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Steve, jobs

Chairman, CEO Apple Computers

Personal Facts
Born February 24,1955 in San Francisco, CA. Adopted
at birth.
 Grew up in the Silicon Valley.
. He was bold to ask William Hewlett . Worked with
Steve Wozniak in the summer. Jobs at Age 14
More Personal Facts :

More Personal Facts Attended Reed College after high

Dropped out after one semester. Continued auditing
courses in classes he liked.
Did part-time job at Atari to finance a trip to India for
studying Eastern Culture and Religio
The Take Off

The Take Off Apples sales and shine began to wear off.
Marketing flawed. Change of tactics. Jobs appointed
John Sculley to be the CEO. January 24, 1984 Jobs
introduced the Macintosh to Apple shareholders. The
“1984” Super Bowl commercial let the world in on what
Apple was up to.
The Start of Apple
The Start of Apple Personal computer Steve Jobs &
Steve Wozniak ventured into a new arena of building
personal computers Woz, the engineer, and Jobs, the
market visionary. Had to make a capital base
somehow. Jobs had to use his parent’s garage. Steve
Jobs and Steve Wozniak
•National Medal of Technology from President
Ronald Reagan in 1985 with Steve Wozniak (the
first people to ever receive the honor).

• Received Jefferson Award for Public Service in the

category "Greatest Public Service by an Individual
35 Years or Under" in 1987.

• Stanford Commencement Speaker in 2005

Named the most powerful person in business by
Fortune Magazine on November 27, 2007.
Steve job Returns :
Steve job Returns Jobs left Apple due to power issues.
He pursuit his interests in computing and graphical
design. He then founded NeXT. NeXT was a computer
platform development company. Sales issues and
wrong focus Focus changed from hardware to software
Jobs introducing the NeXT company

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