher noise than
precision bearings.
sembly. A press-fitted flange radial This may be overcome,
bearing, for example, seats itself. when necessary, by us-
Drilled and tapped inner races or ing a nonmetallic ma-
square or hex bore inner races provide terial on outer cases.
an inexpensive means of locating the Thin-section bear-
bearing on the shaft. In many cases, ings — Thin-section
the shaft itself serves as an inner race. bearings are used
Commercial unground bearings are mainly where space and
available as radial, thrust, or combina- weight must be con-
tion types. Basically, the bearing is served. Cross-sectional area of these Figure 8 — Typical load capacities of thin-
made of a machined or stamped inner bearings remains constant within a se- section and standard-section, extra-light
race, a full complement of hardened ries, regardless of bore diameter. Thin- series, angular-contact ball bearings.

A86 1997 Power Transmission Design

Figure 9 — Rotating kingpost assemblies:
through the hollow conventional design, A, and improved
shaft, protecting design using thin-section bearings, B.
them from damage.
outer ring to accommodate thermal
axial expansion of the shaft and toler-
Roller bearings ance buildup in an assembly. Cylin-
Because roller drical roller bearings with ridges on
bearings have the inner and outer rings, Figure 11,
greater rolling sur- accommodate some thrust. The
face area in contact amount depends primarily on the rate
with inner and of heat generation and the rate of heat
outer races, they dissipation by conduction and oil cir-
generally support culation.
greater loads than Limiting speed of a cylindrical
comparably sized roller bearing depends on the roller
ball bearings. length-to-diameter ratio, precision
Rolling-element ge- grade, roller guidance, cage type and
ometries include cy- material, type of lubrication, shaft and
lindrical rollers, of housing accuracy, and heat dissipa-
rectangular cross tion properties of the overall mount-
section; spherical ing. For general use, roller length
rollers, which are equal to roller diameter provides the
barrel or hourglass- best balance of load and speed capaci-
shaped; and ta- ties. The limiting speed of a “square”
pered rollers, of roller bearing is considered equal to
nents in a design. For example, rotat- trapezoidal cross section. that of a comparable series ball bear-
ing kingpost assemblies using two Cylindrical roller bearings are de- ing. The limiting speed for outer ring
standard bearings and a long shaft signed primarily to carry heavy radial rotation is about 2/3 the limiting speed
can be replaced with a more compact loads. Spherical roller bearings carry for inner ring rotation. Because limit-
design using large diameter thin-sec- primarily radial loads but, in addi- ing speed depends on many variables,
tion bearings. In the conventional tion, accept some thrust loading and consult the bearing manufacturer’s
kingpost design, Figure 9A, standard accommodate wide variation of shaft- catalog for specific values.
bearings are mounted back-to-back to to-housing misalignment. Tapered The bearings must position a rigid
maximize rigidity under moment roller bearings carry radial and shaft in a rigid housing so that the
loading. The thin-section design, Fig- thrust loads. shaft rotates freely with minimum ra-
ure 9B, uses large-diameter thin-sec- Cylindrical roller bearings — dial and axial movement. To do this,
tion bearings to increase rigidity of Cylindrical roller bearings have the the bearings must support the shaft
the structure. The bearings, mounted highest radial capacity for a given at only two points — usually at each
back-to-back, support a hollow shaft cross section, and the highest speed end of the shaft. One bearing should
that is more rigid than the small di- capability of any type of roller bearing. locate the shaft axially, while the
ameter shaft. As an added benefit, A nonlocating bearing, Figure 10, bearing at the other end of the shaft
wiring and hoses can be routed allows axial movement of the inner or allows axial expansion or contraction.

