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Barb Schudawa: Top ten reasons I attended La Salle

The Christian Brothers make some fine vino!

The school's right next to the mall: how cool is that?

When Ernie C becomes famous as the spokesperson for

Sylvia's Restaurant, we can say we knew him when!

Where else can you learn Christianity from a former

Buddhist? Long live Father Chun!

(The other) "Milwaukie's Finest!"

My parents bribed me with a gift certificate to Heaven.

So I could do donuts in the parking lot in my mom's VW.

Hang out at the soccer field after school to scope out

Brother Fox, (what was his real name?)

Do Chinese firedrills at every stop light on 82nd Ave in

Colleen Steinberg's Rambler, senior year.

Know the true meaning of "the brick oven!"

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