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Quest Part V

The Dream

I awoke in the morning, having a dream or two,

Yes…, yes I did, and let me tell them to you,

I had one of the old monk and of the scroll,

Let me see,…yes,…yes it was atop of the ol’ grassy knoll,

It was over upon the very same of which sits the monastery,

You know the one, where the ol’ monk lives…and, oh yes, yes indeed, to me he’s quite contrary.

I was making my way up the hill, when I saw a few of the brothers,

They were strolling about, wearing those tunics, …they look to me as though they were simply covers.

Nevertheless, I made my up there to see him and seek some advice,

My belly was running low, and I was in need…alls I had with me was a bag of stale oats and rice.

I made my way to the sanctuary, to have a word,

It had been a while, and as to his well-being, well…I must say, that is… I have not heard.

Yes, yes, I will come to the dreams,

I hope it is not all that it seems.

Now then, I found him there,

Working, scribbling if you will, all the while sitting in his chair.

“Hello there, I do say,

How are you this bright sunny day?”

Without interruption, nor missing a stroke,

The ol’ monk just continued to sit there, looked up, smiled and continued on… he wrote.

I sat upon the bench, and began to speak,

All about the things that I must do at the chambers, ah, my sentence may be bleak.

I shared with him of how a few of the vices I have mastered, and am working on a few,

He stopped, put down his quill and said, “That is good, this is worthy of you.”

“Have you nothing else to share,”

This he did while gazing out the window, casting his eyes over the trees, which are now all bare.

“I have…I have indeed, …but how did you know?”

“Oh my friend, you ask and dally about, for soon it shall begin to snow.”

“The chill shall be upon us all, and for some, a fire needs to be tended,

This, my friend, is what I ask of you, now as for the union of your soul and spirit it shall be mended.”

“Do you mean to say that I shall receive an inner healing?

For you know…that is lately, within me there is indeed something reeling.”

Without an answer, he gave me something to eat, and a glass of wine,

I glanced at him, as though to say thanks, but I just sat there silently, and ate what was mine.

“Perhaps you should take an inventory of what you have,

Oh my, I just burned myself, excuse me while I dab on some salve.”

“I am alright now, as I was saying: you should be aware of what you have and are in need of,

For some, the Holy Spirit shall come down again, bringing to you gifts from up above”

“Do you think I am ready for this,”

“On this matter, I am not certain, but I tell, I would not chance to miss.”

“We have shared numerous things, you and I,

There is certainly some changes within you, all of which your money could not buy.”

“I must be assured that I am ready to enter once again, for last encounter I received a scar,

And this memory is still with me, and the pain of it is never far.”

“Perhaps I should wait and sleep a bit more upon this,”

“I tell you my friend, go, be open and do not dismiss.”

“How may I begin: that I not incur another similar encounter or be hurt or have something to mend?”

“I tell you, go, for you must be open, honest and true, for you may not enter in jest nor to pretend!”

“Now then do as I have advised and recall what you did with the tongs of tenderness , hammer of
determination, ect. For Behold I have seen some who have forgotten to eat their bread, and mingled their
drinks with their tears; they have tasted the dust, and ashes from the fire atop their bread.

And in those same coals, they made their bed.

I have observed their bones cleave to their flesh, they looked like blades of grass,

Yes…this I tell you, was the condition of their carcass.”

“Oh, He comes to meet with you, He comes as having emptied Himself into our bodies of flesh and bones,

Oh, in all this words, written before me, continues to express them, observe, this shelve of tomes.”

I stood there, as a scolded student, by his teacher, having forgotten to study for the test.

I knew there was nothing more for him to say, but I…indeed… must to the rest.

“I am grateful brother for all you have done, I must be on my way,”

“Ah, yes… and for you I shall continually pray.”

“Do you need anything before you depart,”

“No… I must be strong, be on my way… now I must do my part”

With that I left for the Chamber of Confessions and deal with things,

That by His grace, there shall come a new year, to explore of all that it brings!


Bro. Smith SGS


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