1997 Power Transmission Design A87

A needle roller bearing’s capacity is can be extended if provision is made
higher than most single-row ball or for periodic relubrication.
roller bearings of comparable OD. The When selecting needle roller bear-
bearing permits use of a larger, stiffer ings, consider these guidelines:
shaft for a given OD, and provides a • The most compact and economi-
low-friction rolling bearing in about cal arrangement uses the equipment
the same space as a plain bearing. shaft as the bearing’s inner race. In
The basic needle roller bearing is this situation, manufacturer’s re-
the full-complement, drawn-cup bear- quirements for shaft hardness and
ing, Figure 12. The outer race is a thin, surface finish must be followed. Typi-
drawn cup that has been surface hard- cal values for hardness range from
ened. Roller ends are shaped so that Rockwell 58C to 60C; surface finish,
lips on the outer race keep them from 16 min. or better. Keep shaft paral-
falling out. Because the outer race is lelism within 0.0003 in. for the full
Figure 10 — Nonlocating cylindrical roller thin, it must be installed in a correctly length of the bearing, or within half
bearing accommodates axial flotation by sized and properly backed-up housing the shaft tolerance, whichever is less.
not restraining rollers axially on the inner to transmit load effectively. In most in-
ring. Similar bearings allow axial roller stances, a hardened shaft acts as the
freedom on the outer ring. bearing’s inner race, although an inner
race can be supplied when the shaft
cannot be hardened.
The grease-retained, drawn-cup
needle roller bearing, Figure 13, is not
used as extensively as the basic, me-
chanically retained version because
rollers may fall out if the shaft is re-
moved. Also, the heavy grease that re-
tains rollers is incompatible with some
applications. The advantages of this
type of bearing over the basic bearing
is higher load-carrying capacity be-
cause rollers have spherical ends.
A caged needle roller bearing, Fig-
Figure 13 — Because roller ends are
ure 14, is designed for heavier-duty, spherically shaped, grease-retained
Figure 11 — Cylindrical roller bearing higher-speed applications. The heavi- drawn-cup needle roller bearing has
with axially fixed inner and outer rings. est-duty needle roller bearing, Figure slightly higher load rating than a
This bearing allows no axial displacement 14, has a machined cage. Both ma- mechanically retained bearing.
of the shaft and is usually used in chined-outer-race and drawn-cup
conjunction with an axially free bearing caged bearings have sufficient voids
such as the one in Figure 10. to allow pregreasing the bearing for • Do not exceed 0.0002 in. total in-
lifetime lubricated applications. Even dicator reading (TIR) for shaft out-of-
Although roller bearings support with these bearings, operating life roundness or 1/ 2 the shaft tolerance
greater loads than ball bearings, when measured by both two-point
roller bearings are more sensitive to gaging and use of a 90-deg V-block in
misalignment. Angular misalignment conjunction with a dial indicator.
between the shaft and housing causes Cam followers — A cam follower
nonuniform loading of rollers, result- is a special, heavy-duty needle roller
ing in reduced bearing life. Poor align- bearing with a heavy outer race sec-
ment of the bearing on the shaft is an- tion. There are two basic types: one
other cause for misaligned inner and with an integral stud for cantilever
outer rings. Such misalignment oc- mounting; the other, an integral inner
curs even with unloaded bearings. race for yoke mounting. Both types,
The external load may deflect the Figure 15, may have a crowned OD,
shaft or housing, which is another which compensates for a reasonable
source of bearing misalignment. amount of bearing misalignment with
Needle roller bearings — Simi- the track or cam to prevent corner
lar in appearance to cylindrical roller loading of the outer race. This helps
bearings, needle roller bearings have maintain more uniform stress distri-
a much smaller diameter-to-length bution over the track or cam surface,
ratio. By controlling circumferential Figure 12 — Drawn-cup needle roller and increases assembly life. Crowning
clearance between rollers, or needles, bearing. Rollers are retained by lips at the also minimizes skidding of the cam fol-
rolling elements are kept parallel to ends of the outer casing and projections of lower on flat circular tracks or cams.
the shaft axis. the rollers. To select a cam follower, evaluate

A88 1997 Power Transmission Design

When a tapered roller bearing is
loaded, the external load is trans-
formed into three load components: a
radial component perpendicular to
the bearing axis; a thrust component
parallel to the axis; and a smaller
roller-seating force. This seating force
keeps the large end of each roller in
contact with a rib on the large end of
the cone, providing positive roller
guidance that keeps rollers aligned.
Because the tapers of the rollers,
cup, and cone meet at a common apex
on the bearing centerline, the rollers
rotate with true rolling motion with
no skidding of rollers over a raceway.
Thus, tapered roller bearings perform
well during the life of an application.
Figure 14 — Drawn-cup, caged needle
roller bearing, left, and heavy-duty needle thrust load, but the single-row type In addition, the race and roller an-
roller bearing with machined, hardened can be used to support predominantly gles can be matched to the loading sit-
and ground inner race, right. thrust load. uation — shallow angles for predomi-
Probably the greatest advantage of nantly radial loads and steeper angles
load, speed, alignment, track or cam spherical roller bearings is the ability for greater thrust capacity.
design, and available lubrication. If to accommodate misalignment with • Speed capability: Tapered roller
operating speed is less than the maxi- no decrease in rating or life. They usu- bearings can handle applications
mum allowable speed, choose a bear- ally accept 1 or 2-deg misalignment. from low-speed railway axles to high-
ing size from the given load and speed As a rule, spherical roller bearings speed turbine shafts. For very high-
for a specific life requirement. For lubricated with grease
shock loads, consider a heavy stud are limited to a speed
cam follower or cam yoke roller. that produces a DN
To prevent galling between the fol- value no greater than
lower OD and the track member, lu- 100,000. Oil-lubri-
bricate the track with grease of high cated bearings gener-
enough consistency to adhere to the ally operate up to
track during operation. For continu- 200,000 DN. Spherical
ous rotation, provide continuous oil roller bearings have
lubrication or frequent grease relubri- operated successfully
cation. Automatic lubrication devices at 1 million DN. If
are strongly recommended for inter- speeds greater than
mittent lubrication. these are expected,
Spherical roller bearings — The consult the bearing
term spherical roller bearing gener- manufacturer.
ally refers to a single or double-row, Tapered roller bearings — Ap- Figure 16 — Double-row, spherical roller
internally self-aligning roller bearing. plications in a wide variety from ap- bearing.
Self alignment is obtained by making pliances and aircraft wheels to ma-
one of the raceways a portion of a chine tools, automotive transaxles, speed applications, it may be neces-
spherical surface, Figure 16. These and industrial equipment of all types sary to make special lubrication and
bearings support high radial or com- are served by tapered roller bearings. design provisions.
bined radial-axial loads. The double- In a tapered roller bearing, the • Misalignment: Tapered roller
row type generally is not used for pure rollers and races are built on a cone bearings can be highly tolerant to
principle, Figure 17. misalignment and deflection for two
Specifically, the apexes basic reasons:
of the rollers and races 1. There is the ability to adjust in-
meet at a common point ternal clearance within a tapered
on the bearing axis. roller bearing during installation.
• Load-carrying capa- 2. Mounting arrangement can sig-
bility: Because of this ge- nificantly increase stiffness of an as-
ometry, tapered roller sembly.
bearings are the only • Preload and end play control: A
type of bearing that can special characteristic of tapered roller
carry heavy radial loads, bearings is that their internal clear-
Figure 15 — Stud -type cam follower, left, or thrust loads, or any combination of ance — or setting — is adjustable. It
and yoke-mounted type, right. the two. can be optimized for a given applica-

