Calculation of The A-Interface

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Siemens Network Dimensioning

5.2.2 Calculation of the A-Interface

Let us assume the following values for our planning example:
 N' Mobile Subscribers (MS) = 120 000,
 Traffic / MS = 25 mErl,
 Traffic BSC 2 ç MSC = 26.6 %.

 The traffic value of 800 erlangs between BSC 2 and MSC is derived from the total
traffic value multiplied by the percentage value of 26.6% applicable to the BSC 2.
 The number of TCH's is calculated with the Erlang_B formula and yields a value
rounded up to 900 TCH's.
 We calculate the number of signaling links with the approximation formula so that
one CCS7 link is installed for every 120 TCH's. 8 CCS7 links provide us with
enough security – i.e., there is sufficient transmission capacity for SMS, high loads
or failure of transmission links.
 The number of necessary time slots is obtained from the sum of TCH's and CCS7
links and 1 OAM link. We assume a utilization rate UR = 0.8 for planning reserves,
which means that 38 PCM30 links are required. This figure has to be a multiple of
four because of the TRAU conversion.
 With 40 PCM30's we have reached the configuration limit of 10 TRAU's because
no more than 4 PCM30 modules can be connected for each TRAU.

52 MN1738EU01AL_01
Network Dimensioning Siemens

Step 1: Traffic (BSC 2 ç MSC)

Traffic BSC1,2,3 = N‘MS * Traffic / MS

Traffic BSC 2 = 120 000 MS * 0.025 Erl * 0.26 = 800 Erl

Step 2: # TCH (BSC 2 ç MSC)

# TCH BSC2 = f (B; Traffic BSC2)

# TCH BSC 2 = f (B = 0.01%, Traffic BSC 2 = 800 Erl) = 891 900 TCH

Step 3: # Signaling Links

CCS7 Links A − IFBSC 2 =
TCH sup one

# CCS7 Links on A – Interface = 900 / 120 = 7.5 8 Sig.Link (BSC 2 – MSC)

Step 4: # A – Interface

# TCH BSC2 + # CCS7 Links on A − IF + OMC − Links

# A − IF BSC 2 =
# TS * UR
# A – IF BSC 2 = (900 TCH + 8 CCS7-Links + 1 OAML) / 30 = 30.3
30.3 / 0.8 40 PCM30
Calculation of the A-interface


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