1997 Power Transmission Design A89

in much the same way as grease-lubri-
Figure 17 — Cone- cated plain bearings. When speed be-
principle geometry of
comes high enough, however, a full lu-
a tapered roller
bearing results in its bricant film is established, eliminating
ability to metal-to-metal contact.
accommodate any Hydrostatic bearings have exter-
type of loading, nally pressurized oil that separates
operate with true shaft and bearing surfaces. Benefits
rolling motion (no include no metal-to-metal contact,
skidding), and high load capacity at all speeds, and
provide positive very low coefficient of friction. The
alignment. only limit to load and speed is the

tion without remachining shafts or provide a wide range of radial and

housings, to provide the best perfor- thrust ratings. For more capacity,
mance and life in any given applica- two-row bearings are used. For excep-
tion. tionally rigorous service such as
Tapered roller bearings can be rolling mills, four-row bearings are
manually set, supplied as a preset as- used. Also available are a variety of
sembly, or set by using one of several thrust bearings, and packaged bear-
automated setting techniques. These ings with seals, lubrication, and pre-
methods are described later under In- set adjustment.
stallation Methods.
• Precision: Tapered roller bear- MOUNTED BEARINGS
ings in the “precision” class are pro-
Figure 18 — Solid and split-type pillow
duced with maximum radial runout Mounted bearing units are avail-
block plain (journal) bearings.
(out-of-roundness) of 75 millionths of able with most types of plain and
an inch. “Super-precision” bearings rolling-element bear-
for the highest-accuracy applications ings. They are conve-
such as machine-tool spindles, have nient and economical,
maximum radial runout of just 40 and reduce the time
millionths of an inch: 1/60th diameter spent selecting and
of a human hair. preparing bearing ele-
• Profile control: The contact geome- ments, housings, seals,
try between the large roller end and the and mounting methods.
cone rib is closely controlled to enhance Mounted bearing units are available Figure 19 — Spherical, A, and rod-end, B,
lubrication. Special attention is paid to off-the-shelf and the only basic selec- plain bearings.
the roller body and cup and cone race- tion information generally necessary
way profiles to ensure full-line contact is shaft size, radial and thrust load, ability of the external pump to supply
for maximum load capacity. load characteristics, speed, mounting pressure for overcoming load and to
For very high loads or misalign- limitations, and environment. supply a flow rate sufficient to carry
ment, or both, the contact profiles can Mounted plain bearings — Sev- away generated heat. Because an ex-
be modified to minimize stress con- eral types of mounting are available ternal pump, motor, and other sup-
centrations and maximize perfor- for plain bearings. A journal bearing port devices are required, these bear-
mance. mounting, Figure 18, may simply be a ings are impractical in many
• Materials: Cups, cones, and bored housing with bearing liner, or a applications.
rollers of most tapered roller bearings split housing with solid or split inter- Besides providing a pre-engineered
are case carburized. The case carbur- nal bearing. support housing for the bearing,
ization process produces hard, long- The outer surface of the bearing mounted bearing units also provide a
lasting contact surfaces that can may have a spherical shape to accom- reservoir for lubricant storage. This
carry heavy loads without distress modate a wide range of angular mis- reservoir extends relubrication inter-
and the tough, ductile core can endure alignment, Figure 19. These are vals, or may serve as a lubricant sup-
heavy shock loads. known as spherical and rod-end bear- ply for the life of the bearing.
• Types: Tapered roller bearings ings. They are commonly used in link- Mounted plain bearings are available
come in a wide variety of types. The ages and low-speed applications. in plain-bored, cast iron, solid pillow
basic single-row bearing is available Hydrodynamic sleeve bearing pillow blocks; babbitt-lined, solid and split
in many angles and roller lengths to blocks, Figure 20, operate at low speeds pillow blocks; flange bearings and

A90 1997 Power Transmission Design

Mounted shaft by rotating the collar relative to
rolling-element the inner ring. When this is done, the
bearings — Most force introduced to the rotation is
ball bearings used transmitted as holding force perpen-
with housing units dicular to the shaft. A setscrew is sup-
incorporate a wide plied to prevent loosening of the collar
inner ring with an during reverse rotation. This is a pre-
integral locking cautionary practice, and does not
collar device. compensate for frequent reverse rota-
There are two com- tion. Manufacturers agree that eccen-
mon types: the tric locking collars should not be used
setscrew collar and for bidirectional applications.
the eccentric or Most mounted ball bearing units
cam locking collar, have spherical ODs. This compen-
Figure 21. Either sates for angular shaft misalignment.
type accommo- The bearing may also have a cylindri-
dates a slip fit over cal OD with a slip-fit in the mounting
commercially to allow axial freedom.
ground shafting. Cylindrical, spherical, and tapered
The setscrew roller bearings also are readily avail-
locking device has able as mounted units. Roller bear-
two setscrews ings are often used for heavier-duty
threaded into applications than ball bearings, and
drilled and tapped therefore may require more rigid lock-
holes in an exten- ing to the shaft.
Figure 20 — Hydrodynamic pillow block sion of the bearing’s inner ring. An al- Selection — The first step in se-
bearing and internal components. ternate design has a concentric collar lecting a mounted bearing is deter-
that slips over the ring extension. The mining shaft size, which considers
take ups; bronze-bushed split pillow setscrews are then threaded into the bending and torsional load. However,
blocks and take ups; solid-film and collar, and contact the shaft through overhung loads or loads between
self-lubricating bushed pillow blocks; untapped holes in the collar extension. large centers may require large shaft
and hydrodynamic and hydrostatic In either case, when the screws are diameters, while bearing loads are
pillow blocks. tightened, theoretically a three-point light. If so, consider light-duty bear-
Plain-bored iron units, babbitt and contact is established. These points ings or machining shaft ends for
bronze-lined, are the simplest. Rigid are the actual two contact points of smaller bearings. However, shafting
units require accurate alignment, the setscrews and the one point on the is not always chosen on an optimum
but babbitt and bronze-lined units opposite side of the shaft OD. engineering basis. Design standard-
wear in and ultimately distribute The eccentric locking collar uses an ization, available stock sizes, and sim-
load over the bearing area. Most bab- extended inner ring of the bearing ilar factors may dictate size.
bitt units conform to the shaft, have that contains a channel eccentric to Choice of the type of bearing is the
good embedability, and do not seri- the shaft, and a matching channel in next step. The prime consideration is
ously score or damage the shaft un- a collar that fits over the inner ring to match bearing design capability to
der boundary lubrication. Bronze- extension. The unit is secured to the load operating characteristics and
lined units are maintenance needs. Operating char-
recommended for acteristics and allowable friction
heavier loads, should lead to the fundamental choice
higher tempera- between plain and rolling-element
tures, and shock groups — with additional considera-
loads. Most of tion to economy. Within the rolling-el-
these units are ement group, selection often involves
grease-lubricated. evaluating types available vs. re-
A lubricant film quirements, then choice of the design
approaching that that suits a multipurpose application.
of hydrodynamic, The method of securing the bearing
full-film lubrica- to the shaft is determined by consid-
tion separates ering performance vs. cost. Ease of in-
shaft from sleeve. stallation is important to the builder
Automatic lubrica- and the maintainer. Maintenance of
tion increases life other portions of a machine may re-
of mounted plain Figure 21 — The setscrew locking collar, quire bearing disassembly. Thus,
bearings. See the PT Accessories left, and the eccentric collar, right, are the bearings and bearing assemblies that
Product Department for lubrication most common methods used to secure a can be easily installed and disassem-
methods and components. mounted ball bearing to a shaft. bled should be used when frequent

1997 Power Transmission Design A91

disassembly is expected. tect signs of a bearing problem. in certain situations, a bearing is in-
Choose the housing or mounting Today, unitized bearings, improved stalled preloaded (no clearance).
unit with regard to its support struc- installation tools, and monitoring de- Preloading compensates for deflec-
ture and surroundings as well as to its vices offer manufacturers more reli- tions and heat-related changes that
own strength requirements. Also, con- able alternatives to traditional instal- occur in a bearing during operation,
sider installation factors such as clear- lation methods. These new methods enhancing its stiffness and improving
ance and structural members required take less time, reduce errors, and im- its running accuracy. Bearings that
for mounting, because the housing is prove the performance of the end are commonly preloaded include spin-
the interface between structure and products. dle bearings in machine tools, pinion
power transmission system. In general, Large manufacturers of high-vol- bearings in automotive axle drives,
housings transfer load to the structure ume equipment are most likely to use and printing press bearings.
by surface support and contact. Mount- the new concepts. But smaller OEMs Installation tools. Installers use
ing bolts simply locate and secure. can also benefit. four basic methods to mount bearings
When housings are applied so mount- Unitized bearings. The use of on shafts. First is mechanical mount-
ing bolts supply support, carefully con- self-contained unitized bearings is in- ing. The other three methods rely on
sider bolt size, bolt hole fit, mounting creasing. This is especially so in the newer techniques to increase reliabil-
procedure, or any other factor that may automotive industry, where unitized ity and ease mounting of large bear-
affect capacity. wheel bearing assemblies, called hub ings: temperature mounting, which
Also consider housing material units, have become virtually standard uses heat to expand the bearing and
strength and configuration. A gray in domestic cars. make it easier to mount; hydraulic
iron pillow block with a thick cross A hub unit incorporates all bearing mounting, which uses hydraulic pres-
section and reinforcing web may be components, and it is preset, greased, sure to impart mounting force; and an
stronger than a thinner, steel hous- and sealed for life, Figure 22. Hub oil injection method, which introduces
ing, though the tensile strength of units greatly simplify the mounting an oil film between the shaft and inner
steel is greater. process. The worker simply bolts the ring to reduce frictional resistance.
unit in place, reducing the risk of in- Mechanical mounting is generally
stallation errors. Some hub units in- suitable for bearings with small bore
INSTALLATION METHODS corporate a wheel speed sensor, an diameters — 80 mm or less. Small,
There are numerous ways to install important part of the anti-lock brak- straight-bore bearings are mounted
a rolling-element bearing on a shaft. with a hammer and an impact sleeve.
The following describes common Bearings with a tapered bore are
methods used to install ball bearings mounted with a lock nut and spanner
and most roller bearings. Then the wrench. Table 4 shows the most com-
methods for installing tapered roller mon methods of securing a rolling-ele-
bearings are described last. ment bearing to a shaft, typically by
mechanical means.
Many OEMs prefer a hammer for
Rolling element bearings mounting bearings. But a poorly
aimed hammer blow can cause
other than tapered brinelling damage — small dents in
When bearings are required in bearing balls or raceways that cause
manufactured products, an installer noise and eventual failure. Moreover,
on the production line is often respon- it is difficult to mechanically mount
sible for final assembly of the bearing, bearings with bore sizes over 80 mm.
and for greasing and sealing it. With Consequently, OEMs are switching to
Figure 22 — Hub unit for an automobile
some bearings (angular contact), this contains all bearing components in a installation tools, such as induction
task includes adjusting the bearing unitized wheel bearing assembly. The heaters and the hydraulic nut. These
carefully so that its internal clear- flanged outer ring bolts to the car tools facilitate the mounting of me-
ances — radial and axial distances be- suspension. dium and large bearings (80 to 200
tween inner and outer rings — meet mm or more) and reduce the potential
the application requirements. for costly errors.
In many plants, subsequent prod- ing system. Temperature mounting uses heat to
uct testing consists of an experienced Companies in various industries, expand the bearing inner ring so it
worker listening closely to the prod- wanting to prevent machinery break- can be easily positioned on a shaft. It
uct as it operates to determine if bear- downs, use sensor bearings to obtain is best suited for straight bore ar-
ings and other components were in- feedback on machine functions, such rangements.
stalled properly. as speed, load, force, and temperature. One temperature mounting device
With the number of tasks involved In many cases, these sensors also is the induction heater. Some heaters
in this process, even an experienced provide information on the bearing’s have gages that monitor the heat cy-
worker can make a mistake that later internal clearance — a critical param- cle to prevent damaging a bearing by
surfaces in the form of poor bearing eter in bearing installation. In most overheating. Other methods include
performance. Also, the sound test is applications, a bearing has a slight in- hot plates, oil baths, and ovens.
often not sophisticated enough to de- ternal clearance after mounting. But Hydraulic mounting uses a hy-

A92 1997 Power Transmission Design

Table 4 — Common shaft mounting methods and their characteristics for rolling-element bearings

draulic nut, which consists of a steel close control of shaft or housing fits to near zero to slight preload maximizes
ring and an annular piston. Oil obtain an accurate setting. Because bearing life. Some applications use
pumped into the nut pushes the pis- they are mounted in pairs, Figure 23, moderate preload to increase rigidity
ton out to mount the bearing. Pres- their setting depends mostly on the of parts so they resist adverse affects
sure and travel gages help the worker location of one bearing row relative to of excessive deflection and misalign-
in applying the right amount of force. the other on the shaft. ment. Excessive preload, though, can
Oil injection is well-suited for in- drastically reduce bearing
stalling large bearings (bore diameters fatigue life or cause high
over 200 mm). It delivers pressurized End A temperatures that lead to
oil via connecting ducts in the shaft to plate Shaft bearing damage.
shallow grooves on the shaft surface. Manual setting. Produc-
The thin layer of oil reduces the fitting tion-line workers often set
pressure and simplifies mounting. bearings manually for
Condition monitoring. Produc- equipment that is manufac-
tion line innovations aren’t limited to tured in low-to-moderate
improved installation tools. Condition volume, and where a wider
monitoring devices are also gaining than normal range of end
acceptance as a way to ensure proper play (0.004-0.010 in.) is ac-
bearing installation. By detecting vi- ceptable. No special tools or
bration frequencies produced by ma- fixtures are typically re-
chine components, these devices en- quired. In a truck wheel, for
sure that a product meets quality example, an assembler
standards, and pinpoint defects that tightens an adjusting nut on
would be otherwise imperceptible. the end of the shaft while ro-
Excerpted from an article by SKF tating the wheel until a
USA Inc. in the October 1995 issue of slight bind is felt. Then the
PTD. assembler backs off the nut
Figure 23 — Tapered roller bearings are enough to let the wheel rotate freely
mounted in pairs. Bearing settings are and locks the adjusting nut in position.
Tapered roller bearings affected by tolerances on mounting For large, complex machines, or
To meet operating conditions and dimensions (A and B) as well as bearing high-production applications, manual
optimize bearing performance, ta- tolerances. setting may be too troublesome, time-
pered roller bearings can be set to any consuming, or inappropriate. In such
desired axial or radial clearance. Tapered roller bearings are set to cases, preset bearing assemblies and
These bearings can be set either man- achieve one of two conditions: automated setting techniques offer
ually, or by one of several automated • End play — Axial clearance be- better alternatives.
methods as described later. You can tween bearing rollers and races. Preset bearing assemblies. Many
also get them as preset assemblies. • Preload — Axial interference be- machines require closely positioned
Unlike other rolling-element bear- tween rollers and races. bearing arrangements. In such cases,
ings, tapered bearings don’t require Generally, a setting ranging from manufacturers often use preset bear-

1997 Power Transmission Design A93

ings, which bearing life factors (1971). the life of through-hardened VIM-
Spacer ring typically use Recently, the Society of Tribologist VAR AISI M-50 steel.
spacer rings and Lubrication Engineers (STLE)
between bear- developed new life factors that reflect
ing rows to improvements in steel manufacturing
Updated life factors
control inter- and lubrication over the last 50 years. Figure 25 shows how bearing life
nal clearances, These improvements increased bear- increased over 50 years and how that
Figure 24. ing life substantially. The new life fac- increase was reflected in the industry
The tors, which make it possible to predict standards and life factors. The early
mounted bear- bearing life much more accurately, ANSI/AFBMA standards (1950s) had
ing setting de- are described in the book STLE Life no life adjustment factors.
pends on this Factors for Rolling Bearings, 1992 In 1971, ASME introduced life ad-
internal clear- (STLE, 840 Busse Highway, Park justment factors of about 15 for both
ance plus the Ridge, Ill., 60068-2376). ball and roller bearings, reflecting im-
shaft and provements since 1940.
Figure 24 — Preset housing fits. In 1978, the AFBMA introduced
bearing assembly with T y p i c a l l y , Better steel and lubrication separate life factors for reliability,
spacer ring between assemblers Advances in steel manufacturing manufacturing, and operation. The
bearing rows.
tight-fit either that contributed to improved bearing 1990 ANSI/AFBMA standards incor-
the shaft or life have occurred in the areas of heat porated life factors of 2.2 and 1.0 for
housing on the rotating bearing mem- treatment, melting, testing, finishing, ball and roller bearings respectively.
ber, producing a mounted setting range and metalworking. Lubrication ad- These factors are more conservative
of less than 0.008 in. To apply a preset vances include using lubricants with than the ASME factors, but are to be
assembly to a machine, simply mount enhanced EHD oil film thickness be- used with other factors obtained from
and ensure clamping of the bearing tween bearing components, and im- bearing manufacturers.
components through the spacers. proved bearing finishes. The 1992 STLE life adjustment fac-
Preset bearings are typically ap- By the 1960s, NASA combined tors reflect a life increase of over 60
plied in transmission idler gears, many of these advances to boost bear- times, compared to 1950 standards.
sheaves, conveyer idlers, and large ing life by 13 times the amount pre- Using the original ANSI/AFBMA
gearboxes, plus fan hub, water pump, dicted by the 1950 standards. In 1973, standards gives very conservative life
and idler pulley shafts. the use of vacuum-induction-melted, estimates for ball bearings, Figure 26.
Automated setting techniques. vacuum-arc-remelted (VIM-VAR) Here, the life can be underpredicted
Bearing manufacturers offer various AISI M-50 steel and improved oil fil- by a factor of 100. By contrast, the
automated bearing setting methods tration increased the life of angular- new STLE factors give much more ac-
that give reduced set-up time and as- contact ball bearings by 100 times. curate, though still conservative, re-
sembly cost, plus consistent and reli- Lastly, in 1983, the General Elec- sults for today’s bearings. This
able settings. In many cases, they can tric Co. developed AISI M-50NiL method generally underpredicts bear-
be used in both production and field steel, which exhibits more than twice ing life by a factor of 2 or 3.
service environments. The best
method for a particular application
depends on the required setting
range, load conditions, type and size
of equipment in which the bearing is 400
located, and the production volume.
These automated methods offer 200
setting ranges from 0.008-0.014 in. 100
down to as little as 0.002-0.004 in. 1992 STLE life factors 25 —
They are used for lightly loaded con- 60 Rolling-
Relative bearing life

veyors, pumps, and air compressors, element

plus heavily loaded transmissions bearing
and axle assemblies. 20 1971 ASME life factors improve-
Excerpted from an article by The ment over
Timken Co. in the June 1995 issue of 10 five
PTD. 8 decades.
Over the years, engineers esti- 2
Pre-1990 ANSI/AFBMA standard
mated the life of ball and roller bear-
ings with the aid of ANSI/AFBMA 1
standards for ball bearings (1950) and 1936 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92
roller bearings (1953), which were up-
dated in 1978 and 1990, plus ASME

A94 1997 Power Transmission Design

80 washing bearings down with
Failure location hot c ondens at e.
60 The most serious problem was poor
Statistical percentage
of specimens failed Inner race shaft and housing fits, which in-
40 Predicted life with creased vibration and thereby raised
STLE life factors bearing loads. The higher load caused
Predicted life more rapid bearing fatigue — dou-
20 with no life factors bling the load on a ball bearing cuts
fatigue life by a factor of eight.
10 Also, abnormal clearances reduced
8 heat transfer out of the bearings so
6 they ran hotter than usual. The heat
Experimental caused the lubricant to degrade faster
than normal. Most bearing and lubri-
2 cant manufacturers say that, based
10 102 103 104 on 155 F, every 25 F increase in lubri-
Bearing life, millions of inner-race revolutions cant temperature cuts lubricant life
in half.
Figure 26 — Predicted and experimental life of 120-mm bore, angular-contact ball
bearings made from VIM-VAR AISI M-50 steel.
Questions to ask
Here is a list of questions to ask
General calculation method equation (1) to obtain the predicted when analyzing a ball or roller bear-
bearing life. ing failure. After you get the answers,
The ANSI/AFBMA standards com- Excerpted from an article by Erwin ask yourself “Why did it happen that
bine three life factors in calculating V. Zaretsky, NASA Lewis Research way?” and “What can we do to keep it
bearing life: Center, in the March 1996 issue of from happening again?”
PTD. Background data.
Lna = a1a2a3L10 (1) 1. When was the bearing installed?
By whom?
ANALYZING FAILURES 2. Was the original design
Lna = Adjusted life, hr The most important tool in diag- changed?
a1 = Adjustment factor for reliability nosing why a bearing failed is a logi- 3. How long did the previous bear-
a2 = Adjustment factor for materials cal and comprehensive approach. The ing last? Why was it replaced?
and processing list of questions at the end of this sec- 4. What is the typical bearing life in
a3 = Adjustment factor for operating tion will give you a good start in deter- similar machines at the same
conditions mining why your bearings failed. location?
L10 = Basic rating life, hr 5. What does the machine manufac-
The STLE calculation method uses turer say bearing life should be?
the same formula, but with more de-
Finding the real cause 6. In the months before failure,
tailed life factors, as described in the Often, the real cause of failure is were there any changes in vibration,
STLE book. Here are the basic steps: masked by a less-than-thorough anal- temperature, equipment, speed, load,
• First list the bearing design pa- ysis. In one example, a large indus- lubrication, or personnel?
rameters (type, size, dimensions, ma- trial plant was experiencing short mo- Lubrication.
terials, melting process, and hard- tor life ( 5 yr) due to bearing failures. 1. Was their adequate lubricant in
ness), and operating conditions (load, The suppliers analyzed a dozen failed the bearing?
speed, temperature, L10 life, and type bearings and concluded that every 2. Does it look discolored, contami-
of lubricant). failure was caused by “inadequate lu- nated, or oxidized? Does it smell
• Determine life factors a1, a2, and brication.” burned?
a3 for these parameters. The first fac- But, a closer investigation indi- 3. Is there water, free or emulsified,
tor, a1, depends only on the probabil- cated that the bearings couldn’t all in the lubricant?
ity of survival that you select: at a fail for the same reason and should 4. Are there traces of burned lubri-
90% probability, a1 is 1. have lasted much longer. cant — a black, sooty deposit — on
Determining a2 and a3 is more in- Engineers then conducted a thor- bearing-housing walls? (May indicate
volved. For a2, you obtain life factors ough analysis of hundreds of failed that lubricant was added after failure.)
for manufacturing variables from the bearings, and they found a host of 5. Have a laboratory analyze a sam-
STLE book, then combine them into problems: ple for viscosity and contamination.
one value. Life factor a 3, which ap- • Manufacturing defects such as Rotating race appearance.
plies to operating conditions, is deter- missing and incorrect-size balls. 1. Is the appearance of the rotating
mined in a similar manner. • Installation errors such as thrust race ball path (RBP) consistent
• Finally, enter the three life fac- bearings installed backwards. around the race?
tors, along with the L 10 value into • Operational errors such as 2. Is width normal? Does it fluctuate?

1997 Power Transmission Design A95

Twelve major causes of bearing failure

Excessive load causes premature fatigue. Overheating symptoms are discoloration False brinelling — elliptical wear marks
Tight fits, brinelling, and improper of rings, balls, and cage from gold to blue. at each ball position with bright finish and
preload can also cause early fatigue Temperatures over 400 F can reduce ring sharp demarcation, often surrounded by a
failure. Looks like normal fatigue, but and ball hardness, and thus, capacity. Can ring of brown debris — indicates
heavy ball wear paths, evidence of also degrade or ruin lubricant. excessive external vibration when bearing
overheat, and more widespread spalling isn’t turning.
are usually evident.

True brinelling occurs when load exceeds Normal fatigue failure — also called Reverse loading — Angular-contact
elastic limit of ring. Marks show as spalling — is fracture of running surfaces bearings are meant to accept axial load in
raceway indentations that increase and subsequent removal of small one direction only. When loaded opposite,
bearing noise. particles. elliptical contact area on outer ring is
truncated by the low shoulder on that side.
Result: high stress and temperature.

Contamination — Symptoms are denting Lubricant failure — Discolored Corrosion — Red/brown areas on balls,
of bearing raceways and balls causing (blue/brown) ball tracks and balls are raceways, cages, or bands are corrosion
high vibration and wear. symptoms. Excessive wear of balls, ring, symptoms. Comes from exposing bearings
and cages will follow, bringing to corrosive fluids or atmosphere.
overheating and catastrophic failure.

Misalignment — You can detect it in Loose fits cause relative motion of mating Tight fits are signaled by a heavy ball
raceway of nonrotating ring by a ball wear parts. Slight but continuous motion causes wear path in the bottom of the raceway
path that is not parallel to raceway edges. fretting — the generation of fine brown around circumference of both rings.
Could bring excessive temperature. metal abrasive particles, which aggravate Excessive interference can overload balls.

A96 1997 Power Transmission Design

3. Does the RBP surface appear ther side of the race? Is the appear- or surface damage?
shiny, polished, water-marked, skid ance consistent? Is there any sign of 2. Is there any area where the
marked, discolored, ribbed or rippled, movement or installation damage? element is not smooth?
worn, etched, pitted, brinelled, 9. Is race hardness within normal 3. Do the ends of the rollers show
dented, cracked, or gouged? specifications? signs of excessive thrust load?
4. Where is the RBP located? On a Fixed race appearance. Apply 4. Is there any evidence of roller
Conrad-type ball bearing without the same questions listed under “Ro- wear or distortion?
thrust load, the RBP will be on the tating race appearance.” Then answer 5. Are contact patterns on rollers
raceway centerline. If the RBP is the following: all identical?
more than 36% off center (between 1. Compare the fixed race ball path 6. Is there any indication of lubrica-
raceway centerline and edge), then it (FBP) with the RBP to see how the tion problems?
had a high thrust load. two interact. 7. Do the ball or roller surfaces ap-
5. Is there any spalling? What is 2. How does the thrust load pattern pear shiny, polished, water-marked,
the spacing of the spalls? compare with the one on the rotating skid marked, discolored, ribbed or rip-
6. On ball bearings, are there any race? pled, worn, etched, pitted, brinelled,
small depressions on the sides of the 3. If there is any spalling, is it the dented, cracked, or gouged?
RBP g r o o v e tha t co u l d i n d i ca t e same as on the rotating race? 8. What is the element hardness?
in stal l ati o n d a m a g e , s u ch a s Cage or retainer appearance. Typical hardness of rolling element
hammering? l. Is there any sign of distortion? bearings is 60-62 Rockwell C. Even
7. Look at the mounting surface of 2. Is there evidence of wear or pol- slightly reduced hardness in a new
the rotating race: ishing? Has it been in contact with ei- bearing shortens life significantly. If a
• Check the diameter and width of ther race? If so, which? used bearing is subjected to high tem-
the race at several points. 3. The rivets that hold the cage to- perature, it will have lower hardness,
• What is the appearance? Are the gether — are they tight? Is there any but will also show other symptoms
original grinding marks visible? How evidence of movement? such as discoloration and overheated
much of the surface is fretted? Is 4. Does the cage show any sign of lubricant.
there evidence that water was heating? Extracted from an article by Sachs,
present? Rolling elements. Salvaterra & Associates in the Octo-
8. Is there evidence of contact on ei- l. Is there any evidence of skidding ber 1992 issue of PTD.■

1997 Power Transmission Design A97

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